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Dems debate --Obama vs Clinton -- 2night in Vegas on MSNBC

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On the menu: race, gender.


Obama is expected to take a pass on the latest Clintons gaffe where they belittled the senator and used the race care against his candidacy.


Clinton made the remark that despite Obama ascendacy in the polls, the blacks will fare far better if they support Clintons. For it takes white person in the white house to bring about real and meaningful change.


The point is obvious. Balck man is unelectable in todays America. The South won't vote for him. Republicans are reluctant to take on Clintons and instead prefer to have Obama win the primary.


Gl;oves are off...maybe!

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^^Are u from the states Baashi? who will u vote for? And what do u think about the system? Does who gets elected matter so long as the system is the same? (The powers behind the scenes)?



ps: i started a thread about the campagin process while hell w/ it now!...hahaha


ps: i think Sen. Clinton made a remark about MLK and thats why she is in hot wars in African-American circles.

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I'm from Somalia :D and now call states my home. I'm not a registered Dem or Rep. I'm what they classify as an independant the swing voter if you will.


I've voted for Dem candidates in the past. I agree Republicans on value/tax issues but find very difficult to put up with their hawkish rhetoric and their foreign policy toward Middle East.

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These debates seem polite and rehearsed. There are no hard hitting questions.What's worse is passive public that hardly held these politicians accountable. Obama is good guy,and his message of hope is inspirational but seem to lack substance. No actual detials as how he would deal with issues from the war, healthcare, unemployement,to illegal immigrants.

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