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Ayaan Hirsi returned to the Netherlands

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Originally posted by Tuujiyee:

^^^^ Yaree digsada yuusan kaa guban!! Hadal iyo wax la isku guraayo intaa ku mashquulsan tahay, odayga xaaji "bure" la dhaho haka gubin mushaarida!

Bajaqoow, yaa ku yir waxbaan kariyaabo horta hore?

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^^^intaad karisid ayaad madoowga qiica kushiinka ku nabtaa in aad asaga daraadiis lama dowdahay lol...iskadaa warankiila aad isku qubeysid ee cida si fiican raashinka ugu kari lol... maama kiimiko waaxid lol..



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Is there anyone who can marry this girl ? i mean Ayan Hirsi ? ,,,,,,


I think she needs a somali man that can keep her mouth shut forever.

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^^^ waryaa shaanshi ceeb!!! Ayaan Hirsi is still a woman so at least respect her as a woman!! and plus what can Tagsiile do to her man lol..



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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lol@KK. Maskiinka cali beestaan uu ku dhix jiraaa for 12 hours out of the day, jic iyo jac ma dhihi karo. How many times aa lafta uu taagay laga tumay, aa umaleysaa?

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^^^ lol.. How you know lol... Meeshaan Calibeesteenka Somali aa badashay walaahi.. macaa dhalooyinkii qamriga somali ayaa ku heysata oo dhaheysa "we have next" ma basketball game baa...


I'm scared of Somalida more than I'm scared of Cali Cali as the new generation call them...


Layzie muruqii ku booday ka waran xalay?



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Originally posted by Tuujiyee:

Layzie muruqii ku booday ka waran xalay?

Bajaqa, what muruq aa boday gabadha? And the HELL do you know inuu muruqbooday?


Layzie, hayeh sheekadaan maa bilaawday hadana...

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^^^ Adiga yaa ku weydiistay wax? iyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! ar is qor qortaan bilaa qalin rasaaska ah bal fiirsha!!!



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Bajaqa, don't answer a question with a question...Ka jawaab suaasha, ilkihiisa aa umaleysid katarabiil beer falaayo...Baqti bajaqsan...

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