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^^^^ loool wax waalan.... Marka bajaq hadii aan isticmaalo ha u bixin hadaba....Bajaq tii aheed aa ladhahay, buufis la'aantiis isnadaamis aa ku dhacaayo..calaashaan ma fahantay mise waan kuu jilciyaa? loool



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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^^ calaashaan waxaa la dhahay, bajaq hadii kor loogaga qeelin oo laga afuufin, hoos ee ka wareeree!!!! masii jilciyaa mise baslee waaye halahaas?



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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wah! maxaa dhacay? af jini maa wax ku qorooyaa? shaki aaba igalisee..... Somaligii buruska lagu garaaci jiray maa fahantaa "dee" ciwaan u aheed?


Halaas kabadan ma jilcin kari ani..SOL aa la iga ceerinaa... KK ii jilci dheh qoftaas aa maafiyo ahee...


Qandha kula signature fool xumaatayee.."e" Hi dhaheeso aa noo soo dhigtay ka waran...



Wareer Badanaa!!!!

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My Somali waaba la fahmaa oo wa international, laakiin Ina Baqti lagdow kaaga Marko iyo Janaale iyo Jalalaqsi oo ku kooban yahey and you need to order from Rosetta Stone.


Dhaqan celis in laguu bilaabo weeye, oo lagu baro not to use bajaq when talking to women.

Ma ku saniftey my signature, wah... :D

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^ signature kaada maba fahminee waxaad tirina lagu yiriyee... ee iisheeg waxaa ka wadid "order from rooseeto stone?" ii jilci warkaas....


Somali aniga qof iga badiyo Sol maku jiro..even kuwa reer waqooyiga keen oo isku qabo in ee luqad asli ah qoraan lool.. iyaga xitaa waa ka tirtiraa....


ereyga "bajaq" waa caadi waana eray qadiimi ah..nuune ayaa explain gareeyo ee weydii micnihiisa..



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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C'mon! You never heard of Google?

It's a language learning software. The message was to learn Somali.


As for my signature--As long as there is life there is hope.


Before aadan faanin Bajaq...I suggest you do a survey and ask all the women if they like to be called 2 cents

Habeen wanaagsan.

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Ugly for who? They're buying homes in the suburbs, driving better cars, and are in shaloongooyin in the thousands! Hadaan anigu caqliyeystay, ilaa aan lix iska daba keeno waan wadi, that's the only way to live a comfortable life (or so it seems)...

KK, I know you dont beleive that. Nin iyo naag wayn oo file gareeyey their down the ceeyr line oo yiri income nama soo galin ee please give me food stomps and a little cash so I can feed my kids oo iskula sii saxsan dad nool ma aha. Akhas! :eek: I wonder how that woman actually see ninkaas as a man and has sex with him. WTF? "Oh honey you're an honest hardworking father and husband. Thank you for....erm...sharing the hand me down from the goverment with us :eek: :eek: .


They can buy all the forsaken suburban homes they want and drive whatever model but deep down, no dignity is reserved. And whats uglier is the mentality these kids will have when they grow up. When they see that their White playmate, or Pakistani friend or American or Canadian friend's parents working proudly and holding honored degrees, even better helping the "less fortunate" what will they think?

Kids who come from such homes never get very far in life. Hence the spike in crime, dropp outs, pregnancy, in both Black and Somali community.

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^^ Adiga gadaal lee makuu galee sheekadaan?....

Good points C&H.. now you know why we have all of our kids prisons... Ciyaalk xaaraan lugu koriye miyaad kheyr ka sugee....



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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dignity qabow hakaa celiso


i cant help but like KK sometimes feel resentful. believe it or not islamaha ceyrta qaata have more capital to invest and better housing wadankan.


lakin as anything xaraan earned, the downfalls lama xisaabi karo, not to mention setting bad example to the kids and starting long cycle of uselessness, unemployment, high rate of divorce etc

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Tuujiska, waaba kuu jeedaa, sidii faraanfarka wax u qod aaa ku dhahay abaabiina, dowlo

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^^^^ Niikiye..Xumbara Jabtay! Xeela Jabtay ma maqli jirinoo abaa? lol... Dowlo!!! lool Awkuuku aa dhihi jiray Kalmadaas iyo Zeetom...



Juxa mar la isku noogay aa labadaada rubac soo tuuranee.....Slow like fatara kuusee......



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Tuujka, qooleey camal ayaa waq waq waq ugu heysaa gabadhee, maalin caddeey waliba. Xee tahay saan? :D


NNC, Reer Kamloops maa tahay mise waa iskaga qoratay meesha. Ma Soomaali ayaa degan in Kamloops? Intee kale joogaan taloow, Whistler? Vancouver lee ku ogaa.

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