
Guys, why aren't we talking about the Coronavirus?

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2 hours ago, Holac said:

Guess what is going to happen in the next few months or a year? The world will defeat this disease, but Africa will become the newest and only hotspot and the rest of the world will quarantine Africa, Africans shunned and called "corona carriers". It is very possible. It is how the game of poverty works. 

You brought out every African's nightmare.

Imagine the shame the humiliation either the disaster that can happen back home or in Western countries.

Heaven forbid if something bad happens in Mugadishu every Somali anywhere will feel the shame and embarrassment.



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24 minutes ago, Old_Observer said:

Imagine the shame the humiliation either the disaster that can happen back home or in Western countries.


Now you understand the crimes the communist party of China committed. At the end we Somaslis and other Africans will be paying dearly for the actions these Chinese.

When Ebola outbreak ended in 2016 less than 12,000 people had died. America and CDC had trained thousands of healthcare workers in Africa. In America one single African immigrant died in Dallas while two nurses recovered, yet Obama lost the midterm election due to the propaganda fear waged by FOX news and others.

Here we have a Chinese virus that will kill hundreds of thousands throughout the world and the Communist Party of China (CCP) is not paying any price.

A very small virus outbreak in Wuhan which could have been prevented easily while patient zero was trackable became a worldwide pandemic thanks to Chinese government. The corrupt WHO even suggested in January that the virus can not be transmitted from human to human.

We have some idea how to sideline China. It all depends how the west treats and deals with Africa. THey can invest and trade with the African continent which has young and vibrant work force, but if they want to continue the same old and failed policy of peddling aid and probling up despots,  China will take over Africa. BY the way, the Chinese are not interested at the moment to rule the world, but want to grab as much money as possible. 

The corrupt America media is covering up the Chinese crimes of the century.





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About 20 years ago I used to live in Dallas, Texas and the whole county of four million people had two public hospitals. The rest were all private. Unless you have private insurance you will never ever think of going hospital. You might go to clinic pay $50 dollar and get prescription by tou do not dare check yourself or do any blood work. 

Once I accompined a friend who dislocated shoulder while playing football. Went 9:AM and left 9Pm while the doctor talked to us just five minutes and wrapped the shoulder with some band aid. It was the worst experience. They discourage people to visit the public hospital.

Now all these private hospitals treating sick people would not spend tens of thpousands of drugs to help recover the poor.

If you are in America may God help you.

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6 hours ago, galbeedi said:

About 20 years ago I used to live in Dallas, Texas and the whole county of four million people had two public hospitals. The rest were all private. Unless you have private insurance you will never ever think of going hospital. You might go to clinic pay $50 dollar and get prescription by tou do not dare check yourself or do any blood work. 

Once I accompined a friend who dislocated shoulder while playing football. Went 9:AM and left 9Pm while the doctor talked to us just five minutes and wrapped the shoulder with some band aid. It was the worst experience. They discourage people to visit the public hospital.

Now all these private hospitals treating sick people would not spend tens of thpousands of drugs to help recover the poor.

If you are in America may God help you.

Hence why madoows and Latinos are dying in higher percentages at American hospitals. It is not ony about socio-economic ways, but not adequately provinding life-saving equipments to those poor insuranceless souls.

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Somali community voices displeasure with being singled out by Helsinki

THE SOMALI COMMUNITY of Finland has voiced its concern about reports that the incidence of coronavirus infections is high among its members, writes YLE.

The City of Helsinki on Tuesday
communicated that coronavirus infections among members of the minority-language group have increased sharply to almost 200, a number that accounts for 1.8 per cent of Somali-language speakers in Helsinki.

The corresponding percentage among the whole population of the city is 0.2.

Mohamed Ali Jama, the chairperson of the Finnish Somali League, told YLE on Wednesday that the community is concerned about being singled out in the context of the coronavirus epidemic.

“The Somali community is the third most discriminated group in Europe,” he reminded in an interview with the public broadcaster. “There are concerns that the city’s statement could complicate our lives further.”

Jama said the community would have preferred it if the reason for the relatively high number of infections had been investigated within the community before making a public announcement on the issue.

Helsinki has accounted for over a half of the 2,133 coronavirus infections confirmed in Uusimaa, according to the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare.


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Helsinki expresses concern as coronavirus infections surge among Somalis

CORONAVIRUS INFECTIONS have begun to increase sharply among Somali-speakers in Helsinki.

The City of Helsinki on Tuesday revealed that almost 200 infections have been detected among members of the minority-language group – a number that accounts for 1.8 per cent of the entire Somali-speaking population.

Both the City of Helsinki and Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS) are alarmed by the recent development and will step up their measures to reduce the number of infections.

“The recent spread of infections among minority-language groups is very disconcerting,” said Jan Vapaavuori (NCP), the Mayor of Helsinki. “The situation necessitates co-operation between different stakeholders, the further development of multilingual services and effective communication. We are currently in talks about new measures to improve the situation with, for example, the Finnish Somali League.”

“This will also necessitate co-operation across the capital region, as the situation is unlikely to be limited to Helsinki,” added Vapaavuori.

Helsinki and HUS have already distributed information about the virus in a number of languages to provide instructions on, for example, social distancing, self-quarantine and what to do if you suspect you have contracted the virus. The information has also been provided in schools, in kindergartens and through youth outreach work.

The city has also added nurses, physicians and other health care professionals representing language minorities to it teams responsible for tracing infections in a bid to enhance its understanding of the reasons behind the recent up-tick.

Juha Tuominen, the CEO at HUS, said the hospital district has recognised the need to target its communication efforts at immigrant communities.

“We have increased communication in various languages and formats, such as video. It is critically important that the information and instructions are available through mediums that best reach everyone in Finland,” he underlined.

- The Helsinki Times

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Kiisaska CORONAVIRUS ee Soomaaliya oo dhaafay 100 iyo tirada maanta cusub

Tirada dadka qaba cudurka Coronavirus ee Soomaaliya ayaa dhaaftay 100, kadib markii dad hore leh cudurka maanta laga helay, sida ay shaacisay wasaaradda caafimaadka.

Wasaaradda caafimaadka ayaa sheegtay in 36 qof oo hor leh laga helay cudurka maanta, taasi oo ah tiradii ugu badneyd ee ladiiwaan-geliyo muddo 24 saac gudaheed ah.

36-ka qof ayaa ka mid ahaa 47 qof oo cudurka laga baaray, waxaana arrin cabsi muujinaysa ah, in 47 qof oo la baaray kaliya laga waayey 11 ka mid ah, oo 36 laga helay.Dadkan ayaa 27 ka mid ah waxay yihiin rag, halkan 9 ay yihiin haween, sida warbixinta lagu sheegay.

Tiradan ayaa ka dhigaysa tirada guud ee la xaqiijiyey ee cudurka Coronavirus 116 qof.Bukaanada cudurka maanta laga helay ayaa 30 kamid ah waxay da’doodu u dhaxaysaa 20 ilaa 39 sano (83%), halka 5 ka mid ahna ay da’doodu u dhaxysaa 40 ilaa 59 sano (14%).

Kaliya hal qof ayaa wuxuu ka weyn yahay 60 sano.Sida ay ku talisay wasaaradda caafimaadka,si aad naftaada, midda qoyskaaga iyo tan bulshada-ba u badbaadiso, ku dadaala fara-dhaqasho joogto ah idinkoo isticmaalayo biyo iyo saabuun muddo ugu yaraan 20 il-biriqsi ah.

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THis os a big step. Pay the people what you can in these tough times.

Somalis will remember this move.

Let us see what regional enclaves do to alleviate hardship. Why not give the money they saved from government operations.

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9 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

Dawlada soomaaliya oo bilaabaysa bixinta lacagta loo yaqaan Caydha


Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa daah-furay Barnaamijka...


Waa iigala soo hormartay

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DF Soomaaliya oo hirgelisay xarunta dhexe ee xiriirka COVID-19


Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa hirgelisay xarunta dhexe ee xiriirka oo laga hagayo, talooyina laga siinayo dadka uu soo ridanayo xanuunka Covid-19 iyo kuwa iskaga shakisan ee u baahan inay is-baaraan.

Xaruntan oo si casri ah loo diyaariyay waxay ka jawaabeysaa dhammaan wicitaannada teleefanka gaaban ee u gaarka ah Covid19 ee 449,  waxayna bukaannada ku xirtaa qeybaha kala duwan ee la tacaala cudurkan.

Dadka xarunta soo waca oo 24 saac kasta oo gaaraya 4,000 (Afar kun) oo qof oo kala jooga goballada dalka, ayaa kala ah Bukaanno ka sheeganaya calaamadaha cudurka balse ay xaaladdoodu fududdahay, Bukaanno xaaladdoodu adagtahay iyo Dad laga geeriyooday.

Bukaannada xaaladdoodu fududdahay waxay talooyin cafimaad ka helaan dhaqaatiirta xarunta ku sugan, Bukaannada xaaladdoodu adagtahay waxay xaruntu u dirtaa gaadiidka gurmadka degdegga ah oo isbitaal Martiini toos u geeya, Dadka laga geeriyoodayna waxay xaruntu ku xariirisaa xafiisyada dowladaha hoose ee loo diyaariyay ka shaqeynta aaska meydadka looga shakisan yahay inay xanuunkan COVID-19 u geeriyoodeen.

Xarunta Dhexe ee Xiriirka ayaa sidoo kale qeyb weyn ka qaadata ka wacyi-gelinta bulshada Khatarta uu leeyahay cudurkaan COVID-19.

Hirgelinta xaruntan ayaa meesha ka saareysa jahawareerka iyo walwalka ay la kulmayeen dadka isku arka astaamaha lagu garto Covid-19, waxayna kaalin weyn ka qaadaneysaa uruurinta xogta dadka uu cudurku ku dhacay iyo kuwa ay xiriirka la yeesheen.


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Kiisas cusub oo COVID-19 ah oo laga helay Soomaaliya, xiili weli dadka aysan si rasmi ah ugu baraarugsaneyn bushiga Coronavirus

Wasiirka Wasaaradda Caafimaadka Soomaaliya Dr. Fawsiya Abiikar Nuur ayaa waxey sheegtay in maanta oo keliya laga helay Soomaaliya kiisas cusub oo ah xanuunka COVID-19 ah oo gaaraya illaa iyo 19 xaaladood.

Qoraal ay sii daaysay wasiir Fowsiya ayaa waxey ku tiri "Maanta oo qura waxaan baarnay 25 ruux oo looga shakiyay xanuunka, waxaana laga helay 19 kamid ah dadkii la baaray" .

Wadarta guud ahaan xanuunka COVID-19 uu soo ritay Soomaaliya ayaa waxey guud ahaan gaareysaa 135 ruux, sidoo kale dhimashada ayaa gaartay 7 qof, sida ku cad diiwaanka wasaaradda caafimaadka ee Soomaaliya.

Dadka maanta laga helay xanuunka ee gaaraya 19-ka ruux ayaa waxaa lagu sheegay 15 lab ah iyo 4 dhedig ah. Xanuunka ayaa waxaa maanta u geeriyooday 2 ruux .

Soomaaliya , xanuunka COVID-19 aad ayuu u baahayaa, iyadoo dhinaca kalena digniinaha la bixinayo aysan si rasmi ah bulshada ugu hoggaansamin, sida kala fogaashiyaha, salaanta iyo in bulshada ay ku nagaadaan guryahooda.


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