
Hargeisa governor Musa Bihi demands 30% shares in Dahabshiil

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Hargeisa (SD) – Somaliland president Muse Bihi Abdi according to sources demanded that Dahabshiil owner give his family shares in that company.

The source who spoke to us on the condition of anonymity said, Dahabshiil told the president he couldn’t oblige, due to company rules.

President Bihi is said to be upset and is not communicating with the owner, despite numerous mediations.

The President allegedly asked for 30% of Dahabshiil be given to his son Ahmed Muse Bihi.

The source confirmed that this rift contributed to the feud with Djibouti, when the president refused that country’s Fiber Optic Cables go through Berbera port, and furthermore, turned down meeting with Djibouti minister in Hargeisa last week.

Dahabshiil along with Djibouti was to benefit from the cables at Berbera.

President Bihi has apparently taken a page out of President Ismail Omar Guelleh’s book, in demanding shares in companies who do business in that country.

President Bihi’s Family members are said to be not only accepting patronage appointment in the government, but are demanding shares in large companies.



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This might be a fake story...but

Even the most stable regions are full of hyenas.

Dahabshiil might be able to fend them off but what about the small guys

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In Somaliland,  secret deals and internal quarrels usually come out in pitts and pieces. I do believe that there is definitely some truth in this piece, yet the actual issue as   always is about business connections. 

Everyone in Somaliland knows that every major business deals in Somaliland had to go through Djibouti. SomCable from Djibouti has monopoly in Fiber-Optic cable coming from Djibouti. Rayaale tried to open competition and open the market but since the largest shareholder of Telesom is someone from Mogadishu they decided to give the monopoly to Ina Aw Said and the Omar Ghelle Family who are shareholders .

In fact, it was partially financed by the CEntral Bank of Djibouti headed by the late brother in law of Omar Ghelle. Every major industry in Somaliland was financed by money from Djibouti banks.  In Djibouti every successful business is either owned by the ruling family or those who are connected. If you refuse to give them shares , they will either takeover by force or destroy the business through taxes and other schemes. 

Looks like OOdweyne is burying his head on this  major issues. The way I see it Omar Ghelle want to owen Somaliland through business deals and keep both the politicians and the business community on a short leash.

The only man that got away with $10 million dollars and Coca-Cola franchise is Ina Arab Geele , and Omar Ghelle want to get him eventually for any means necessary including kidnapping or assassination.

Furthermore, we haven't heard the full story about the cable laying ship at the coast of Berbera. A Somaliland minister said that since the ship didn't  have permission from them they will not allow the cable. THe Djibouti minister contradicted him and said the " Ship was heading Somalia and had no intention of laying any cable in BErbera"

Certainly Muuse Biixi is learning from Cumar Ghelle. The most important information that we need to know is whether Dahabshiil is involved in this new business venture. Since Telecom is a money printing enterprise  in the whole region , he , Dahabshiil probably want to be a player. At the moment, Dahabshiil owned Sometel is using the Somecable owned fiber-optic cable  for the internet services. Also, every Telecom business owners whether they are based in Mogadishu or Hargeisa want to monopolize services and  every profitable business and  in turn control governments behind the curtain. 

In Somaliland, certain ministers are hired or fired on behalf of Dahabshiil. When your whole budget is $250 million and the businessman across the street is worth a billion dollar , you understand the imbalance. Yet, Biixi and company are not pushing these business oligarchs to pay more taxes  for the common interest of the state but to secure shares for their well connected friends.

Even the Telecom minister stated in his remarks that the Somaliland CAble industry is solely in the monopoly of SomCable unless parliament changed the rules.In fact, in 2011, the government of Ahmed Siilaanyo passed a presidential decree that put in to law the monopoly of SomaCable through the Guurti with overwhelming majority vote of  75 to 1.

Now, if a new Fiber-Optic cable is coming to the shore, they must get approval from Biixi. and the rules of the game changed. And my guess is both Cumar Ghelle and Biixi might want to get their cut.

We need real investigators to get to the bottom of these deals.












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11 hours ago, Oodweyne said:

Taking a "fake news" as the base to which to build things on from it, or as the point to start your argument from it, and then rounding up your argument with something along the lines of the tiresome notion of "whataboutery" sort of false comparison, should never be attempted it.

For it's not and never will be a straight "argumentation bat" to which to chance your luck in a debate against others with. Particularly in any discussion in which you wish to be thought of as if you have a decent argument to make. 

In other words, this is a "fake news", from top to bottom. And "whataboutery argument" teased out from already given false and fake news does not deserve any answers at all, really.

Got it now, my friend?

Or perhaps, I should explain bit more in here and say the following:

Suppose you run into me in here of SOL next week and tell me, breathlessly, that you have read in some article that a huge crowd had welcomed Mr Farmaajo into Hargeisa, along with whole of Somaliland government that did turn out for him. And I in turn told you, mate, take a deep breath, for what you just told me is just fake news that has no basis in reality. And more to the point Mr Farmaajo was never seen in Hargeisa at all, or is unlikely to be seen there at all.

Furthermore, after I just told you that, you then without losing breath or even slowing down in your stride, proceeded to inquire whether the tomorrow welcoming party that is waiting for him in Burco can be larger than the one he got today in Hargeisa. Or, perhaps you say; "what about the likely crowd that will be waiting for him in Boroma or in Ceerigabo".

Now do you see the point?

Which means, once you establish you are dealing with a "fake news" from the get-go, then nothing can be tease out of it. Nothing can be taking out from it as "analogy", or as a "comparison" to anything else, no matter how tempting it may be. 

Hence, that you do not know this low level of logic and reason, which is a sort of a very basic level, really beggars belief. And what is also doubly surprising to me, however, is the fact that you still wish to detain others with your "whataboutery" argument, which in turn was drawn out or tease out from a given "fake news" item.

Try harder, dear lad.

I don't know how you got all that diarrhea from my simple comment I posted. You make too many assumptions for me to take you dribble seriously. Corruption is high in Somaliland this is supported by solid journalism. However, I stated that this story MIGHT be a fake story i.e the possibility of it being true is still possible. Learn to differentiate between someone opinion and reported facts.

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3 minutes ago, Oodweyne said:

Now dear lad, listen up and listen good. And that is, firstly, do not flatter yourself at my expense, since no one really was that minded to take you seriously in here other than to take a piss at your expense. Particularly in showing how shit-show of cheap logic you are sporting in here.

And by that I mean, you took some fake news and decided to turn it into a whole new "Whataboutery argument", and when you were called out on it, you have decided to pull the sight of an "injured pride" by saying you got me wrong there, when in fact you argument reads it as I have told you in plain language.

Now you are talking about corruption in Somaliland, I see. Well, then see to it, that since this is a fake news, to bring to "verifiable news item", detailing in chapter and in verse of such things. Hence, at that time we can have debate about the merit of it.

However what you must not do at all is to start a wild speculation (that is our Glabeedi's job in here of SOL), and then expect others to fall in line right after you in debating the tees and eyes of such baseless argument, which is what you are doing it now. 

Now again do you see how you make it so simple for others to put to the shredder of everything in which you have so far?

Again, try harder, lad.

You are one sick dude. Get help.

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Oh ad hominem attacks is all you have got? I though you were going to disprove what I have stated.Now run along back to your white queen like a good house nigger.

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^^ The kid has a headache.😂 I have tried to reason with you so from now on I will not take anything you say seriously. 68 iq not welcome.

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