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Johnny B   

^bless that a*ss, and yes, we all need to hit the pavement to socially sell ourselves to an angel or two,but not soley for the purpose of getting hired , though it brings bread,it doesen't bring Fred as we say here. icon_razz.gif


And now that i interviewed and hired few people i can tell you in my branch Resume is of but little significance, sell me your soul and i pay you with spritual cheque. icon_razz.gif

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^LOL. But I still don't get it JB. How could you have been recruited out of college and still be with the same company? Do you live in Japan?

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Johnny B   

^Well, lets just say ,i eat alot of Sushi. icon_razz.gif


On a serious note, what are you suggesting ? a career change? time to try something new? ;)




Dayum, how could i miss what that clear undercurrent of " still " conveys. :mad:


Cara... you gonna pay for that .

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^ 3 years???? He finished school 3 years ago???? :mad: Just how old are you, buster?


*vows to kick JB to next Monday if he's younger than her*


And never mind my a*ss, you got a job for me since you're hirin' and all?

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Johnny B   

Ooooh mama, this thing is getting real old really fast. !! ;)


Cara, caught purple(red) handed . icon_razz.gif , "what, who , me ?", you just failed another pregnancy test not an actiong audition in polywood. :D


Naden,i drive a TOYOTA(aight..sometimes VOLVO s40),i listen to Dire Straits,womack & womack,Freddie, etc etc, beeing younger than you means i still go to high school and hang around the mall. icon_razz.gif


* hates to have missed a SOL freind vissiting Stockholm, he could of have been my wintness. *

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^And who'd believe a character so shady as to be your friend?


I don't even know who those artists you listed are, all their music must be on vinyl.


But really JB, it's elementary. You started at the company straight outta college, and now you're hirin' and firin'. Unless the President is your dad, you must've worked your way up the slippery ladder (and knowing what a playa you are, it must've taken a while). Don't blame me for my brilliant deductioning ;)


**Doing her best to keep going the tradition of Page-2-Off-Topic-Blather**

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^ Cara, I heard through the grapevine that your office is laying off barracudas. Mind putting in a good word for me before you get your box?


*still sore about that senility thing in the Women's section*


beeing younger than you means i still go to high school and hang around the mall.

JB, flattery will get you everywhere :D , it even gets you forgiven for the Womack and Womack thing.


* hates to have missed a SOL freind vissiting Stockholm,
could of have been my wintness. *

Who's he? :confused: And I expect my Surströmming when I do visit :mad: . I'll be glad to be your witness and deny that you're methuselah.

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Ms DD   

My my..a lot of people are at crossroads.



What a great approach that you have. I am a nervous wreck whenever i go for interviews. Since I graduated, I have had 4 interviews, I got 2 of those jobs of which I had to choose one. Anywho..If you had told me 7 years ago that I would be rotting here, I wouldnt have beleived it.


I think it is better to go alone rather than working for someone. Which is where I am heading now. ALl i know plan of becoming a millionare by the time I am 40 wont be acheived if i continue to work for someone.

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When was the last time you updated yours?


2-3 months ago.


Any stretches of the truth?


A couple. Like I'm supposed to be able to do flash animations and I cant. Hate that software with a passion. Also, I'm supposed to know UML well, which I dont because I hated that module in university.


But, I've actually brushed up on UML on my own. The thing with stretching the truth is, you can only stretch so much, like claiming to know something well when you're just a beginner. It makes for a terrible impression and embarrassment if you lie and are caught otherwise.


Ever land a job you knew nothing about by blagging ?


Haa. I worked in telecoms for a bit. I couldnt tell you zilch before I got in there... but I loved learning! :D


Ever looked back at the job description of the job you're currently at? Was/is it accurate?


They always seem more difficult than they actually are.


Is all of it one big game of deceit?


A bit.


I'm doing(avoiding) mine right now. Hence the topic. :D


They are recruiting at my place sheh! ;)


JB, will you stop braggin please? This is strictly the suffering working class joint.

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Originally posted by -Serenity-:


Any stretches of the truth?


A couple. Like I'm supposed to be able to do flash animations and I cant. Hate that software with a passion. Also, I'm supposed to know UML well, which I dont because I hated that module in university.


But, I've actually brushed up on UML on my own. The thing with stretching the truth is, you can only stretch so much, like claiming to know something well when you're just a beginner. It makes for a terrible impression and embarrassment if you lie and are caught otherwise.



, will you stop braggin please? This is strictly the suffering working class joint.

You have not heard about this guy then:


From The TimesJune 15, 2007


Hotels boss quits over fake qualifications

Dominic Walsh

To add one fictitious qualification to one’s CV might be overlooked as poetic licence. But to claim three degrees from some of the world’s leading universities must be dangerously close to fraud.


The only consolation for Patrick Imbardelli, who until yesterday was chief executive of InterContinental Hotels Group’s Asia Pacific region, was that he was allowed to resign after his deception was discovered rather than suffering the additional ignominy of being sacked.


Mr Imbardelli’s duplicity was discovered only when IHG ran checks on his academic background ahead of his elevation to the group’s main board next month.


The company announced yesterday that he would no longer be joining the board and had resigned.


IHG said that the checks had revealed that he had earned none of the degrees on his CV. He claimed to have two from Cornell University in America – a Bachelor of Science in Hotel Administration and a Master of Business Administration – plus a Bachelor of Business Studies and Hotel Management from Victoria University in his native Australia.


A spokesman for IHG said: “We understand he attended classes at both universities but did not graduate from either.” He said that the group had no issue with Mr Imbardelli’s ability to do his job, adding: “With s o m e t h i n g like this, the fundamental basis of trust is undermined.”


He refused to say why the group had decided to run the checks but admitted that they were not routine. “Information came to light subsequently to the announcement of his appointment to the board.”


Analysts suggested that the mention of a degree from Victoria University in the announcement may have prompted someone who knew that it was false to blow the whistle.


The 46-year-old will receive no payoff, although IHG has agreed to pay him for another two months to give him time to arrange the transfer of his family from Singapore, where his office is based, back to Australia. He is married with two children, aged two and four.


Mr Imbardelli’s fall from grace is all the more acute given his recent successes. Just two weeks after David Webster, IHG’s chairman, was lauding the “wealth of experience” and “operational management skills” he would bring to the board, he was named Hotelier of the Year at the Asia Pacific Hotel Investment Conference.


The Australian, who is thought to have been on a salary of between £300,000 and £400,000, was highly respected in the industry, having spent 25 years working for companies such as Hilton International, Hyatt Corporation and Southern Pacific Hotels. He became managing director of IHG’s Asia Pacific region in 2003.


His resignation has shocked friends and colleagues alike. One said: “He’s a good guy and well liked within the business. It’s very sad but when the facts came out he had to resign. He did the right thing.”


Mr Imbardelli joined IHG, then part of Bass, in 2000. His personnel file, complete with the false CV, was transferred across without any checks being made.


He was probably tempting fate when, in a recent interview with Hotel magazine, he said: “IHG is a FTSE 100 company with 3,300 hotels worldwide, and I’m not going to jeopardise our reputation.”


Degrees of mendacity



InterContinental Hotels joins a growing list of embarrassed employers.


If Barings Bank had dug a little deeper before hiring Nick Leeson, it may have uncovered the county court judgments he omitted in his application.


Similarly, Radio Shack, the US electronics retailer, failed to spot the discrepancies in the CV of Dave Edmondson, its chief executive. He claimed to have earned two degrees from a small Bible college he had attended for just a year.


In 2002 Ronald Zarrella, chairman and chief executive of Bausch & Lomb, kept his job after the eye-care company learnt that he did not earn an MBA from New York University. The board declined Mr Zarrella’s offer to resign but he forfeited a $1.1 million bonus.


Richard Li, chairman of Hong Kong telecoms group PCCW, had to remove claims on his company’s website he graduated from Stanford.


Ann Wilson, managing director of BBC Technology, was sacked in 2004 for “misuse of hospitality”. It was later discovered that she was a convicted fraudster. In 1997, she had resigned as head of global electronic commerce at Philips subsidiary Origin after her record came to light. Even after the BBC, she got a job at headhunter Korn/Ferry and was made a nonexecutive director at Datamonitor. In June 2005, less than four months after hiring her, Datamonitor announced she had resigned “for personal reasons”.

JB, looks like you've got yourself quite a harem there. :D

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^ LoL...deceit of high proportions dheh.



Sheh, that's good advice, thank you. The shut-down was referring to erasing the whole process from my mind once I secure a job. Until the next time.



D&D, self-employment is the way to go. :cool:

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