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Saado Cali Rocks

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L0L@Abtigiis. Raggaan horaa isugu soo gubanay, afkooda kalaam halaal kama soo baxo, waa aqaan. Aniga kamaba xanaaqo, runtii waa jeclahay walaalahay xataa markay xanuunsan yihiin.. :D .

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Slowly I am getting to know. Waan arkaa in rag bakooraddo wataa fadhiyaan. Kaalay, qabyaalad cadbaa lala fadhiyaa meesha!!

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:


Waxaa waaye afkii Gabayadda. la qabso! I thought you would understand the words given your level of somali. I think it is what i meant that you didn't get! Anyway,If I am Maqiiqane, you are Maqiiqanto, that is the jist of the message.

Warka isiibo, my level of afSoomaali kuyeh...Maqiiqane adiga hadaa tahay waxaa iska roon wax 'level' kaaga ah inaa Maqiiqanto ka dhigatid... :D

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Saado Cali Warsame haddee saan ku socoto surely will tarnish and stain her heretofore good reputation as a fanaan nationalist ahayd and as a person.


Soomaali badan u bogi jiray her daljecelnimo iyo Soomaalinimo songs ayee fankeeda nacsiin doontaa. Her memorable daljaceel songs -- "dalkeyga waa jeclahay, dadkeyga waa jeclay" iyo "baroom baa ka qeybgalay" to mention but a two -- yee nacsiin dadka dalkooda la jeclaa iyada if she continues in what she is doing lately. Waa inay siyaasadda iskaga dhex baxdaa, inteenana gaarin wajigabaxii Magool, Eebba ha u naxariistee, ku dhacday. Magool wey ka waantowday, and I hope our sister will see the bigger picture of xaalka dadkeeda oo dhan, waa Soomaaliweyn.


Qabyaalad iyo fan isma galaan, Saadooy.

Yaabka Yaabkiisa, Of all people MMA, the resident experienced MOD of the site had to suggest this... I was expecting this from people like the secessionists... What had Saado done to be suspected of Qabyaalad, welcome the President of Somalia, why? Possibly she shares her great great great (I don't the number, a guess) 1000th grandfather with the President, What a Bullokkks... What if Ahmed Cali Cigaal had attended isagana, walle waa lagu shabadayn lahaa qabyaaladiiste weeeeeeeeeeeeyn, Lol.


FYI: The Somali President was welcomed by most of the Somali singers more than Saado Ali did, here is a clip from London where tens of Somali singers from all regions of Somalia led by the famous Maryan Mursal and Nicmo Yasin welcoming to entertain the Somali leader...


I wonder why anyone who supports or welcomes the TFG is accused of being a clanist, I think you lot have prejudice for a clan, I am sure If Abdirizaq Haji Hussein supported the TFG many would have called him Qabyaaladiiste and thats the main reason why Mr Hussein is distancing himself from the TFG because his kinfolk is the leader and as such not to turnish his name as the good former Somali Prime Minister.


Abtigiisa your Adeero Singub welcomed Yusuf Yey twice in the US to entertain him, why don't send him your warning...

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I thought my adeero's film inuu gubtay waa hore. When he participated in the fighting in Hargeisa. Do you get me now. Shame on him too. haday shame u hadhsanayd.

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^Adiga waxba ha isqarin Sxb, I believe Singubna adeer kuuma ahay, dagaaladi of eighties hadaa soo hadal qaaday Singubna ku eedaysay sheekaas... laf tumiraa kujirta


As for him welcoming the President, it was important. Singub is one of the greatest Somali composers and play wrights, he did what he did for his people and nation, kudso to him... he's simply no qabyaladiiste, not at all.

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War hedde waa kusidee, meela iima ogolide? I like to say what I think of people without following a predetrmined line of thinking. I decide based on the weight of information available and not on whtether what i will say conforms to what is percieved to be politically correct by my tribe or my ideological allies.


I know the Somalilanders are not the cause of the Somali fiasco; and they are not the problem. Ethiopia is the problem,saaxiib. It is time you get out of your "Tolaa'ayeey" mood, and start looking at things rationally.

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I haven't talked about others.It is one at a time;and this timethe discussion was about Sado.For any other who do the same,my reaction is Ditto!



I send you an olive branch as a gesture of peace! Inaga daa dee dagaalka.Let us learn from each other. Just a Joke; Did you fathom My clan, definitively?

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^Excuses, excuses and more excuses, well, until another day another time I will be waiting your qabiil accusation for the rest of the singers for a very very very long time :D , if at all a bond exists...


Blow off peace to you too brother, nino problemato.

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