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It is better to be a Rat or a Gypsy than being somali

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peaceNow..Adiga see nabad dadka ugu yeereesaa adigoo Carbata hala laayo ku haayo markasto?

Laakin again hadalkayga ma fahmoosid maahinoo.


PS. waxaan ku jirnaa waqti ay aad u adagtahay in aan Bani'aadamnimadeena ku dhagnaano iskaba daaye Soomaalinimadeena.

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Originally posted by peacenow:

I'm cursed.


There is nothing left for us law abiding people here in Italy other than to rid ourself 100% of anything 'somali'. Even our names, and change our skin color using lemons and L'Oreal to escape being suspected of being one of them. Them..... 'the refugees and terrorists'.

The lowest of the low. The scum of the world. Rotten walking corposes. Plauge of vultures with bulging foreheads and radical islamic genetics to destroy borne out of their failures.


The shame you are.


The cursed.

peacenow, Happy New Year to you too and may be (Just may be) 2010 will bring you more wisdom than you have shown thus far... smile.gif

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^ sadly I don't think he will return you affection. :D


Cheer up PNow, new year, new you and all that.


and BTW gypsys are cool and interesting.

(though they might have rats, is this where the connection is from?!)

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Self-deprecation can be a source of catharsis if it is coupled with satire. However, this kind of pitiful self-hatred is symptomatic of some deep-seated pyschological malady.

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In more ways than one..


Our friend, peacenow, contends that most Somalis living in the diaspora are no better than a kind of vermin-- with the psychological compulsion to mess up everything and interfere with his rather excessive pursuit of the grand experiment or as he likes to call it, "western lifestyle"-- and it is thus hard to resist the inference that, to his mind, Somalis are symptomatic of his personal failure to satisfy this catharsis to purge himself off of anything Somali.


Clearly, this gentleman is troubled.

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Then by all means, find him an exorcist who will help purge him of this ignorant self-frustration or the endless Somali-guilt that he continuously obsesses about and which only demonstrates how narrow his imagination has become ever since becoming a refugee in Italia.

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A classic case of the effects of Italy iyo booyaasinimo! Malaha digsigii madoobaa dhaqidiisuu ka daalay, lasciarlo sfogare dhaafa yaaqo! :D

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A man who suffers from self-hate is indeed cursed, and we as (Somalis) despise cursed souls in our midst. So, please stay away from us before your curseness spreads on us, thank you in advance!


Btw, what have you done for your people (if you are Somali that is) lately, other then ridiculing them 24/7? Broken record is what you are adeer, testa di cazzo!

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This is my correspondence with an Ausi investor of RR back then. I'm sure Peacenow knows why we are in this deep hole of social and political decline. But let me repost it for the benefit of outsiders who maybe reading this thread.


Hi Ahmed,


I find it sadly ironic that one of the poorest nations in the world is adjacent to one of the richest ( Suadi arabia).

thanks for the reply


all the best





You wlc. Our political and economic progress were stunted by our initial adoption of the Communist doctrine which heavily banned and discouraged--through its internal policies and media monopoly---the private ownership of property. The dictatorship also exploited and divided the people. But our biggest debacle and political state failure was our burning desire to solve the border disputes with Ethiopia in 1977 through military means and not through a constructive dialogue and compromise. We were abandoned by our then supporter, the Soviets, in favor of Ethiopia, which at the time had a new military junta officers in power. The junta embraced communism and Ethiopia was then seen as more strategic than Somalia because of its relative huge population.


The U.N and the rest then took a decisive stance. They saw Somalia's invasion as a violation of the Territorial integrity of Ethiopia. Consequently, the Soviets were given a Security Council resolution to go to war wi th Somalia. It deployed over 10, 000 Cuban troops and a large number of East Germans and South Yemen.


Somalia was defeated and huge displacement of Somalis in the occupied territory drained the resources of the state in that it was too overwhelmed to respond to the humanitarian crisis. Besides, the ever growing public discontent with the government's policies resurfaced to the top. This time it had to fight for its own survival and against her people. Ethiopia as well with the assistance of the west pursued destabilization policies in the region and armed local tribes with political grievances. Somalia as a state ceased to exist and the world didn't help prevent the problems from becoming intractable.Now it's divided and weak. Puntland is born out of the crisis and its incumbent president has been infamous of corruption, nepotism, the rise of piracy and other charges unlike his predecessor Yusuf. The latter was a real statesman by putting more of his resources on maintaining peace and fighting corruption.


I think it's in the best interest of the company you purchased an ownership interest to see a stable Puntland. It looks they are still supporting Hersi but what further benefit could be achieved for 4 more years of the same old policies that divided and failed us


Best Regards,

Ahmed H.



Hi Ahmed, thanks for informative reply. English is my first language yet I am unable to articulate my words as well as your self and other posters on SOL. How is it that so many of you are very well spoken/educated? i think if your people were given the opportunity free of conflict you would achieve great things. Hopefully the new president will usher in a welcomed change for your oppressed people.


thanks again for your communications






James, you very much welcome.


Best wishes


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Originally posted by Cicero:

Self-deprecation can be a source of catharsis if it is coupled with satire. However, this kind of pitiful self-hatred is symptomatic of some deep-seated pyschological malady.

Well said.

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^^Waraa Tuujka, reerkii ka warran awoowe? waa lakala lumey beryaahaan akhii. Salaan iga gaarsii everyone 100%.


MMA is in the UK and he shall be back shortly.

LST saaxiib tnx man... everyone is fine alxamdulilah..aduunkaan baalweyn lee saan u bursaneeno ayaa nala aasaa kolee lol... abti everyone is fine doing well ciyaalka xaafada dhan too...Hope you and the fam are doing well iinsha allah....


Norf. Iska daa maskiinkaan..sabab buu u joogaa meeshaan kiligiisna ma aha oo kuwa badan ayaa jooga..kan waxaaba dhaama kuwa gaalada ah runtii...




Sad that you've to demand a ban for any stance that doesen't offer special treatment for your stance.


There're people who openly support and encourage TERROR among the SOL users and you can't stand PeaceNow's self-criticism as a noble Somali man.


way to go ....

Mr Johny B, just because we are muslim doesn't mean we are terrorist gaal yahoo.. all I see is you saying negative thing about Islam..I never once saw someone terrorising you so take your CNN B.S and put it were the sun can't see.... your lucky i'm not a Mod because I woud have delt with you long time ago...


Complicated, Duqa ninkaan ha u bixin nooh lool mar hore aa gaalo faleebo suratay...



For the Admit, I think you guys should really think about this and sit.. the more I see people like Peacenow and Jonny, the more I think of how one day people will think about what to write on SOL "as if don't already" and stop to express them self as the characters that they have chosen.. I think one has the right to say what ever he thinks of Somalis, however as Norfsky pointed out, I believe that we should have some what of a ground that should not be crossed...



Lool@ JB.. Russian politics maad baratay abti mise SomaliLand siiyaasad waaye tan?

Hada kohor aan sheeko ku maqlay about aabe Siyaad Bare alaah u naxariistee.. duqa waxaa la dhahay qofka uu necebyahay wuxuu siin jiray wax kaste oo daraja sareesa ayuu siin jiray. Wuxuu sugi jiray ilaa uu qofkaas kibro ee dadkana nacaan si uu u qaarijiyo loool....I don't think is true but thats the Russian politics..alaabtii gorbajoof nooh loool....

Ilaahoo u naxariiso....



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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^Af salax kudhajiska aa la gabgab leedahay jooji igaar yohoow! What one says/believes has nothing to do with Soomaali oo dhan wexey tahay...Maskax yarida ayaamahaan bareemiyaa la'isku siiyaa ma maqlin miyaa, dhaaf bareemiyada ha loo tartamee... :D

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