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Isla-Weynaan!! - Vain ~ Proud

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“Of all the races of Africa, there cannot be one better to live among than the most difficult, the proudest, the bravest, the vainest, the most merciless, the friendliest: the Somalis.”

Gerald Hanley - in Warriors: Life and Death Among Somalis.


It said (by the waxaa la yidhi brigade) that Somalia is cursed and all its failures stem from the fact that its inhabitants are presumptuous little pricks, who think they are God's gift to man kind and if it weren't for Islam - they would even claim they "were made in god's image" (istakhfuranllah) - This agruement is backed up by the following:


1) They look down on everyone and everthing - Gaalo (whites) Madoow/Addoon (Africans/Blacks) Dhegcas (Arabs) timajilic (indians) Indhayar (people from far East)


2) When 12 Wadaads were murdered for opposing the late somali dictators family law - no one decried. Couple years later when he shot 12 soldiers for attemted coup the foundation for our ruins were layed.



Pride (in the English language) is depending upon context, either a high sense of the worth of one's self and one's own, but it generally accepted the opposite of pride is humility.



Pride can also manifest itself as a high opinion of one's nation (national pride) and ethnicity (ethnic pride).



In conventional parlance, vanity sometimes is used in a positive sense to refer to a rational concern for one's personal appearance, attractiveness and dress and is thus not the same as pride. However, it also refers to an excessive or irrational belief in one's own abilities or attractiveness in the eyes of others and may in so far be compared to pride.



so people stop with all these Somali pride and bullcrap - and be humble and quitly get on with life. That does not mean hate who you are. just be happy you are what you are without thinking because of it your special - more than any one else or other ethnic groups.

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^Your argument is nonstarter since it's based on false assumption about an entire group of people.It is not empirical feasible and mount nothing more than moral posturing!

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LOL@Moral posturing.


Che - false assumptions!!! - the arguement of the Hawlwadaag brigade. i am not talking about individiuals here - yes, i am talking about groups and norms for the majority of the said groups is full of Islaweynaan - a case frankly demonstrated by the above contributor Mr MARX.


Mr Marx - thanks for vindicating my moral posture.

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^^^^That is Marx and few others. When did they speak for Somalis as such :confused:


Offensive Stuff and nonsense. I agree with Che, starting off on a FALSE hypothesis and then trying to build an mountain of a argument on it.


P.s Some literature notes that during the colonial times, the Somali did not feel inferior to the white man, nor did he express a desire to be like the white man, in fact they often laughed at the white man’s weakness and inability to cope in nomadic life styles. Nomads often tried to “educate” the white man in the survival of nomadic life.! THat is not by any means as Isla-Weynaan, but rather being content with their way of life.

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^^you also proved my point despite poor attempt at descriditing it. i am not talking about the white man only here.



Dare i say, you attempt to explain somalis not feeling superior to other raises.



what was the proverb - yeah - 'pride goes before a fall' every remedy for an illness is to admit it first - so come on somalis admit that our people are sinful lot full of pride and hence should repent

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^Who is not 'a proud people'? adiguu noo sheeg those whom arent proud or arrogant in assuming their ways is superior then others.

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^^Either you don't have a point, or you do not know what it is. Not feeling inferior, does not always mean you feel superior, you could feel equal, which is what early Somalis felt.

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Malika & Ibtisaam - Have either of you ever felt superior to someone else? be honest


or in another way - forget even about the other ethnic groups - would either of you marry a ******* like me?? :D



Why not icon_razz.gif

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Depends on what the ****** stands for icon_razz.gif but generally when it comes to marriage, I'm open to trying another race.


No I've never felt superior to anyone, apart from this silly blood that I once employed. She was an empty pretty shell, don’t think I even felt superior to her, I just remember I wanted to strangle her several times.


EdIT: Well not you, but I have no problems with the said clan.

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EdIT: Well not you, but I have no problems with the said clan.

Diplomatic way of saying "over my dead body".


well my response is "don't worry your dead body will do" icon_razz.gif



Now - on all seriousness - at least admit somalis are boastfull lot and they do look down on everything and anyone even from among themselves. lets be honest here - being prideful is a Major Sin and none with an atoms with weight of pride won't enter paradise - so people ask forgiveness for your at least unwitting pride. and if you are thruthful your blatant pride and vainess. smile.gif

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LOOOOOOL@ freak.


see you already condescending on me – I bet you already heard about our love of all things dead – haven’t you? – has anybody ever challenged that story??? i wonder

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^^^Yes it has been challenged many times and found to be a load of rubbish, and if your sorry ignorant a*ss was not a fake, you would not even ask such stupi*d question. :mad:

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