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Dumar kale ma caashaqin

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Originally posted by AAliyah416:

Dumar kale ma caashaqin

Hadal dambe kumaan oran

Dooqaagu wuxuu rabo

Kolan deenba kuu galo

Wali diiday kuma oran


this is one of my favorite songs. How can u not be moved by this song


dumar kale ma cashaqin hadal danbe kumaan oran where you can find a brother like that , meel igu tilmaama


wa salaamu alaikum

This is what I call KITCHEN MUSIC. It's only heard in weddings and kitchens! I’d bet my life that half the people here, at least once, washed dishes while listening to similar music.


Give me qaraami anytime.

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Xabiibi [haa, haa, hoo, hoo]


Xiddigeygii ayaad tahayee

Xareed ii dadee

Xeebtii Xamar adigaan

Kasoo xushee


Wixii la xaraaaaaaar

Wixii la xaraar igu haayo

Xiisahaaga waayee

Hay xoorinee

Xabadka i saaree


Xabiibi, [haa, haa, hoo, hoo, haa, haa, hoo, hoo]


Xabbadii jaceylkaaga

Aan la xanuunsadee

Intii aan xabaal galin

Xaasil ii imoow


Wixii la xaraaaaaaar

Wixii xaraar igu haayo

Xiisahaaga waayee

Hay xoorinee

Xabadka i saaree


Xabiibi [haa, haa, hoo, hoo, haa, haa, hoo, hoo]


Xiligaan dhexdiisa

Intaan xaashi kuu dhigee

Xisaab laguma gaari karee

Waa xaq la'aanee


Wixii la xaraaaaar

Wixii la xaraar igu haayo

Xiisahaaga waayee

Hay xoorinee

Xabadka i saaree


Xabiibi, xabiiiiiiibi

[Haaaaaaa, haaaaaa, xabiibi, haaaaaa, haaaaa, hoo, hoo]


Alla yaa cisag. Yaa salaam. Waxaas ayaa la dhahaa hees jaceyl inta kale been.


You can watch a classic video of it on here by the one and the only feynuuska fanka Faadumo Qaasin Hilowle.

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Hurda kama bogtoo

Barkin baan ku tiirshaa

Boga iyo calooshee

Beerkaan u seexdaa

Bar barada ma qabanaayee

anigoo bur burayoo

Dhinacyadu i barareen waagu ii baryaayee

intii aan bad qabayee

Hawshiisu igu badan

Ha u baran lahaayaa

Ha u bixin lahaayaa

iminkoo bastay ahay

Baroor miyaa wax ii qaban?

Bogsan maayo oo

Bilic iyo Nasiibkay midna u baxsan waayee

Cad ceedaa bidhaantiyo

Bil waliba Bishii kale

igu sii balamisoo

Badal iigu jiidee

Bari iyo maanta Naftaan

Been u sheegaa

intii aan bad qabayee

Hawshiisu igu badan

Ha u baran lahaayaa

Ha u bixin lahaayaa


Boogti Jacylka by duniya axmed baraxoow

It is an awesome song, if any one wants to listen to it; just click on the following Link, Enjoy:


wa salaamu alaikum

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^^^OMG, AALIYAH, are you kidding me... this is like may fav song nowadays...



Originally posted by NGONGE:

Give me qaraami anytime.

You want qaraami, I give you qaraami:


barbaarta yarkaan ka eegtey

yarkii isha iiga baaqey

yarkii caashaqa aan beerney

anigu baar baan ku raacay

anigoo beled xaawo jooga

muxuu bari iiga yeedhey

kolkaan bosaaso gaadhey

muxuu burco iiga heesey

anoo beer sii maraaya

haduu bada boyn ka raacey

inuu been ila jilaayey

adaa boqorow ogaaye

i bixiyoo iga badbaadi

hadaan bogsadoon ka reysto

sidaan uga boodey caashaqa

jacaylba hadaan u booyo

hadaan nin danbeba u baroorto

hadaan baxsanow idhaahdo

aniga balaayoba hayga raacdo


baxdowga yarkaan u qaatey

jacaylkii barisamaadkii

bishaarada iigu yeedheen

bil kheyrtana ugu jawaabey

yarkii boga ii fadhiistey

yarkii beerkayga saaqey

yarkii boga ii salaaxay

inaanan baraarugeynin

kolkuu ka bogtuu ogaadey

haduu badal iigu jiidey

inuu been ila jilaayey

adaa boqorow ogaaye

i bixiyoo iga badbaadi

hadaan bogsadoon ka reysto

sidaan uga boodey caashaqa

jacaylba hadaan u booyo

hadaan nin danbeba u baroorto

hadaan baxsanow idhaahdo

aniga balaayoba hayga raacdo




QARAAMI anyone!!!

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Koolkat, that is qaraami? :D:D


Qaraami/qaaci waxaa laga wadaa heesaha tumidooda laga soo deensaday Carabta, siiba Reer Yeman. Waana tee qaadi/garaaci jireen Axmed Naaji iyo Cumar Dhoole [Eebba ha u naxariistee] camal, oo kataaradda kaliya ah, oo aanan electrical instruments ku jirin. Not my kind isbarmuuto, though.


Heestaas laakiin heersaro waaye, yaraanteey ayaan jeclaa, even ilaa hadda marmar anoo iska qaadaayo ayaan isarkaa.


Aad ayaan ugu xumahay Binti Gacal xanuunka haayo sanadahaan. Hal lug curyaan ka noqotay, waana barartay. Maskiinta Eebba ha u gargaaro.

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Boogti Jacylka by duniya axmed baraxoow,


^^ actually it is one of the songs, ay ku soo caan baxday Khadija Fooday, the original sounds much better.



Most of the heesa calaacalka ah, come from the victims of true love!

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Qaraami/qaaci waxaa laga wadaa heesaha tumidooda laga soo deensaday Carabta, siiba Reer Yeman. Waana tee qaadi/garaaci jireen Axmed Naaji iyo Cumar Dhoole [Eebba ha u naxariistee] camal, oo kataaradda kaliya ah, oo aanan electrical instruments ku jirin.

Ee xaanka ogahayhee aniga, qaraamidhanbo waxaan u heestaa heesahii hore dhan - kaban, niiko, etc...

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Hmm, classic calacal song Aaliya, even though I like the beat and she has amazing voice.


Actually what I find weird in Somali songs is how women are praised for being shy, demure, quiet, and disciplined, not that there is anything wrong with these qualities but there has to be more? And more cynically, they sing about her looks, each one will claim she is the most amazing beauty that ever walked the earth, yawn yawn.


So what if she has a hot oil accident tmwr? Or becomes disabled? It’s all over? It’s not often you hear about anything else, say intelligence or kindness or personality. How utterly superficial. I am not convinced!

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^Tell me about it!!


Calaal keliya ma'aha,they could be used as a prerequisite for a Gross anatomy class.


Boga,Wadnaha,Beerka,Qalbiga,Caloosha WTF!

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each one will claim she is the most amazing beauty that ever walked the earth, yawn yawn.

Maybe, they wouldn't be so conceited about their looks had their gorgeous male folk stopped singing songs in praise of the beauty of cattle, their colours, and the delicacy of their beef.


Anba waa isku heesi lahaa haddii nin aan ii jeedin oo eri, geel & lo' u heesaayo kaliya aan haysan lahaa. :D

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

quote: each one will claim she is the most amazing beauty that ever walked the earth, yawn yawn.

Maybe, they wouldn't be so conceited about their looks had their gorgeous male folk stopped singing songs in praise of the beauty of cattle, their colours, and the delicacy of their beef.


Anba waa isku heesi lahaa haddii nin aan ii jeedin oo eri, geel & lo' u heesaayo kaliya aan haysan lahaa.
:DHaha, Fiiiri, You are literally taking the qaalin,Qalanjo & dheylo names literally.


The tenderness of the dheylo, the tallness & the body frame of the qalanjo & the extreme love for qaalin heblaayo all have deeper meanings.


I know, you will say "Eeuuwww" kabacdi,but thnk deeep!! :D

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They sing about her looks…………………. So what if she has a hot oil accident tmwr? Or becomes disabled? It’s all over? It’s not often you hear about anything else, say intelligence or kindness or personality. How utterly superficial. I am not convinced

Lily, I know if a relationship was to last all that matters is personality and intelligence. But, there is nothing wrong with having songs where they emphasize on looks. I am sure I would appreciate if a brother sings for me, and goes how stunning I look when I smile and what not, makes you feel extra special I guess. Lol I am not shallow believe me, it is just hey why you would refuse if a brother took the extra mile to praise you. don't be oh he gota be realistic, maybe he is being realistic maybe that is what he thinks of you. so take it and please ppl stop complaining :D ..Like I remember seeing in a show last time, if a girl was given lots of chocolate she will be like oh why did you get me so much chocolate it is gonna make me fat, she will tell him like u know aren't u thinking abt my well being, don't you want me to look sexy. And, if he gets her small piece of chocolate she goes "hey do u think I am fat" ..LIKE are we ever satisfied ??


As for if some one even becomes disabled or gets into an accident, I believe if you loved that person, than what makes your love for him/her even more strong is being with them when they actually need you the most. I am certain there will still be something that you like about them, as love isn’t just about looks. Looks might bring you together at first; like oh that brother oh that brother is so handsome I forgot to breath and what not. But, after I guess it gets more complicated you find lot of other things in common. By the way, “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”, there is no concrete definition for beauty, perhaps they might be disfigured and lack the outer beauty but they still have that personality and that intelligence that brought you two together. As they say that is “Love”.


Wa salaamu alaikum

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BROWN: I feel honoured to hold the dheelo title. :D Thanks yaakhey. You too have the beauty and swiftness of an ostrich.

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I am sure I would appreciate if a
sings for me

Umm,a brother telling you all that ammounts to incense right there dear Aaliyah, Perhaps you should try Brothas instead Brotheris icon_razz.gif

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