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Cop tickets a woman in labour!!!

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Jennifer Davis was stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic on Nov. 18, her contractions just 3 minutes apart. Her husband, John, was trying to appear calm for his wife's sake, driving in the breakdown lane of Route 2. They pulled up behind a state trooper to ask whether they could continue using the lane to reach the next exit, near Alewife Station.


Not only did the trooper say no, he gave them a $100 citation for driving in the breakdown lane, made them wait for their citation while he finished writing someone else's ticket, and even seemed to ask for proof of pregnancy, Jennifer Davis said.


"He said, 'What's under your jacket?' I said, 'My belly,' " Davis said. "He waited and gestured with his head like, 'OK, let's see it.' He waited for me to unzip my jacket. I mean, it was so clear that I was pregnant."


The Davises say the contretemps occurred after two other troopers they encountered had waved them along in the highway breakdown lane, allowing them to evade gridlock while advising them to be cautious and keep their hazard lights on.

Full Story.

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I'm sure she would have if she had time, do you know how long they take horta??...Perhaps she thought her husband would drive her there faster. Either way you lot need to show sum sympathy for a pregnant lady... :(

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Originally posted by Resistance:


1. Ambulances take time to arrive

2. They don't take you to your choice of hospital to deliver, they take you to the nearest hospital

3. They aren't a free ride

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Resistance, so what, it was emergency in their case as well. I think the police should have been more understandable. At least he should have gave them a warning or what not. Even though I think their act was justified. Anyhow, when I was born, I was almost born in a car.Not to mention a police car chased my dad it was like midnight now would you say it was his fault, that he wanted his wife and baby safe? just an example....people don't know when babies are gonna born, its hard to tell i guess..not to mention ambulance takes forever ....



Anyways, the police went a lil too far. I think the parents could just let it go, he's only a guy trying to follow orders. But, his actions should be more humane, or they could take him to court and make some money of it (ppl try worst stuff to make money out of :D )


KK right on.


my 2 cents

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Well if they did not want an ambulance i assume it was not so much an emergency. u can't justify it unless the baby was popping out , it was only a contaction, not tat i know how it feels.

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^^it would have been awesome if u could get pregnant, then u might sympathies...otherwise as famous somali say goes..


habar fadhida lagdin la fudud... :D


Again, its not abt wanting it, as kk mentioned there's limitation to calling one. It's by far better to use your own car.



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ambulances are not free, we called one 4 my brother once...when he caught his leg in a seemed pretty serious at the time (even though he was ok later ) so we called one...and they billed us...


so nothing is free in this world....sadly icon_razz.gif

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LOOOL You guys are billed for the ambulance, damn that is so mean!


Legally he did the right thing, but lacks human compassionate

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loooool you guys don't get billed?? now i feel like ppl in europe are spoiled by far....when i went there a year and so ago the students there get paid to attend school...let me emphasize to attend school..not to excel icon_razz.gif


now the only way to progress is to pay for every lil thing u need... otherwise u gonna be soo lazy ....just like the natives...they get compensations/monthly a majority of their population are alcoholics...and pretty much they failed in every aspect. And, whys that? when ppl are spoon fed they dnt do well...tough life produces productive ppl :D


Resistance you are still talking? gosh like i said habar fadhida lagdin la fudud.. icon_razz.gif

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