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Wow! How dumb are you? Many somali girls are simply gorgeous. ethiopean girls are, too, but there aren't that many of those.

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Anwar,maya am not angry brother,it just they look like kids to me..anywho,iska bashaal.


Fu-fu,stop being a bully..flexing those big muscles..heh

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Fu-Fu i have FACT you dont! and do not attack me becuz of my choice :mad:


FACT: Ethiopian girls are born with beauty!!


SOMALI GIRLS ARE TOO but there aren't that many of those icon_razz.gificon_razz.gif .

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Originally posted by G G:

I think it's disgusting you're linking to that video - especially considering you're a female yourself. I don't mind the model photos but there were many pictures of regular xalimos who most likely did not give their consent for this sort of distribution. Shame on you.

You have dressed your comment up quite nicely portraying yourself as some kind of victim xalimo , but in reality all you are doing is insulting Muslim-Somali women and Somali culture as a whole. A Muslim-Somali sister shouldn’t be posting her pictures up on the internet--- in the first place. In fact Somali sister who fear Allah should not expose her adornment or beauty except those whom she is permitted. I apologise if my point of view offended any of my female readers, but I don't see much of a difference between a Model and a Somali sister who exposes her beauty on the internet by wearing scanty clothing.


This is expressed in the following Quranic verses "Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty ; that will make for greater purity for them and God is well acquainted with all that they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof ; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex ; and that they Should not Strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers I turn ye all together towards God that ye may attain Bliss.''(Sura 24- verse 30,31)


Verily Allah knows best



Ps: The video is viewable to everyone and was posted on you tube by someone else not by me :(

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Originally posted by Ismahaan:

quote:Originally posted by G G:

I think it's disgusting you're linking to that video - especially considering you're a female yourself. I don't mind the model photos but there were many pictures of regular xalimos who most likely did not give their consent for this sort of distribution. Shame on you.

You have dressed your comment up quite nicely portraying yourself as some kind of victim xalimo , but in reality all you are doing is insulting Muslim-Somali women and Somali culture as a whole. A Muslim-Somali sister shouldn’t be posting her pictures up on the internet--- in the first place. In fact Somali sister who fear Allah should not expose her adornment or beauty except those whom she is permitted. I apologise if my point of view offended any of my female readers, but I don't see much of a difference between a Model and a Somali sister who exposes her beauty on the internet by wearing scanty clothing.


This is expressed in the following Quranic verses "Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty ; that will make for greater purity for them and God is well acquainted with all that they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof ; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex ; and that they Should not Strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers I turn ye all together towards God that ye may attain Bliss.''(Sura 24- verse 30,31)


Verily Allah knows best



Ps: The video is viewable to everyone and was posted on you tube by someone else not by me
My dear Ismahan. The girls were not all wearing scanty clothing, look at the video again - there were a few grainy photos (of normal looking girls) which were obviously captured (webcam or some other source such as MSN stealing). If you thought [the girls] the video was insulting to Somali culture, you would have not paraded it as some sort of evidence of Somali beauty supremacy.


In any case, I know what Islam says but I also know it says ceebta dadka waa loo asturaa. Even if all the girls wore bikinis, that doesn't give you the right to distribute it. In fact, the more inappropriate you feel the content is, the more reluctant you should feel about sharing it.


Oh and I didn't portray myself as a victim - in fact I don't think I mentioned anything about myself, so your remark is very odd indeed :confused: Perhaps you are under the impression I am posting my photos in "scanty clothing", and defending it on SOL, hmm?


In any case this really isn't worth pursuing further (I am disrupting your thread with my unwanted seriousness), so I wish you a pleasant weekend, and get back to assembling Lego Indy 2, which I claim to be doing just out of good nature.

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Anwar, naagta Ethiopianka ay yiraahdaan wey ugu qurax badan tahey baa Iman oo retire gareysey ka qaadey booska.

Marka reerkaan deriskeena ah ma laha dhererka iyo quruxda Somalida ee aduunka la cajabey.

Not even Arabs has that natural Somali tallness, and beauty. It's self-evident.

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Everyone is can't making sweeping generalisation about beauty that varies with tastes, culture and individuals. Plus I hate this idea that women are being judged on a day to day basis purely on their looks. Not that I condone either but I don't see you comparing men here, and besides beauty isn't something you can compare or rate because as cheesy as it might sound everyone is beautiful in their own special way.

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BTW GG I agree with you, JB had no right posting those pictures on here and Ismahan there is noway you can defend JB by insisting that they deserved it for having their pictures online. No one has the right to do that regardless of what they're wearing. Islam teaches us not to speak badly of others or publicise their sins however how small or great. Had these women even chose to pose butt naked, that's between them and Allah...who are we to cast judgement?

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar:



Qoftaan ayaa qurxoon, oo qurux iyo qaayo isku darsatay inta kale waa been. Labiskeeda haba sii sheegin. 9.99999 out of 10 waaye.


Reer Minnesota waaye qoftee ee Reer Minnesotoow qoftaan meel ku sheega.

I think we can do it.

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Dear offended readers!

We all have an intuitive sense of what we believe is right and wrong, but surely all human beings can make mistakes. Many of our daily sins are probably committed due to our deceptive sense of right and wrong. Yet my comment is that our 'conscience', our natural sense of right and wrong, won't jump outside of us at Youmal Qiyamah day and stand there and judge us. Only Allah almighty will judge us according to our intentions. Anyways I’m sincerely sorry if this video offended anyone- especially some of the Somali sisters . It was not my intention to upset anyone or make any gesture that would upset anyone so take it easy all and cafis.


Ps: If your complaint needs more attention, please contact the Video maker @


Yours sincerely, Ismahaan

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Somali Farah’s I'm so disappointed that you weren't selected the Somali girls as the most beautiful girls in the world. Shame on you.

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