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Breaking fast in the Gulf!

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shehehehe, abaayo, research on the nearest beaches, walks and trails, sights, quality of husband material and etc, all make sense, but shopping malls, puurleeeze!


p.s. don't ya go forgetting maa authentic-non-shopping-mall prezie :D

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husband material, there are for iib are they? Waa la ba'ay.


Bro, don't u know the dilemma that faces Muslim women? Shopping for clothes that are suitable in the West is work. I want the luxury of being able to walk into shop after shop that caters to me.


Besides, the shopping is only the first pit stop of my next trip. The skiing training is preparation for my trip after next!


I have lots of 'authentic' bits and pieces from my previous travels- u can have a painting from Vietnam if u wish, the only thing that comes to mind that u might appreciate; you just have to frame it. PM me your address, I can only promise to send what I already have in hand not what I might have.


Wait, u like to cycle, right? I have postcards of monks on bicycle rickshaws, somewhere..I'll throw those in too.


Happy Eid.

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Originally posted by Ms Dhucdhuc & Dheylo:

Did you know horse meat is delicious? No i havent eaten it, but I had chinese friend who ate anything in sight just to impress his dad.

Speaking of the horse meat, my father was once invited to a celebration by the Embassy of South Africa in Emirates Palace hotel. He said that when the waiters started to serve the food, his SA friend told him to taste the delicious meat he will ever find. Father asked what kind of meat?


Guess what?? Zebra meat.


Zebra!! some humans try to eat every moving things like a child. Anyway, my father refused that meat coz we are not allowed to eat un-halal or unlawful food like (horses, donkeys, zebras, mules or animals with nails).


Hey guyz, what do you think of Shark meat. I, was invited to a dinner and in the buffet I found "Shark meat". I didn't eat it, though its from the sea and all the food in the sea is halal. But, I couldn't stand the ideas which came to my mind:-


"This could be the JAW itself which ate many humans OMG, I am not gonna this predator" :D I will add it to my Black List.


Blacklisted food : Except the Salmon fish and Hamour fish, all the other sea-food, all those little scary creatures with many small small small legs like crabs- prawns-shrimps and the big master Mr. Lobster.


Keep praising them as much as u want, but they have no chance @ all with me.

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Next time dont be surpsided to see human meat on menu.


In Africa, you can find restaurents serving Zebra, Girrafe, lions meat, gorillas, all kinda wild lives.


I once tasted deer, damm it was taste.


Zulfa, You live Abu Dhabi?

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don't u know the dilemma that faces Muslim women? Shopping for clothes that are suitable in the West is work. I want the luxury of being able to walk into shop after shop that caters to me. .

You can say that one again, Winter shopping is depressing me, endless browsing just to find ONE item.


Wait, u like to cycle, right? I have postcards of monks on bicycle rickshaws, somewhere..I'll throw those in too



Zebra, horse, snakes, ants, waax iidinka baaxsanyaab isskaa yaar. Seriously people just eat normal food, this notion of eating everything that don't eat you first is crazy.

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I'm really not adventurous with my taste-buds. I cant even bring myself to taste turkey. Or eat Tiger Prawns. Or Shrimp.


*feels like such a wimp*.

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Sheh, the abundance of skirts in Dubai is amazing, the only problem I found with them was that they were ridiculesy long, even tall people will find them long. I didn't think UAE women were particualry very tall, must be the heels and the desire to sweep the floor after you.

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Horta, where would you ladies suggest for well-fitting :D skirts.. in London? It occurred to me that I dont own more than one skirt(which is awful looking and a size bigger than I) this Ramadan. Thank God for full coverage Cabayas smile.gif

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^^Serenity I went shopping yesterday, I could not find a single decent skirt that was above my knees. I think I might join the knee high skirt/ boots revolution if I don't find a decent few soon. I've become strangely attached to cabayas and jalibis this Ramadan. must be all those locked away Shidans


Lily I like sweeping floor skirts (although London is a dirty place) I think Dubai is calling me or rather shopping abroad is calling me.

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