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The EID and the LIFO Sheekh

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De ja vu'! The same news from my hometown. Sheekh Cabdi is the LIFO (last-in, First out) sheekh. Hardly does any Ramadaan Month get beyond 27 or 28 days. The record was set at 26 some years back, I heard. Like Manchester United, the Sheikh is a low starter. He doesn't rush into the Ramadaan. When it was announced that September 1 was the day the fasting month would start, he said, he hasn't seen the moon and hence will not decree for people to fast. When September 2 arrived, he said he hasn't heard from a very influential Somali cleric in Malaysia- a close confidante of him. People know the Sheekh evades the Ramadaan because of his chronic unlcers though.


So, last night the Ethiopian TV announced that Tuesday is the EID. Sheekh Cabdi, at any other time, would have said "ciid mubaarak" and would have concluded the trying month. However, the fury of his Xer and the people of the town mounted as rumour of his endorsement circulated. So, he decided the Ciid will be on Wednesday; this time becuase "Hindiya iyo Pakistan" lagama ciidin.


The Islamic Council of Ethiopia is urged in Addis Ababa to enforce the EID across the country. So, I hear, the police are sent to the Mosques to bring people out to prayer fields. Some beatings already reported.


The Sheekh refused to budge the whole last night,but when it become apparent the Ethiopian authorities are not ready to listen to him; he decided to pull one among his many tricks. He will lead the prayer for the EID, but he will not break his fasting. That is what he told his followers.


At least this year his is not among the first outs. There is no such accounting principle, but, it could be termed Last-in, Last out (LILO) for this year.

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As long you're talking about sheekhs , i am with you yaa aw Tusbaxleh :D !


I am sure you heard about the sheekh who when asked about almost any matter would respond his predictable one liner: there are two oponions on this matter ( the arabic version is: fiihi qawlayn :D). Even if it were about cattle and camels he would respond and always find a way to cite two oponions. Maalintii danbe baa a true man of religion came to the city. When the new sheekh was told about sheekha magaalada iyo labadiisa qawl, buu wuxuu yiri bal ii geeyya.


Yaa sheekh, he calmly begun, I heard you manage to cite at least two opinions on every religious matter. Failing to sense the snare being sat up, he answered in the affirmative. Recognizing that the poor man has no clue what he is talking about, the new sheekh felt the burden to prove to him and asked his famous question: afillaahi shakkun :D (is there a doubt in Allah's existence?)


He was no jb! His answer was therefore, and quite predictably, a 'laa'! And that spelled the demise of little religious knowledge, and fundamental contradictions it could hold. Sheekh Cabdi, it seems to me, does not fare better than sheekh qawlayn!

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^Ciid Mubarak S.




But he gained popularity in the circles that matter! More people are in the tank for him than when he was busy writing about gabadhii irmaanayd, or the Milky Girl as he called her!


Waryee put some meat on the sheekh’s story, enough to appease Serenity.

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You have to admit, the guy seems to have a good insight into the dark human psyche. Granted there is something chilling and uncomfortable about his stories, but deep down inside, I believe thats how some people are, doncha think?

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Ciid Mubaarak yaa Xiin, any idea how Farax-Brawn is staying away from airborne bullets in murder-appolis these days?


Ps: The shiekh should be notified LIFO is banned even in GAAP, ask Legend ZU.

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