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Dawkins blames Muslims for 'importing creationism' into classroom

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Devout Muslims are importing creationist theories into science and are not being challenged because of political correctness, one of the country's most famous scientists said tonight. Professor Richard Dawkins argued that as a result teachers were promoting the 'mythology' of creationism over the science of evolution.


Professor Dawkins, a geneticist and author of the best-selling book The God Delusion, said:


"Islam is importing creationism into this country. Most devout Muslims are creationists – so when you go to schools, there are a large number of children of Islamic parents who trot out what they have been taught. Teachers are bending over backwards to respect home prejudices that children have been brought up with. The Government could do more but it doesn't want to because it is fanatical about multiculturalism and the need to respect the different traditions from which these children come."


He added: "It seems as though teachers are terribly frightened of being thought racist. It's almost impossible to say anything against Islam in this country because if you do you are accused of being racist or Islamophobic."


Daily Mail, 4 August 2008


On the other hand, there are those of us who would argue that paranoid delusions about the impact on educational policy of a minority faith community who comprise less than 3% of the population of the UK are quite accurately categorisable as Islamophobia.


See also the Daily Telegraph, which reports: "Prof Dawkins said the failure in classrooms meant religious fanatics had a chance to get hold. 'Because we are all brought up to respect faith, it leaves open a gap through which fanatics can charge', he said."


Update: Predictably, Dawkins' views are approvingly reproduced by the British National Party. Of course, the BNP's own position is that they're defending "Christian civilisation" against Islam. But they're prepared to overlook minor differences like that when it comes to whipping up hatred against Muslims.


Source: Islamophobia Watch

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Johnny B   

^The over-excitement of the BNP Connection is way too ridiculous.


A Muslim is as creationist a BNP Christian.


shoulden't this be in the politics section?

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^^^Why the politics section, has nothing to do with clan or gun fight! icon_razz.gif



BtW JB, Is he the same guy who wrote the blind watch makers? I have to check my book shelf when I get home. I’m yet to finish one of his books.

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^^^Politics section is only for Somali politics, everything else is ok.


So why did you want to bury this thread in the Somali politics section?? Dawkins is just an opportunist, he is just trying to push his theory at the expense of an easy target.


The BNB just have not read his attack on evangelist. They’ll be in for a shock. :D

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Johnny B   

^I just thought it had all the political Ingredience,the BNP, the Daily-Mail,Isalamophoia and most important, your view of Dawkins. :D

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"Islam is importing creationism into this country. Most devout Muslims are creationists – so when you go to schools, there are a large number of children of Islamic parents who trot out what they have been taught. Teachers are bending over backwards to respect home prejudices that children have been brought up with. The Government could do more but it doesn't want to because it is fanatical about multiculturalism and the need to respect the different traditions from which these children come."

Those kids have no need to be 'enlightened' JB :D

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^^^Loool do you really want another one of your endless chats with JB.


JB lool, since when were MY views of Dawkins political. icon_razz.gif

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Johnny B   

¨ No, they don't, not more than they have a need to be indoctrinated. :D


Ibti, All a busybody does is political.. that is what Ngonge sold me. icon_razz.gif

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Johnny B   

^No , ofcourse not, i never agree with that old man, its just that i've problems proving him wrong 'sometimes'. :D


Norf, so we bend over backward when a holy Cow shits on our 'masala'???

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I think everyone would agree with me here, Ibti. I mean come on now, Islamphobia watch? :D


Dawkins, just like you, has an agenda and he's doing his best to forward that agenda of his. He is against creationists and would clutch at every possible straw to defeat them. Since newspapers such as The Mail and The Telegraph have made attacking Muslims fashionable, why not make use of this opportunity and remind everyone that Muslims are creationists too, huh?


Now he's gong to get a few irate Muslims frothing at the mouth and trying to reply in kind. But, as usual, they will shower the world with drivel and try to weakly explain their creationist position whilst giving Mr Dawkins the controversy and publicity he's craving. Now that's what I call provoking a debate. :D

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^^Ngonge; You can mock me, but sooner or later I always get what I want, Some times I just have to stick my hand in the fire for a very long time to get it :D


I already said Dawkins is an opportunist, so there is no point bothering with him really, let alone frothing at the mouth... He is like that guy, what is his name again from America who claimed black people are genetically dumb, everyone ignored him for a while, he had a book out, now he is largely forgotten. These people come and go. :rolleyes:


Lool @ JB and north.



p.s. I find it disturbing that there is a question mark following Islamphobia watch? Exactly what will everyone agree with you in this regard??

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