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UK Sports Right bunch of Muppets

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trust me bro i used to see chambers when he was 19 and knowing him then and now :confused: you could tell that he must have been on something becaus in the space of 2 years he was a different person physically. The physical change, and he's stature now cannot have been achieved in any other way than through drug abuse. If you take his claim at face value (i.e. he didint now that he was taking the designer drug)then it is a shame that he hasnt realised it himself, but i just dont buy it.

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it is a shame, he the chance and messed it up, maybe thri other ppls advice, but being in that position and taking drugs, damn, if any of us where in that position we would put things into perpective and not even look at drugs,just be happy u gettin paid and running in the Olympics. I hear all the HSI crew (Boldon,Green and co)not necessaraly those name but some ppl in that group of athlete (still to be named) have been found guilty aswell, so this will be interesting!

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