Che -Guevara

Somalia blames a foreign country for the Ex-Control attack

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The Gulf Arab regimes and their wealthy elites do finance terrorism bur I doubt they had anything to do with this attack.

That's said. It will be good to see what precipitates if they do name UAE as the funders.

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Xarakada Al-shabaab oo War culus ka soo saartay qaraxii Ex-control Afgooye


Afhayeenka Xarakada Al-Shabaab, Sheekh Cali Maxamuud Raage (Cali Dheere) ayaa sheegay iney iyagu ka dambeeyeen qaraxii xooganaa ee maalin ka hor ka dhacay isgoyska Ex-Control Afgooye ee magaalada Muqdisho, kaasoo au ku dhinteen shacab fara badan.

Kalimad la dhageysan karo muddo 24 daqiiqo ah oo uu Sheekh Cali Dheere soo dhigay warbaahinta taageerta kooxdaas ayuu ku faahfaahiyay qaraxii halkaas ka dhacay iyo dadka lala beegsaday, wuxuuna sheegay in qaraxaas ay la beegsadeen Kolonyo isugu jirta Turki iyo maleeshiyaad Soomaali ah oo ilaalo ah islamarkaana uu khasaare lixaad leh kasoo gaaray.

Sheekh Cali Dheere ayaa sidoo kale qiray in qaraxaas uu khasaare isugu jira dhimasho, dhaawac iyo burbur hantiyeed kasoo gaaray dad shacab ah oo qaraxaas la kulmay xilli ay wadada marayeen.

“Waxaan aad iyo aad uga xunnahay khasaaraha qaraxan ka soo gaaray ummadeena muslimka ah, waana ka tacsiyadeynaynaa dhamaan dadkii muslimiinta ahaa ee halkaas naftooda ku waayey ama ku dhaawacmay hantina ay uga burburtay, inta ku dhimatay ILAAHAY Waxaan uga rajaynaynaa inuu shahaado uga dhigo, eheladoodana Samir ILAAHAY ha ku arsaaqo, kuwa dhaawaca ahna ilaahay ha u booga dhayo, inta hantidooda ku weyasyna bedel khayr leh ilaahay ha siiyo, waxaa hubaal ah in mujaahidiintu yihiin kuwa ugu badan ee uu gubayo dhibka gaaray ummada islaamka, ” ayuu yiri Cali dheere.

Waxaa uu sheegay in weerarkaas uu qeyb ka yahay dagaalka jihaadka ee ay kula jiraan wax uu ugu yeeray cadowga Alle kan muslimiinta, wuxuuna xusay iney sii wadi doonaan weerarada ay ku hayaan wax uu ugu yeeray cadowga dalka ku soo duulay iyo kuwa la safan.

Ku dhowaad boqol qof ayaa ku dhimatay, tiro intaas ka badana wey ku dhaawacmeen qaraxii ka dhacay Ex-control Afgooye, waana markii ugu horeysay ee Al-shabaab ay qirato iney shacab ku laayeen qaraxyada ay fuliyaan, kana tacsiyeyaan.

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After being silent for two days, Ali dheere speaks out suddenly. This is an unusual and highly suspicious.  With Nisa information, it is very clear for me somebody ordered it and multiple groups are involved. Sheikh shariif, somlailand and others did not waste a time to use it for their advantage. Even the missing old man aka "OODWEYNE" showed up, assuming this is a toning point for their cause.

Nisa coming out with this information, is  a huge development and it will change a lot of things. Somalia was already a battle ground and now things will definitely change for the worst.

Where is galbeedi?

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OOdweyne waan ku salaamay. 

It has been a while. Waxaan islaha  malaha Muuse Biixi aaya meelaha u magaacabay ama xagaa iyo Nairobi ayuu hay'ado dhex galay .


Anyway, this new revelation about this huge bomb,  which was assembled just within the perimeter of the city, should be a game changer for Somalia. I swear to Allah the Almighty, Just about during the holidays, I  was writing an article about the extensive war waged by the UAE and the Saudis against Arabs and Muslims world from North Africa to Yemen and  all the way to South Asia. I procrastinated and and waited to post for another day or so.  Even the famous Somali artist, Amin Amir  told me that people had warned him about depicting cartoons against UAE who might even target him anywhere in the world. I knew there was something in the pipeline, but I never thought it could be the same truck bomb that has happened two years ago. 


I knew there something in the pipeline when I saw the two former presidents heating  up their campaign. I knew there was something fishy about Hiiraan online targeting both Turkey and Ilhan Omar, two of the most hated names in the gulf circles, on the front page. The gulf nations were killing us for the last 25 years. Either with their wild WAhabi dogs which bore the Al-shabaab of today, or their direct deployment of terrorists since the formation of Transitional National Government in Kenya in 2004. Somali extremists would not exist today without UAE and SAudi Arabia. Even Qatar were members of that club until few years ago. Almost everything that is killing us today is directly or indirectly connected to the UAE.


1-The business community.


With their direct taxation  and extortions , the Somali business  community willingly  made Al-shabaab  the richest terrorist organizations in the world. Big telecom companies, with millions of  transactions a day are paying monthly taxes exceeding hundreds of thousands . Hotels, import companies, construction companies and most of all the Bakara Market, which is one of the largest business transaction hub in Somalia pay direct taxes to the extremists. The telephone banking transaction alone have $20 million dollar business activity every single day from ZAylac to KIsmaayo. With this kind of resources, the sky's the limit. Everyone of these major businesses have banking accounts in Dubai. Somalia might have stopped direct flights from Dubai with bags of money, but they still have million ways to bring cash to Somalia.

THe time has come for the Somali businessman to abandon Dubai and take stand against Al-shabaab. The peace and security of the nation is more important than a stinking businessman. In order to discourage extensions, serious nation reject paying ransom to terrorists and criminals , and by allowing this activities, these people 

2-UAE army and intelligence.


Somalia had disbanded the UAE mercenary, but its intelligence units are in Mogadishu, Boosaaso and Berbera. Just like in Yemen, the UAE had built its own intelligence within Somalia , and soon will bring their mercenary army to Berbera and claim to be training Somaliland soldiers.

Just like in Yemen, they have created two parallel systems that compliment one another. One is to saw chaos within Southern Somalia while pretending to be helping Somaliland. I do believe that just like south Yemen, they will hung Somaliland dry. By paying just  5 million dollars a year , with one of the biggest ports in the country, they check mated Somaliland. THey want to hold on to  the jewel of the Red Sea and deny the real investors from  the world.  

This tiny gulf nation is hell bent to destroy any business or port activity within this region for another decade. In fact,  for the first time, the American government  had declared that a drug cartel type of organized crime to exist within Somalia. The Anti money laundering and anti terrorism financing agencies in America had hired people to monitor movements of money within Somali owned banks and Hawala systems. THey have two employees deployed within the central bank of Somalia to report any fraud or unknown money transactions within these Somali owned institutions , namely Hawala and banks. So far, the Hawala business seem to be clean and their books are open for others to investigate for fraud activity. Most of the killings are committed by these cartels, yet Al-shabaab takes credit. 


The UAE are holding two major Somali ports with minimum business activity. Only a credible investigation would show their real investment and profits.


In fact, the gulf Arabs,  including the Qataris who changed course lately, were taking advantage of us for a long time. It was the Egyptians and the Saudis who pushed us to the war of 1977. They either want a despot they could bribe to rule or chaos. A democratic and electioneering Somalia is a great threat for these despots. If they reject people's power in Sudan, Yemen, Libya, Tunisia and Algeria, why would they allow democracy in Somalia?. The prime minister of LIbya made a life and death decision and signed a security agreement with Turkey. With all the threats from major powers, he took a risk to save his government and democracy by confronting the new warlord Hafter. THe time has come for the governments of the region to indict war crimes against Mohamed Bin Zayed of UAE. The UAE took part the NATO war to depose Qadaffi of LIbya, yet they are paying the salaries of the mercenary army of warlord Hafter. Why bring another dictator  again?


3- Arms shipments from Amisom and Neighboring countries.


No rebel group could survive in the jungle without direct help from a  foreign power. Buying small arms and few munitions from the Somali market can not sustain for a rebel group to wage wars daily.  Al-Shabaab is using their arms daily just like state actors. It is well documented that Ethiopia used to leave cache of weapons when they leave their baes. Also, Amisom troops had abandoned bases full of weapons and taken over by Al-shabaab militants after fire fights. Other weapons are shipped directly from Eritrea, UAE and Ethiopia. I have a well documented articles about the origins of Al-shabaab and its connections. I will publish soon.


When the UAE despot visited Ethiopia few months ago, he signed security and military agreements. Which means UAE intelligence would ship bombs and weapons from the border directly with help of Ethiopian forces in Bay or central Somalia. Even Farah Macalin said that UAE is working with KEnya to delay the  extraction of gas and oil from the INdian Ocean. 

War has been declared against the people of the region by UAE and the Saudis, it is time to take sides and confront the enemy directly. This should have happened long ago. THe problem is Farmaajo is allied with the colonial powers that unleashed the gulf killers from YEmen to Libya.

AS the election season heats up, UAE will will increase the campaign of chaos. Intelligence analyst always differentiate bombs assembled by state and non state actors. This one, which destroyed everything within hundred meters is probably assembled by state actors. It is time to control the movements of the foreign soldiers and intelligence people in Somalia. We need our original bases Halane and Baligoogle. Let them build their own camps. Erdogan said that these nations who sent ambassadors to Somalia have no houses but trailer homes beside the airport Turkey built.

The time has come for the MUslim world to speak against the Saudis and the UAE , the blood thirsty despots of our time.

Finally, we need serious security people in Mogadishu. I will never allow a truck to even enter a checkpoint were the public is traveling. I would patrol the 25 km stretch of the highway with armored cars and intercept every truck, heck, I will not even allow a truck to travel in the rush hour, let them get special permit. Let them stuck hours in special lanes and inspect them with dogs. I Would deploy tire deflators if they try to run away. Do you remember the huge truck bomb that hit Zope in 2017 was chased from the check point all the way to Zope where he exploded. 


The last truck bomb of 2017 should have changed Somalia both security wise and how we approach it . THis government has an opportunity to seal of this town and inspect every home. INtroduce emergency measures and put a rotating curfew.

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  On 12/30/2019 at 8:11 PM, Duufaan said:

Xarakada Al-shabaab oo War culus ka soo saartay qaraxii Ex-control Afgooye


Afhayeenka Xarakada Al-Shabaab, Sheekh Cali Maxamuud Raage (Cali Dheere) ayaa sheegay iney iyagu ka dambeeyeen qaraxii xooganaa ee maalin ka hor ka dhacay isgoyska Ex-Control Afgooye ee magaalada Muqdisho, kaasoo au ku dhinteen shacab fara badan.

Kalimad la dhageysan karo muddo 24 daqiiqo ah oo uu Sheekh Cali Dheere soo dhigay warbaahinta taageerta kooxdaas ayuu ku faahfaahiyay qaraxii halkaas ka dhacay iyo dadka lala beegsaday, wuxuuna sheegay in qaraxaas ay la beegsadeen Kolonyo isugu jirta Turki iyo maleeshiyaad Soomaali ah oo ilaalo ah islamarkaana uu khasaare lixaad leh kasoo gaaray.

Sheekh Cali Dheere ayaa sidoo kale qiray in qaraxaas uu khasaare isugu jira dhimasho, dhaawac iyo burbur hantiyeed kasoo gaaray dad shacab ah oo qaraxaas la kulmay xilli ay wadada marayeen.

“Waxaan aad iyo aad uga xunnahay khasaaraha qaraxan ka soo gaaray ummadeena muslimka ah, waana ka tacsiyadeynaynaa dhamaan dadkii muslimiinta ahaa ee halkaas naftooda ku waayey ama ku dhaawacmay hantina ay uga burburtay, inta ku dhimatay ILAAHAY Waxaan uga rajaynaynaa inuu shahaado uga dhigo, eheladoodana Samir ILAAHAY ha ku arsaaqo, kuwa dhaawaca ahna ilaahay ha u booga dhayo, inta hantidooda ku weyasyna bedel khayr leh ilaahay ha siiyo, waxaa hubaal ah in mujaahidiintu yihiin kuwa ugu badan ee uu gubayo dhibka gaaray ummada islaamka, ” ayuu yiri Cali dheere.

Waxaa uu sheegay in weerarkaas uu qeyb ka yahay dagaalka jihaadka ee ay kula jiraan wax uu ugu yeeray cadowga Alle kan muslimiinta, wuxuuna xusay iney sii wadi doonaan weerarada ay ku hayaan wax uu ugu yeeray cadowga dalka ku soo duulay iyo kuwa la safan.

Ku dhowaad boqol qof ayaa ku dhimatay, tiro intaas ka badana wey ku dhaawacmeen qaraxii ka dhacay Ex-control Afgooye, waana markii ugu horeysay ee Al-shabaab ay qirato iney shacab ku laayeen qaraxyada ay fuliyaan, kana tacsiyeyaan.

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I see cadaadis shisheeye saareen inay sheegtaan. Did Barbaarta waalan commit this atrocious attack? Yes, as a foot soldier and was told so. Did a shisheeye finance it and plan it? No doubt, 100%. I hope madaxda qaranka take this case to appropruate international venues.

The other paid agents like Mahad Salaad, Fiqi and Cabdishakuur are overworking by defending Imaaraadka, even though no body named it.

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 Even the famous Somali artist, Amin Amir  told me that people had warned him about depicting cartoons against UAE who might even target him anywhere in the world.

So he got scared? Kashoggi style, no wonder I have not seen anything on UAE lately, mostly Kenya

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I told you people before; Somalia as a country is finished and will not be allowed to recover. Too many people have made fortunes from the U.N concept called "Somalia". And those fortunes are more important than a country called Somalia. 

We are watching Somalia bleed out. let it go.

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There is no Somali individual, group, party..anything capable of doing this or even bigger?

Even foreigners have to do it with Somalis anyway.


Blaming one time UAE, another time Qatar, another time Ethiopia, yet another time wearing thin.

Is this to make Farmaajo look like a lion fighting against some big regional and global powers, everyone out to get Somalia and Farmaajo is the only one keeping it through diplomatic, military intelligence...etc super leadership.

Better people talk about the next election and this time the criterion should be someone who:

For good or bad accepts and swears to work with existing conditions federalism and not waste time

To work with the Turkish. to fully implement, what was planned (20,000 army soldiers trained in Somalia and 2000 special forces/rapid deployable to be trained in Turkey and Somalia). This should have been long time ago done.

Focus on food production to feed the people that are only doubling every some decade and also if successful feed the Arabs and guarantee they will always wish well for you and support you.

Forget oil or Uranuim for now. Its corrupt and dangerous business.



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