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I think I should consider re-doing my CV. I've just had another project (designed to kill any remaining semblance of social life or life for that matter from my schedule for another 4 weeks) land on my lap this afternoon.


I'm so mad (&sad).

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There is one project I have under my belt which will beat any other SOLer's project. Actually make that two :D

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LoL @ Norf! High flyer!



Sheh, top up on ur vitamins, there's a nasty flu making the rounds. Hope you feel better soon.


Serenity, fly with it. Do it and do it well. Social life can wait!



On a side note, this is one of the things I really like about SOL: there are always other people going through the same issues as you.

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A certain man's 24 room Palace on the beach (incl Gymnasium, Mosque, home theatre, swimming pool, gazeebos etc) in Oman ;)


Even met the guy :D


ps this top secret i'm not even supposed to tell anyone.


Ever been searched at gun point (M16) to get into work evey morning?

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^^lol, no but a bunch of afghanis on a boat were found drifting into the beach one night. They were heading for UAE lol

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Serenity you're lucky sweetie atleast it will end in 4 wks ...I am on a project that goes on untill the end of the year but it keeps growing and growing and the requirements have changed 4 times already frigging annoying ...I tell ya

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Anyone print and laminate 'NO PARKING' signs and stick them around a parking lot?

It could be arranged ;) .


I have a friend who printed herself a disabled sticker so that she could park in the disabled parking which are free half the time.


She also printed herself a concession card, which is given to low-income individuals or students (neither of which she is)- she uses it for public transport where it isn’t verified.


Lastly, near her home, they had a parking sign which indicated that there was no parking past a particular point, in the middle of the night with her 4WD she rammed it down and threw it at the nearest tip. Now her family park wherever they wish along the strip.


All of this done by a criminal 20 something hijabi who owes the government thousands of dollars in parking fines :D . I don’t know how she gets away with it :confused: .


I need to stop being a square.

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