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Salamu Alaikum, Ramadan Karim


I am happy to be able this afternoon to write one of the insidious force, part of self-nourishing coterie of aggravated nonintentities who swirl ill-naturedly in the vortex of their own making- making that ends with a paramount shunt.


Well now this is not a fight as such, but merely words that will illustrate the harebrained notion that Sophist gains pleasure out of the ridicule of his brethrens. Apparently he does this because he uses words that some people are not familiar with. The question one wants to ask is why does he go out of his way to employ such archaic words that even second rate university professor would have difficulty understanding?


I indeed feel incumbent to respond to this freakish charges; though I have already tried to do so-perhaps my words were not SIMPLE enough.


Firstly, it is not for me to read motives of the purest disdain or in fact inverted admiration into what may, after all have been a squalid and bungled affair. On a legal note, one can never be committed an act which is emphatically impossible to materialise (you just have to think hard to decipher what I am eluding to here) but that does not mean we should ignore the potential incitement it may cause, hence my legal right to clarify this feeble attempt of……


Now, do Sophist look down to his forum people? The answer to that is no. I don't look down unto my fellow people, actually there are couple of people whom I greatly admire, Bee, Samurai, Zallici (I hope my lady would not mind me saying this-whichever lady you want to interpret that is for your own doing). But that does not mean I enjoy reading all of the posts that find their way into our forums. Quite frankly, some of them are ingeniously vulgar others plain down insipid. But this of course does not mean I look down on them. It just means that I have different taste to some of the postees here.


On the language issues:


Walahi, I was never aware of the alleged posh (as one said, though ironically, I never new the meaning of such word at the time) words and style I write. My first trivial (but I hope much fun) post was on the subject of HOW TO DUMB YOUR GIRLFRIEND. It received mixed reviews from the OTHER PLACE's (other place= Somnet) pundits. Some found it entertaining and the language a freshly edible fruit to their much famished minds, others found it simply haughty. They accused me all sort of things, mainly that I was too ENGLISH. The meaning of which I have never discovered-- perhaps the SOL writers would be more clever to define the meaning of such allegation. I was too Posh one complainer wrote, another said, I was out of Shakespearean Play. All of these allegations were quite alien to me. Never have I been told that my English was passé, or anything approaching superannuated. On the contrary my friends sometimes teased about my lack of rich vocabulary. That was great astonishment to me. What I saw moderately simple others saw it erudite and or worse pretentious. I have since tried to tailor my writing to my intended readers-- apparently I have suceeded yet; is it because I expect my fellow Somalis to be on par with me or perhaps better read than I?


Now, I think the whole thing is subjective, What I may find archaic may be quite simply too modern to some and vice versa. This does not mean I intentionally try to alienate my readers-what sort of writer would one be;;; Strangely enough, a voice behind my head had just let me know that some of the best books are quite simply difficult read--- perhaps Ulysses comes to mind.


Most of these people never occurred to them that I don't use Dictionary. They were quite good at imposing their limitations about the new commer. One such a accuser was the grotesque Basra with her self-indulgence. She had this weird notion that she was the top DOG and out of nowhere this Somali guy with ceratin capacity in wiriting………………………….. Now the same group of people with different attire seem to permeate into our cossy little corner of the net-- I wonder where would this lead to.


Also, the highly esteemed fellow Zaylici stated, eloquently I might add, I write about ideas, cultural observations etc. These darling need certain lexis, it won't wash if I write cockney (I never tried, I think it would be tragedy trying that-the result would only be failure from my part.)


I hope this matter ends, and walaashis, sorry if I have crossed you in any unknowing way.


Thus Spake the Old man


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Whether or not you were attacked directly or indirectly sophist, I don't see why you had to open a new thread just to justify your ways of writing and declare your intensions.


If you wanted to address a certain character in this forum, you should have done it right there and then. (JUST BECUZ SOME OF YOU MIGHT HAVE TIME ON YOUR HANDS, DOESN'T MEAN THAT IT'S ALRIGHT TO OPEN NEW THREADS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF MAKING THIS FORUM LOOK TRASHY)


I honestly don't have a problem with anyone's written level of language and quite frankly, I find your language of writing rather entertaining and humorous.(I hardly recall reading any of your posts before this whole mess of "HE SAID/SHE SAID" STARTED WITH YOU AND THAT OTHER PERSON.


In the future, I would advice you not to pay attention to every little detail that is said about you, it just might make others question one's actual confidence in themselves.(I SEE THAT YOU ARE LACKING SELF-CONFIDENCE, AND YOU MIGHT WANT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT)

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