
Dhurwaa ciyaya

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What did the old poet say again? 

Doqon aan duunyo lahayn,

Dillaal aan darajo lahayn,

Hadduu hadal kugu darsado,

Xasanow daraf ka istaag.

This old man is just barking out of anger. The fact is, Muuse Biixi is a dictator in the making, and talada SNM asaga iyo tolkiisa ayaa looga daba fadhini. I heard Muuse is even building the new presidential palance in a village exclusively inhabited by his nearest kin. That's the sad truth that enrages this man. Him and the likes of our friend Oodweyne (HY) and the rest of reer Hawd, geela iyo ari uun wax ha laga weyddiiyo. Meesha HA uun baa u talini.

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  On 2/24/2020 at 3:41 PM, Haatu said:

What did the old poet say again? 

Doqon aan duunyo lahayn,

Dillaal aan darajo lahayn,

Hadduu hadal kugu darsado,

Xasanow daraf ka istaag.

This old man is just barking out of anger. The fact is, Muuse Biixi is a dictator in the making, and talada SNM asaga iyo tolkiisa ayaa looga daba fadhini. I heard Muuse is even building the new presidential palance in a village exclusively inhabited by his nearest kin. That's the sad truth that enrages this man. Him and the likes of our friend Oodweyne (HY) and the rest of reer Hawd, geela iyo ari uun wax ha laga weyddiiyo. Meesha HA uun baa u talini.

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You mean Sacud Muuse alone is running the show. No wonder Oodweyne barks at the rest of the world.

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  On 2/24/2020 at 11:38 PM, Che -Guevara said:

You mean Sacud Muuse alone is running the show. No wonder Oodweyne barks at the rest of the world.

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War dee ka qallee. Duqa cabaadka maalmahan ka yeeraya waa maqashaayee :D

Wallee nimankaas waa belaayo. Ma nimankii SNM ee dhibka badnaa ayay kuddigood gees wada geliyeen? :D Allihii kuwaas Doollo ka fogeeyay baa mahad iska leh. Oodweyne iyo ciddiisa waa la iska celin karaa lkn jinna yaa iska celin karaa :D :D

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  On 2/24/2020 at 5:01 PM, Oodweyne said:


That must be your way to fish out some juicy inside info around here (😁). Well, let me say my friend, don't get misled about the internal politics of Duriyadda. No one is going to be making a real decision in any way without even the most every else being involved. I Take it you know enough about inter-duriyadda political competition. And in that sense, Muse knows enough about how the "social contract" of duriyadda works, which is almost like a trade union kind of contract.

Hence, no matter what Mr Bihi wants, the elites of these clan know they fall together or raise together. And they have learned that bitterly in their brief civil war in 1994-1996. Which means, Somaliland is not some one man show like other places in the Somali peninsula.

Moreover, political parties are one thing, and they are a facade really, But the deal, the real deal of power, is something the elites know how to share or else we know we are likely to be heading.

That is the "insurance policy" in which each sub-clan has within the Durriyadda's trade-union political understanding. Besides, some of the closest advisers of Mr Bihi (a man of whom I do not have a high opinion, at least when it comes to him managing the internal politics of the place) are actually from this particular sub-clan in which you have mentioned it in here.

Hence see to it to understand a political parties like Kulmiye or like UCID and Waddani, who are feeling the heat because Mr Bihi is plying a foolish and dangerous games at their expense on one hand, which is one thing. And the real "sub-clannish agenda" in which each sub-clan within the Duriyadda larger clan in which Somaliland (as a political project) is bound to uphold it at all cost, which is another thing, on the other hand. And the two are not synonymous.

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Niyow, you're skirting around the point I made. No one suggested Muuse Biixi is contemplating the treasonous act some suspect. I merely mentioned that the owners of Hargeisa are the true lords of the North and that is a fact apparent to all in the know. Ilaahay amarkiis, every qabiil has a jifo that demands to rule the rest come what may. For us, our Cabdille cousins assume that role for themselves and the rest of us just watch in disbelief. I think you corner tribes would do well to let the lords of Hargeisa have their way as well :D :D

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  On 2/25/2020 at 12:52 AM, Oodweyne said:

Saaxiib, Bahasho waa "hagbad" (in the true sense of that word). Ma garatey (😂) In other words, it's rotational thingy with us, at least at the level of elite power bargaining with each other. Hence, watch when the new formation of parties get going, you will see Dhulos coming through with their own party. And eventually they will settle to fight and contest power under Kulmiye party banner in 2022.

Whilst on the other hand HY (going under Wadani party) or some form of new party led precise under the leadership of Dr Gabose will be the what this sub-clan will bring forth. And that will mean the contest in the final round of 2022 will be between Kulmiye party (which in turn will be carried by Dhulos chap) on one hand, and a party representing the HY's political elites interests (under Dr Gaboose) once the real contest take place at that time, or even after few years if somehow in the mean-time Mr Bihi managed to extend his reign of misgovernance beyond 2022 for few more years. 

This is a genuine rotational politics at the top of the pile. That is what I meant when I said it's version of a "social contract" between the sub-clans at the bottom where each sub-clan of Duriyadda (as well as Dhulos and Awdalite being added to make the projects solid in foundation) will be given their time to run at the top seat.

And then that will be covered as an "arrangement" with a party political sheet. Or it will be covered with a facade of a party political name in the sense of saying so-and-so-party is contesting power against so-and-so-of-the-other-party. Whilst in truth each party is "carrying" the deeper and elemental interests of a particular sub-clan or a collection of two or more sub-clans.

So with Mr Muse Bihi may be now in the driving seat but the passing of the "hagbad" is due around 2022 (or few years later if he managed to smuggled in the mean-time a few years of extension in his current allotted time).

That I know for a fact. Particularly as "inter-duriyadda deal" in-order to cement Somaliland project and to end the deep division in which the last election had exposed openly. And then after that it will be Dhulos turn to keep the wheel of rotation going. Otherwise system of our particular "social-contract" will brake down. And no one wants that. So I hope you get the drift I take it.

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Oodweyne, what did you take tonight😂

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  On 2/25/2020 at 2:01 AM, Oodweyne said:


Well, apart from knowing that a defeated dha-bayaco boy like our Che of SOL doesn’t have much of argument to make other than trolling. Or the fact of knowing that he does not even have the hope seeing his ilk amounting to much even within Pirate-land. There is not much else to report in here, I am afraid, at least on my account. Anything else in your mind, yea ninny?😁

Let me know if any of it you are having in mind. For I shall be happy to continue this discussion tomorrow. 


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Ah, and it seems whatever you were taking is wearing off. I recommend a dose.

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Dhurwaaga waxa marfishyada reer jaadcun ku sheekeystaan ma qariyo, waana the only thing ku fiicanyahay. Afkiisa ku hunqaaca qashinka calooshiisa ku jiro.

Faysal Cali Waraabe oo shaaciyey ‘lacag Farmaajo uu u ballan-qaaday Muuse Biixi iyo shuruud lagu xiray’

Hoggaamiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaradka ee Ucid Faysal Cali Waraabe, ayaa shaaciyey ballan qaad loo sameeyey madaxwxeynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi.

Feysal Cali Waraabe ayaa tilmaamay inuu Madaxweyne Farmaajo uu u ballan qaaday Muuse Biixi in la siin doono 30% lacagta Soomaaliya ay heli doonto marka laga cafiyo deynta taasoo gaareyso illaa $800 Milyan oo lacagta Mareykanka ah

Feysal ayaa xusay in shuruuda lagu xiray lacagtaas si loo siiyo Muuse Biixi ay tahay inuu la kulmo madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo.

Ra’isul wasaaraha Itoobiya Abiy Ahmed ayuu ku eedeeyey inuu heshiiskaas ka shaqeeyey isla markaasna uu labada madaxweynaba kula kulmay magaalada Adis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya.

“Muuse Biixi, waxa uu baab’iyay gudaha, waxa uu sameeyay qiyaano, 10-kii bisha waxaa loosoo diray telefoon, $800 Milyan oo Doolar oo la siinayo Soomaaliya marka deynta laga cafiyo ayaa looga ballanqaaday 30% in laga siinayo, kaliya waxaa shuruud looga dhigay in Farmaajo uu kula kulmo Jabuuti, wuuna aqbalay” ayuu yiri Faysal Cali Waraabe.

Lacagta uu Feysal Cali Waraabe sheegay inuu Muuse Biixi heli doono marka la xisaabiyo ayaa ah $240 Malyan oo dollarka Mareykanka ah.

Feysal Cali Waraabe ayaa sheegay in dadka Somaliland ay yihiin kuwa u iibsan Muuse Biixi oo madaxooda ku qaatay lacag aad u badan.

Muuse Biixi ayuu tilmaamay inuu ka gaabsaday soo bandhigista kulankii uu la qaatay madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo, sidoo kalana uu qariyey waxyaabihii ay kawada hadleen xubnihii Itoobiya ka socoday ee tagay Magaalada Hargeysa.

Hadalka Feysal Cali Waraabe ayaa kusoo aadayo xilli  Mucaaradka Somaliland oo maanta shir deg deg ah ku yeeshay magaalada Hargeysa ay sheegeen in Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi uu ku fashilmay hogaaminta Somaliland, waxayna dalbadeen in xilka uu ka dego, oo loo qabto doorasho deg deg ah.

Waddani iyo Ucid ayaa ka dhawaajiyey in Muuse Biixi uu “noqday Kaligii-taliye”, isla markaana loo baahan yahay in xilka si deg deg ah looga xayuubiyo, waa sida ay hadalka u dhigeene.

Labada xisbi ayaa si wada-jir u soo wada jeediyay in Doorashada madaxtooyada la qabto sanadkan inta uusan dhamaanba muddo xileedka Biixi, maadama “uu ku fashilmay” xilkii loo igmaday.


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1 Luulyo tends to have double-edged consequences for the Former Italian-Somalia and British Somaliland. 

On the hand it was a joyous and and victorious historic moment for the former Italian-Somalia to gain independence from Italy’s colonial rule, which did come with an enormous struggle and cost as Italy was resistent to give Somalia it’s hard earned independence, and one was waiting, hoping and preparing for this moment and the birth of this new independent country, for more then a decade.

On the other hand for the former British-Somaliland 1da Luulyo ignites certain antagonistic associations, as it joined with Somalia without much thinking through of pre-conditions and preparation of how the State structures of the new Nation would look like,  and neither om how the expectations, the political systems l, the political cultures could merge or be harmonized. Which led to immediately to regret buying in or joining the new State, and leading a majority of the people in the former-Northern Somalia rejecting the constitution in the referendum of 1961. 

Irrelevant of the feelings or consequences that followed 1da Luulyo, it is historically an turning point for all Somali’s, even for those in the other Somali regions and neighboring countries of Ethiopia and Kenya the new Somali State created certain associations. 

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The Dhurwaa is still yapping:

Faysal Cali Waraabe "Xeer baa lasoo saaraya, qofkii lagu arko calan Soomaaliya"

Guddoomiyaha xisbiga UCID Faysal Cali Waraabe, ayaa casuumad u sameeyay dhalinyarada hindistay halku dhaga "kani waa kaygii.

Dhalinyaradan oo kasoo jeeda magaalada Boorama ayaa bilabay halku dhaga "kani waa kaygii" oo ay ku sheegayeen in ay leeyiin calanka Somaliland.

Faysal Cali Waraabe iyo saraakiil katirsan xibigiisa ayaa dhalinyarada ku booqday magaalada Boorama.

Faysal ayaa dhalinyarada ku booriyay barnaamijka "kan waa kayga" oo Somaliland oo dhan ku baahay.

"Wixi aad bilowdeen Somaliland oo dhan buu saameeyay, taasa nasoo laab kicisay anagana" ayuu yidhi.

"Arrintani waxay ku tusaysa in hadii dadku wax wanaagsan keenaan ay samayn yeelanayso" ayuu hadalkiisa kusii daray.

Gudoomiyaha ayaa sheegay in sharci laga soo saari doono qofka lagu arko calanka Soomaaliya.

"Xeer baa lasoo saaraya, qofkii lagu arko calan Soomaaliya ah waa dambi wayn" ayuu yidhi.

"Qofkii dadka isku dirayana sharci ayaa laga soo saari doonaa" ayuu hadalkiisa ku sii daray.

Barnaamijka "kani waa kaygi" oo ay hindiseen dhalinyaro reer Borama ah, ayaa samayn ku yeeshay gudaha Somaliland.

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