Che -Guevara

SNA in control of Gedo

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One yard-stick to measure if these are SNA or just repurposed clan melitia, is when Cheeseman leaves office, if they still identify themselves and keep their allegiances to whoever replaces Cheeseman. 

But as we all know, they will ditch the insignia and get out their clan cards. 

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These are Turkish and US trained troops. Some people already tried the clan angle calling these troops Rweyne, Abg@@l and reer Diini invading Gedo  in order to discredit these troops but it is not gaining traction.

They are properly trained and disciplined force.


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Unfortunately, these movements are political in nature. The goal is Bu'aale which is the regional capital for Jubaland. It is most likely a parallel administration will be set up with the blessing with the Yanks. 

The young men and women are however proper soldiers. They might just end being political pawns. We will find out soon.

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1 hour ago, Che -Guevara said:

The goal is Bu'aale which is the regional capital for Jubaland. It is most likely a parallel administration will be set up with the blessing with the Yanks

These are real soldiers. Gedo and the border region is crucial for both Somalia and the American base in Lamu. The Kenyan are helpless. Other than Kismaayo , they are unable to stop attacks inside Kenya from Jubba region. The Americans can not rely on Kenyan troops sitting in KIsmaayo. few weeks ago they lost both men and expensive equipment when Al-shabaab attacked. Everyone knows the real Somali soldier is fearless. I hope they paid them well.

Who knows, the idea is probably to take over Bu'ale from Al-shabaab and organize a new election in the regional capital. Madoobe will be be isolated in Kismaayo. 

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Ujeedka kenya iyo madoobe lacagta ugu bixiyeen si uu baxsado, waa inay fitno kaga abuuraan, dawaladda dhexe gobolka gedo.

Balse waxaan u malaynayaa inay u fiicnayd, Mr. Janan, Inuu xabsi gurigiisa isaga jiro ama dhuxusha kismaayo wax ka iibiyo, inta dawladu marada geedka ka fuqsanayso.

Haduu gedo ka jabhadeeyo waa meeshuu ku bixi lahaa aragtidayda.

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19 hours ago, Oodweyne said:

If they are what you really claiming for them to be in all seriousness (and I have no reason to actually doubt that what you say is nothing but the truth of it) then instead of going to all the way to Gedo and to Jubbada-Dhexe, which I gather they were airlifted from Mogadishu to go there, why don't they secure Afgoye, Marka, Barave, on one direction, open the road from Mogadishu to Kismayo?

I for once agree with you. This is sadly a political stunt and not aimed at securing the country. There are rumours an election will be organised in Gedo in the near future a la Galmudug style. The real intentions of Farmaajo will be seen when the composition of that maamul is released, whether the aim was bringing an errant state to heel, or whether it was Reer Hebel iska celi booskana buuxi. In other words, we will find out whether ruuxii Barre Hiiraale uu ka dhax guuxayo Farmaajo ama in kale. Call me cynical, but I think that is Farmaajo's real aim, not the 2020 elections (which would be a nice bonus).

However, one overlooked fact is that Madoobe and his battle hardened Raas Kaambooni are still present in the region, and nothing short of a civil war will remove them from the areas they control (unlike those in Galmudug).

That said though, I fully support Farmaajo's centralist unitarian state ideology. Federalism must end and those in against that must be brought to heel (no matter how much the saboteurs of North East hiss and scream). However, I don't support using the state machinery to achieve clan aims and illegal dhulbalaarsi, ama wallee Caabudwaaq baa loo noqon. Waddaniyad afka baarkiis ku siman ninna maanta laguma beerlaxawsan karo.

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10 hours ago, Oodweyne said:

I know you are no more to be taking serious than a dog with a bone in his mouth, because his master told him to bite the bone, and you being a gofer of that sort, you run around in here with whatever BS they feed you from Villa Somalia. But still must you be that stupid to believe that villa Somalia has a wherewithal to go after Puntland, let alone Somaliland.

Poor lad, as ever a idiotic with no argument other than what he i being fed to. Like the rest of the Villa Somalia's paid Ilma-Gumeed shills who are her, like the Galbeedi, who is now ready to wear a "Blue Diric" when ever he wants to defend Villa Somalia around here.

All the same, let me when you have something bit more decent than this trolling stupidity of yours. Got that boyo?

did this hit a nerve? are you afraid? Somalia is coming back, like it or not, and it is ad ama ha fadin walee waa lagu fadsiin.

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3 hours ago, Apophis said:

Farmajo will not save you from Deni or puntland. You will forever be the third wife in the pirate state. Be content.

You don't deserve response, You fake secessionist!  Stop pretending  to people u are not.

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15 minutes ago, Oodweyne said:

Yaa Ina-Gumeed, say what? Well I have you know that you being a coward who could only be paid shill, like a dog with bone in his mouth, could be expected to act like this.

After all, the dog gets to be told to go fetch the bone thrown to the long grass, and off he goes. And in your case, Villa Somalia throws for you a few "talking points PR statement", and off you go and you gets to be here of SOL peddling whatever they have fed it in to your mouth.

And more to the point, I have news for you, which is you are more likely to see USSR returning from the grave than seeing the likes of Ina Farmaajo reviving the failed State of Somalia.

But, Ina-Gumeed Ceerigaabo laga eryadey 1991, ilaa maantana qurbaha ka qayliya, warkiisii waa ey ciyey oo wax kasoo qaad malaha. 

hahhaa, Ina Gumeed maxaa lagu gartaa, Cayda, aflagaadada, Habaarka, Look your self in the mirror. Walee in aadan  GOB wax la wadaagin.

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Farmaajo kismaayo qabiil uma rabo waa lagasoo daalay aan is dilno

Wuxuu doonayaa aqoonyahan soomaaliyeed oo la fahmi kara danimadu meeshay ku jirto qabiilkoo doono ha u dhasho.

Sayid ma'ed abdille xasan wuxuu jeclaan lahaa inuu arko nin beeshiisa kasoo jeeda oo soomaaliya hogaamiye u noqda.

Nasiib daro meeshii kaliya oo xorta ahayd oo abid ay ka maqlaan mudane madaxweyne waxay noqotay kismaayo, ayadiina waxay la hoos galeen kenya iyo tolkood la gumaysto.

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14 hours ago, Apophis said:

This is not America so please enough of that fake “pro troop” jingoism. There is nothing “proper” about them.

They are khat addicted militia who have already started to rob and pillage the locals of Bula xawo and dollow and they will soon run back to their holes.

This case goes from bad to worst.

The bad is that the Somali soldiers are really misbehaving.

The worst is that they are protected/supported by an Ethiopian force

SFG is doing irreparable damage. Clans can fight and later can even be allies, but if you use foreign forces for domestic dispute the enmity gets deeper.

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Xog: DF oo billowday qorshe lagu go’doominayo Axmed Madobe laguna qabsanayo qeybo ka mid ah J/Hoose

Xog ay heshay Caasimada Online ayaa sheegaysa in Dowladda Soomaaliya ay wada-hadallo la bilaawday guddoomiyaasha degmooyinka gobalka Jubada Hoose ee maamulka Jubbaland.

Wararka aan helnay ayaa sheegaysa in mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan Villa Somalia ay billaabeen in ay wada-hadal la galaan guddoomiyaasha degmooyinka, Badhaadhe, Afmadow iyo degaanka Dhoobleey ee gobalka Jubada Hoose, kuwaas oo ka tirsan maamulka Jubbaland.

“Ismaqalkii ugu horreeyay ayaa dhacay, waxaana ku jira dadka lala hadlay saraakiisha ciidanka ee degmooyinkaas, waxaana la filayaa in dhawaan si rasmi ah u billowdo xiriirka labada dhinac” ayuu yiri Xildhibaan ka tirsan baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo la hadlay Caasimada Online, islamarkaana xog ogaal u ah arirntan.

Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa wado qorshe ay gacanta maamulka Jubbaland uga saareyso degaanada maamulkaasi, marka laga reebo magaalada Kismaayo oo uu ku xoogan-yahay maamulkaasi.

Wararka aan helnay ayaa sheegaya in haddii maamulka Axmed Madoobe lagala wareego degmooyinka aan soo sheegnay ee Jubada Hoose, ay suurta-gal tahay in si fudud looga saari karo Kismaayo oo ah meesha kaliya oo ay ku hari doonaan.

Sidoo kale Xogta ayaa sheegaysa in dowladda Soomaaliya ay dooneyso in ay qabsato Jubada Dhexe, kadibna ay degaanada Jubbaland ka dhisto maamul cusub oo la shaqeyn kara Xukuumadda Soomaaliya.

Tallaabooyinkan ayaa imanaya ayada oo dowladda ay iminka si buuxda gacanta ugu dhigto gobolka Gedo.

Lama oga halka ay ku danbeyn doonto xiisadda Jubbaland iyo dowladda Soomaaliya oo gaartay heer aad u sareeyo. Xiisadda labada dhinac ayaa laga cabsi qabaa in ay isu badasho xaalad ciidan hadii aan si deg deg ah loo xalin.


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