
Guys, why aren't we talking about the Coronavirus?

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Cumar Filish "Waxaan diyaarinay koox u tababaran aaska dadka u geeriyooda xanuunka Covid19"

Gudoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir ahna duqa magaalada Muqdisho Cumar Maxamuud Filish  oo ka hadlaayay kulanka joogtada ah gudiga ka hortaga Covid19 ayaa sheegay inaay sameeyeen wacyigalin badan oo ku aadan Caronavirus.

Gudoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir ayaa sheegay inaay dadka ka wacyigaliyeen halista Covid19 islamarkaana aay sameeyaan goobaha faraxalka iyo wacyigalin caafimaad, sidoo kale waxaa uu sheegay in dadka aay uga digeen in aay isku yimaadaan.

“Covid19 ma lahan  daaweeyn  laakiin waxaan xooga saarnay inaan wacyigalino shacabka, waxaan sameeynay boorar aan ku dhajinay isgoosyada, waxaana meelaha qaar geeynay agabka faraxalka, waxaan ku dadaalnay inan dadka kala fogeeyno iyo inaan shirar laqaban” ayuu yiri gudoomiye Filish.

Dhanka kale gudoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir ahna duqa magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegay inaay diyaariyeen koox u tababaran aaska qofka u geeriyooda xanuunka Covid19  iyo koox dadka ka wacyigalisa inan loo imaan qofka qaba xanuunka.

“Waxaan diyaarinay koox u tababaran inaay aasaan qofka u geeriyooda cudurka Covid19, kooxdan waxaa kujira dad culimo ah oo dadka ka wacyigalineeysa inaaysan soo tuuran goobta meeydka lagu asturaayo, waxaan dadka usoo jeedinayaa inaay qaataan talooyinka kooxaha caafimaadka si looga hortago cudurkan” Gudoomiye Cumar Filish.

Kulanka joogtada ah ee gudiga kahortaga cudurka Covid19 ayaa lagu dhageeystay dhaqaatiir iyo madax katirsan dowlada federaalka, waxaana wasaarada caafimaadku aay soo bandhigtay halista cudurka iyo sida xowliga ah ee uu u faafayo. 

Wasaarada ayaa sheegtay in tiradii ugu dambeeysay aay ahaayd 19 ruux oo uu soo ritay xanuunka, waxaana tirada guud aay mareeysaa 135 qof oo laxanuunsan cudurka Covid19.


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Farmajo unveils Social Safety Net Program


The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, has today launched at the presidential palace a nationwide social safety net programme, which is better known as “Baxnaano”, to help protect the poor and vulnerable families.

The Baxnaano program is funded with pre-arrears clearance grant from the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank as an integral part of the National Social Protection Policy, which is being carried out under the leadership of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA). The Baxnano programe is intended to provide cash transfers to targeted poor and vulnerable households and establish the key building blocks of a national shock-responsive safety net system.

The manager of Baxnaano Programe Ms Fardowso Ahmed Abdullahi has underlined that the programme as part of national social protection policy envisages a longer-term development approach that builds the government’s capacity to take the lead in delivering social protection interventions for Somali people in the next 20 years and also stressed that it will gradually move the country away from the current humanitarian regime.

H.E. Abdirahman Duale Beyle, Minister of Finance of the Federal Government of Somalia said the program is of great importance for the country, as it reaches vulnerable communities, and affirmed that its implementation is part of the ongoing debt relief efforts. The Minister reiterated the importance of debt relief efforts as it opens the government the opportunity to secure such critically needed developmental funds from the International Financial Institutions (IFIs)

Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of the Federal Government of Somalia, H.E. Sadik Hirsi Warfa, described the inauguration of the program as a significant accomplishment for Somali people as they will be receiving direct assistance from the government for the first time, targeting the most vulnerable communities. Minister Warfa stressed the commitment of MOLSA in institutionalising a structure that guarantees assistance for the very poor and protect the vulnerable from livelihood risks with the express goal of creating effective & sustainable social safety nets and ladders out of poverty.

“The Baxnaano program is anticipated to target 200,000 poor and vulnerable households (approximately 1.3 million individuals) across the Federal Member States of Somalia and provide them with nutrition-linked cash transfer. The families will be able to use the money for their immediate needs, such as food and basic services. This programme will be executed in areas of fragility due to widespread poverty, acute drought and long-drawn-out conflicts and insecurity” said Minister Warfa.

The President of Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, praised the Government’s efforts by reasserting its commitment of revitalizing basic public services while improving job creation opportunities, livelihoods and the country’s economy. The President pointed out that the launch of the Baxnaano program coincided with a period that COVID-19 is negatively affecting the lives, jobs and businesses of Somali people.

“We have the 9th National Development Plan that sets out in detail our plan to tackle poverty, food shortages, with a focus on improving the lives of vulnerable people, such as droughts, tornadoes, diseases and natural disasters which confront us periodically” said the President.

President Farmajo has instructed the Government, particularly the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs to carry out the Baxnaano pragram in a transparent and fair manner, while taking care of the poor families until they reach a level of self-sufficiency, with the intention of reaching out millions of Somali citizens who are in dire need of government services.

MoLSA is the primary institutional home for the Baxnaano program which will be conducted in 21 districts. The program is being administered through MoLSA’S Social Affairs Department which is responsible for the day-to-day management of the programe in close collabration with United Nation’s World Food Programme and United Nations Children’s Fund.

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Puntland oo shaacisay kiiskii ugu horeeyey oo Covid-19 ah

Guddiga wacyi gelinta iyo ka hor tagga xanuunka Coronavirus ee deegaanada maamulka Puntland ayaa caawa xaqiijiyey kiiskii ugu horeeyay oo ah cudurka in laga diiwaan geliyay deegaanada Puntland.

Guddiga ayaa sheegay in qofka laga helay cudurkaas uu ka mid ahaa laba qof oo dhawaan laga qaaday dheecaan si loo baaro, waxuuna sheegay guddoomiyaha guddiga oo warbaahinta kula hadlay Garowe in qofka laga helay xanuunkaas uu san gelin wax safar ah.

Sidoo kale guddoomiayaha guddiga ayaa sheegay in xaaladda bukaanka laga helay cudurkaas ay haatan aad u wanaagsantahay, waxaana xanuunkaas laga helin qofkii kale eel ala baaray.

Waa kiiskii ugu horeeyay ee Coronavirus ah oo laga diiwaan geliyay deegaanada maamulka Puntland, waxuuna masuulka u hadlay guddiga wacyi gelinta iyo ka hor tagga xanuunka Coronavirus ee Puntland uu walaac ka muujiyey in qofka maanta laga helay cudurkan uusan ka bixin Puntland, sidaas darteedna ay cabdi badan ka qabaan in bulshada uu si tartiib ah ugu faafo COVID-19.

Illaa shan qof oo kale ayaa sidoo kale maanta loo karaantiilay shaki la xariira Coronavirus, sida uu ka dhawaajiyay gudoomiyaha guddi Puntland u qabilsan arrimaha cudurkan.

Markii laga soo tago oo laga diiwaan geliyay kiisaska ugu badan ee cudurkaas waxaa kiisas kale horay looga diiwaan geliyay Somaliland iyo Jubbaland, waxaana maanta oo u dameysay deegaanada Somaliland laga soo weriyay hal kiis oo wadarta kiisaska Corona virus ee ka jira Somaliland ka dhigeysa lix kiis.


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RW Kheyre “Waa in aan meel iska dhignaa kala aragti-duwanaanta si aan uga hortagno Covid19”


Raisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre oo shir gudoomiyay kulanka joogtada ah ee gudiga kahortaga cudurka faafitaanka badan ee Covid19, ayaa madaxda maamul-goboleedyada ugu baaqay inaay ka hortagaan cudurka.

RW Kheyre ayaa madaxda u sheegay inaay meel iska dhigaan kala aragti duwanaanta dhanka siyaasada islamarkaana aay muhiim tahay in meel loogasoo wada jeesto ka hortaga iyo daweeynta cudurka Covid19 si looga badbaadiyo shacabka Soomaaliyeed.

RW Kheyre ayaa dardaarankan u jeediyay wasiirada maamul goboleeedyada oo qadka internetka uga qeyb-galay kulanka joogtada ah ee gudiga ka-hortaga cudurka Covid19.

“Xili adag ayaa lagu jiraa, maanta qof kasta oo wasiir ah waxaa looga baahanyahay inuu bixiyo dadaalkasta oo lagu badbaadinaya shacabka Soomaaliyeed, waan ogahay inaay dhibaato jirto, waan ogahay inaay caqabado jiraan laakiin maanta waa inaan bixinaa dadaal dheer, sidoo kale waxkasta oo kala aragti duwanaan ah oo noo dhaxeeysa waa inaaysan naga hor-istaagin dadaalkeena, xafiiskeeyga saacad walba waa idiin diyaar” ayuu yiri RW Kheyre.

Kheyre ayaa ku booriyay maamulada in meel loogasoo wada jeesto xanuunkan faafitaanka badan ee Caronavirus, wuxuuna amaanay dadaalka wasaarada caafimaadka dalka.

Maamulada qaar ee kajira dalka iyo xukuumada RW Kheyre ayaa waxaa u dhaxeeya qilaaf adag oo dhanka siyaasada ah, waxaana qilaafkaas uu saameeyay geedisocodka horumarka Soomaaliya.


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Soomaaliya oo laga helay 29 kiis oo cusub oo COVID-19 ah

Wasaaradda Caafimaadka  Soomaaliya ayaa dhowaan soo saartay warbixintii maalinlaha aheyd ee ku saabsaneyd xaaladda COVID-19 iyo dalka .

Maanta oo keliya ayaa waxey wasaaraddu sheegtay in laga helay 29 ruux oo la bukoonaya Coronavirus, kadib baaritaanno lagu sameeyay.

Dadka laga helay ayaa waxey kala yihiin 21 rag iyo 8 dumar ah sida ku cad diiwaanka wasaaradda , halka isu-geyn wadarta guud ay tahay dadka xanuunkan qaaday 164 ruux, sidoo kale warbixinta ayaa lagu sheegay in mid kamid ah bukaannadii xanuunkaan qaaday uu ka bogsooday.

Lama soo werin guud ahaan maanta cid xanuunkaasi ugu geeriyootay dalka, balse horay waxaa ugu geeriyooday 7 ruux.

Soomaaliya waxey kamid tahay dalalka ku yaalla bariga Afrika ee uu saameeyay Bushiga Corobavirus.

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Why are a disproportionate number of people from ethnic minority backgrounds dying from Covid-19?

Coronavirus does not discriminate - but some evidence has suggested it does affect some communities far more than others.

The government has announced a review into the disproportional impact Covid-19 has on ethnic minorities in the UK, including British Muslims.

One report, from the Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre, has found 30 per cent of Covid-19 victims were from Black, Asian and other minority backgrounds, whilst people from these backgrounds make up just 13 per cent of the UK's population.

Nowhere has Covid-19 hit minority communities more than those working on the frontline of the NHS, where doctors and nurses have been trying to save their lives of their fellow Britons.

Downing Street announces review into why ethnic minorities worst hit by coronavirus

Those from ethnic minority backgrounds constitute two thirds of NHS deaths; on Friday two more doctors from BAME backgrounds lost their lives to the virus, it was announced.

ITV News has been examining the causes, we have learnt that socio-economic factors such as deprivation, underlying health conditions and cultural differences, like inter-generational households which more common in ethnic minority communities, could lead to an increase in the transmission of Covid-19.

A delay in the translation of government guidelines from English to other languages has also been touted as a reason why the outbreak could be having a more of an adverse affect on some people from ethnic minority backgrounds.

"Health literacy is definitely an issue in Black and Ethnic Minorities, again, this is partly linked to socio-economic deprivation and language barriers that may exist," Dr Hina Shahid told ITV News.

"Cultural and faith factors may also change a way a person perceives health or health information. We know that there is also this mistrust in health and healthcare professionals and also accessing healthcare itself."

She added: "People tend to present when they are sicker and that can make it more difficult to treat so we do have a big role to play in assembling or disseminating the correct information in ways that people can understand, in ways that take into consideration their beliefs about health and illness because that's how the message is going to resonate for them."

She continued: "We are seeing people from Somali, Sudanese communities, from Bengali and Pakistani communities from Iranian and Afghani and Turkish communities - so it is spanning across the spectrum."

"The issue we have when we just break down those communities into BAME, we lose those differences and so it is important to desegregate this data and looking at all the different ethnicities and also looking at faith and religion...which we know is an important determinate of health - we don't have this data so it makes it difficult to unpick and understand what is going on."

Somali community leader Mohamed Ibrahim, director of London Somali youth forum, told ITV News he believes whilst there are socio-economics differences; but cultural differences - which could lead to more disproportionate ethnic minority Covid-19 cases and deaths - have a part to play.

Within the Somali community, he said many feel the need to visit loved ones who are ill with virus symptoms, or go to a family or friend's house to pay their respects for someone who has died from Covid-19 as culturally this is what many would do.

Mr Ibrahim added: "The issue of social distancing from a Somali context is to be honest alien to us, we shake hands, we go to our houses for condolences."

"The other issue is that when you have families that are visiting each other where there are funerals, condolences, we do share this with other communities...but for us it's more alarming."

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Ra’iisul wasaare KHAYRE oo hal arrin ka dalbaday Ruushka


Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya, Mudane Xasan Khayre oo qoraal soo dhigay bartiisa Twitter-ka ayaa faah faahin ka bixiyey wadahadal qadka taleefanka ah oo uu la yeeshay wasiirka arrimaha dibedda Ruushka Sergey Lavrov.

Khaye ayaa sheegay in xukuumaddiisa ay Ruushka ka dalbatay inay ka gacan siiyo la dagaalanka cudurka saf-marka ah ee Coronavirus.

Sidoo kale wuxuu tilmaamay inuu Sergey Lavrov kala hadlay xoojinta xiriirka labada iyo adkeynta iskaashiga u dhexeeya Soomaaliya iyo Ruushka.

“Waxaan wada-hadal muhiim ah la yeeshay Wasiirka Arimaha Dibadda Ruushka H.E Sergey Lavrov. Waxyaabaha ugu muhiimsan ee laga wada hadlay waxaa ka mid ah xoojinta xiriirka diblomaasiyadeed iyo iskaashi ku aadan dadaallada lagu xakameynayo Covid19.” ayaa qoraalkiisa ku yiri R/wasaaraha xukuumadda federaalka Soomaaliya.

Ruushka ayaa la filayaaa inuu ka jawaabo codsiga Khayre, islamarkaana uu Soomaaliya u soo diro qalab caafimaad iyo dhaqaatiir ka qeyb qaadata xakameynta Covid-19.

Kiisaska Coronavirus ee Soomaaliya oo marba marka ka dambeysa sii kordhaya ayaa illaa hadda waxaa la diiwaan-geliyey illaa 237 qof oo haatan ku jira xaalad karantiil ah.


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Turkey to produce 5,000 ventilators by end of May – Erdogan

Domestically produced, 100 respirators were delivered to Istanbul's new Basaksehir City Hospital which is now partially operational. A massive undertaking, the private-public initiative will eventually handle some 30,000 patients on a daily basis.

Turkey on Monday delivered its first batch of 100 domestically produced ventilators to country's new mega-hospital in Istanbul with 5,000 more to be mass-produced and delivered by end of May.

"Standing on its own feet, Turkey is portraying its power at a time where international organisations have lost their purpose," Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said via video link at the inauguration on Monday.

The Basaksehir City Hospital can provide health services to 23,600 patients over an indoor space of 1 million square metres, the project website said.

Turkey will produce 5,000 medical ventilators by the end of May, in a bid to meet potential demands in the country, Erdogan said.

“While the world is facing difficulties, Turkey has successfully overcome hurdles to make its own medical ventilators,” the Turkish president said.

Expandable critical care services

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said the new facility, "has 2,686 beds, which all have intensive care equipment," and "all of the beds can be used for intensive care when necessary."

Technology Minister Mustafa Varank promised to deliver the "5,000 ventilators by the end of May," having already delivered some of the home-produced devices.


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