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Somali mother looks for her UPDF lover

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Unknown is the case of a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.


Very sad story, this usually happens in war-torn countries, (not to mention the rapes subhan-Allah.) People are poor and desperate. Peace keepers bring nothing but trouble and corruption as evident from the impact of "peacekeepers" especially in these poor nations, capitalizing on others misfortune. may Allah help us.

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Seems to me like a love story. Not too sure what is sad about it.


Soldier of Fortune and Local Girl fall for each other


Local girl and Bundle of Joy go off to be reunited with their knight in shining armour


Local girl and Bundle of Joy enlist the media in attaining their goal


Media picks up on the improbably probable lovestory and fawns all over it

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lol@ no too sure what is sad about it...


that's what happens when ppl lose morals and become too westernized n brain washed by western values ..

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^You accusing me of being too western? In a way yes - Somalis love to discuss other people's business(yet profess Islam which says myob) whereas westerners don't. I don't approve of her morals or having a child out of wedlock with a non-Muslim no less. But then - we are not here to approve or disapprove of people's choices are we?

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Like i posted we should leave this to allah swt...but i disagree when one goes i dont see whats so sad abt this? don't you see that a sister is having a child out of wedlock?? what can be more sad than this? not talking about cultural perspective. I honestly don't care about somali culture. I was referring to islamic perspective on this issue..what does islam says about this? think about it?....


as a muslim you should disapprove of such question about should disapprove but not necessarily impose the right choice on others.Ultimately, everyone makes their choice and no one else has a say in it...

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One - I was kidding around.


Two - I do disapprove - but I don't like people who trumpet their dispproval. It seems to me a little too high and mighty.


Three - I honestly don't know what is sad about it. She wants this man and she has gone in search of him. Look at this from her perspective. I doubt she is sitting there feeling sorry for herself.

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thank god that you were kidding and disapprove of it. thats a relief.


well, as muslims we disapprove and feel sorry for her. And, sooner or later she will regret her choice. Whether it's in this dunya or akhira...

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Iyada laftigeedaa kolkii hore UGANDA ka timid! Ceeb! wataa R Kelly reerahoodiina gabdhihii bililqaysteen!


These women who defean us here in SOL with stories of the failures of Somali men should pass a message to their sisters and educate them.

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