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Hargeysa: young schoolers told to express their vision of the future in drawings.

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Waxaa dhawaan hotel maansoor ee magaalada Hargeisa lagu qabtey tartan sawir gacmeed ay ka qayb galeen ardayda wax ka barata 18 dugsiyada magaalada hargeisa oo isugu jira Hoose/ Dhexe, Tartankan oo ay soo qaban qaabisay Hayada Cuntada Aduunka ee FAO mashruuceeda Maaraynta Xogta Biyaha iyo Dhulka SWALIM ee Somaliland ayaa ujeedada tartanku waxaa ay salka ku haysay bal in ardayda da'da yar ee dugsiyada ku jirtaa ay aragtidooda mustaqbalka deegaanka somaliland ku muujiyaan sawir gacmeedyo.










And the winner is > PICT0464.JPG

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Originally posted by Red Sea:


And the winner is >

MashaAllah! (smile little girl) smile.gif


These type of drawings always bring a smile to my face..

I have a picture drawn by someone that wouldn't look out of place on that wall..



p.s on the first picture, top right corner..what's that cow doing to the poor little sheep?

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^,get your head out of the gutter legend.


At first I looked at the purple sheep and was thinking why did some kid colored it purple,but you have totally different are too

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