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Originally posted by LayZieGirl:


YOu shouldn't be encouraging these folks, we should be putting our heads together to find ways to eliminate the rotten apple's, once and for all.


who gets to decide who's a rotten apple and who's not?


and what form of elimination did you have in mind?


and why do you constantly keep missing the points I try to make?


Anyway, we're not the first ethnic community to face such problems and we won't be the last. Youth (and even middle aged folks)have been forced to adapt to foreign situations and thats what we're all facing...some will succeed, and some will fail.

What we need is role model to show the fruits of success. To show what rewards lie at end of hard work and dedication. We should be trying to inspire people with our achievements and not reprimand them on failing a social test they didn't study for.


Marc, Layzie,

Why should a young Somali kid in London or Toronto or anywhere else want to be like you? what have you shown them for them to be motivated to want to change? Because when he/she looks out at his/her choices, its Chavs, euro-trash, gangstas and YOU.


How about you show us why we should try. Tell us about the Youth who are running businesses or hold high positions in big organizations or are generally doing big things.


Do you know any?

are you one?

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Marc Smith well done on the good job you doing for the somali community. People like you is exactly what we need who can identify the flwas of somali community and come up with ways to get rid of them. Ignore the personal critism you are receiving in here and else where and keep doing what you truly belive in. Cheers.

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Originally posted by marcassmith:

dont judge people.

And what is it that you are doing?


UNDERDOG, afkaaga caano geel iyo hilib ari lagu qabay...VERY WELL SAID!!!


A lot of people are so quick to point out the negatives, yet don't have any solutions/suggestions to better the situations they talk about...I guess by pointing out the 'negatives', it makes them feel good...At least dad iga hooseeya baa jidha, ey isdhahaan u maleeyay...


For someone to refer to himself as MarcSmith when conveying such a 'strong' (as MarcSmith says) messages, only shows how strong his message really is...Why not Jaamac Faarax, heck even Cabdi Calool...Shoooo...


Forget the shades @ KK am sorry but the curtains ohh my the curtains….
how could you expose those hideous things to the public ohh my those curtains are
……..waar stop talking about Snet and chav and clean that room first….

Cynical Lady, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL...I know eh...Qolku cafash badanaa...Walaaleey adaa London joog tee, wiilka la caawi qolka inuu iska hagaajiyo...Ha igu qasbin inaa ticket Toronto kasoo goosto...LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL...


Layzie dadaa qar karuurtid taqaanaa...I thought we talked about 'qarkatuurida' the other day at the hospital...Already waaba la iloobay miyaa? Shuqulak...

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Originally posted by Caano Geel:

^ naa ninka afkiisa maxaa i dhigay!!!

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL...Caano geel lee iga dheh...Ee ani caano geelka aan aqaano waa la cabaa...Hay... :D

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^Lool, Waryaa gabadha faraha ka qaad yaan ku fiiqanee sida mooski


This Smith guy seem to generate more replies and "heated" depates, sadly the clips are just boring, Sorry Smith I never mean it personal, it's on a public medium and only my opinion.

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First off, I don't recall going head to head with you in a discussion. Except that thread about the ethiopian man who was trying to find out the whereabouts of his live-in somali girlfriend, and as I recall, we have exchanged few jabs you and I, but other than that, we have not come across anything that would classify as "constantly missing your points" as you put it.(you would have to make a point inorder for me to miss it, right?)


As for the question of who makes a decision about rotten folks, anyone who feels strongly about the future of our nation, as it depends on its people.


The hopefuls, the believers.


What I do not agree with anyone, young or old, blind or deaf, indha yar or indian, somali or kenyati(farah brown comes to mind), baptist or jew is that we shouldn't silence free speech.


As individuals, we have the right to express our views, our frustration anytime we please.


As somalis, its our obligation to come forward and speak about the issues that face us, and then accept it for what it is. Only then can we truly recover.


I truly believe that when I rant about issues that are dear to me, I am actually speaking on behalf of atleast one other person if not more.


That believe means much more to me than anything you have to say, Underdog.


Don't get me wrong, I do admire your passion regarding the issues that face our people, whether it is the "khat" thread or this thread" but don't you for one moment confuse me as someone who is above everyone, only allah is.


I am just as passionate as the next xalimo or farah about the welfare of our people, and our country.


I am not perfect. I am not attempting to audition to be a role model nor is it my intent to be one in the future.


Inteyda ayaan ka bixi la ahay, but I will say this:


If allah willing, I plan to to lead by example. By that, I will just say, when xamar is peaceful, insha allah, thats when the action will happen, until then, my plans are my plans.


In the meantime, I do volunteer and I am in involved in some projects, but just because I dont go around advertising it, doesn't give you the right to question me.


I don't answer to you, therefore, I will not go about discussing my accomplishments.


After all, they are my accomplishments, how is that going to inspire cabdi the jewer, or jaamac the gangsta in the corner? Tell me, so what they hear a sister has done this or that.


Brother Nur or Brother cilmi has received a Nobel Peace price, what is that going to do for them?


Are you honestly that naive?


Do you believe that dadka balwada kujira or the criminals will all of a sudden get up from their deep coma sleep and dress up and get their lives together, just because qof kale, other than their parents have made something out of his/her life?


You want me to fill the role of a parent to these individuals we speak off?


I am suppose to become a mother of the addicts and the criminals now, is that what you are selling here?


The only role model that anyone ought to have is any figure in their lives that has had a positive impact on them, directly. For instance, my role model and my hero is my mother, not sheikha sharafta aka sheikh sharif or Allen Iverson.

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