Deeq A.

Email uu wasiir Beyleh ku dalbanayo in $5 milyan loo wareejiyo akoon gaar ah

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Deeq A.   

Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Isu-duwihii hore ee kooxda QM ee kormeerka Soomaaliya iyo Eritrea ayaa bartiisa twitter soo dhigay email uu u diray wasiirka maaliyadda Soomaaliya Cabdiraxmaan Beyle, oo uu Bankiga Dhexe ku weydiistay in lacag shan milyan oo dollar ah lagu shubo account gaar ah.

Email-kan ku taariikheysan bishii March ee 2019 ayaa loo diray guddoomiye ku xigeenka Bankiga Dhexe, wuxuuna u qornaa sida:-

“Dear Maryam,

“Subax wanaagsan. Sida aan ka wada-hadalnay, waxaan kaa codsanayaa inaad si deg deg ah u qaaddo tallaabooyinka soo socda.

1. Laba milyan oo dollar ka wareeji lacagta Sacuudiga
2. Hormuud waxay 2.5 milyan oo dollar keeni doontaa kowda bisha April, 2019.
3. Nus milyan waxaa laga soo wareejin doonaa STA (Faadumo ayaan kala hadlay inay sameyso sidaas).

“Lacagahan marka la isku darto waa shan milyan oo dollar. Fadlan ku wareeji akoonka AMNIGA, waxaa loo isticmaali doonaan dhaq-dhaqaaqyada la xiriira amniga”.

ELyR7b4UEAEJF63.jpegJay Bahadur ayaa u muuqday inuu dhalleeceynayey hanaanka maaliyadda dowladda, wuxuuna yiri “Astaan muujineysa horumarka DF ka samaysay hanaanka maaliyadda.

Emailkan ahaa March 2019, oo uu wasiirka maaliyadda ku dalbanayo in akoon hoosaad loogu wareejiyo 5 milyan oo dollar, isaga oo kaliya sidaas ku samaynay wicitaan taleefon oo loo diray Bankiga Dhexe.”

Bahadur ayaa goor dambe sharxay inuusan ula jeedin inuu wasiirka ku dhalleeceynayo musuq-maasuq, balse uu tilmaamayey kaliya arrin uu hanti-dhowraha qoranka walaac ka muujiyey.

Beyleh oo arrintan ka jawaabaya ayaa sheegaya in tani ay tahay “si wax xun u fasir ceeb ah” oo laga sameeyey email sharci ah, si loogu wiiqo dadaalalda deyn-cafinta Soomaaliya.

“Waa murugo in kuwa markasta wax mucaarada ay doonayaan inay hor-istaagaan taageerada caalamiga ah ee deyn-cafinta Soomaaliya ayaga oo samaynaya si wax u tarjun ceeb ah, oo ay u adeegsanayaan emailo sharci ah oo gaar ah oo ay ku heleen si sharci-darro ah. Habkeena maaliyadda waa mid adag, oo cad oo horumarsan, islamarkaana sii hormaraya maalin kasta. Waxaa naga go’aan is-beddel.” Ayuu yiri wasiir Beyleh.

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A slush fund, also called a black fund, is a fund or account that is not properly accounted, such as money used for corrupt or illegal purposes, especially in the political sphere.[1] Such funds may be kept hidden and maintained separately from money that is used for legitimate purposes. Slush funds may be employed by government or corporate officials in efforts to pay influential people discreetly in return for preferential treatment, advance information (such as non-public information in financial transactions), and other services.[2]


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Who is Jay Bahadur? The failed Canadian journalist, the get-rich quick scheme on Soomaaliya's misery as an 'expert.' He is not alone since others like Rashiid Cabdi and the Matthew Bryden guy, another fellow Canadian so-called Soomaaliya 'expert.' Their whole careers depend Soomaaliya to remain as a 'failed country.'

Their mercenery careers have been out of work in the last couple of years since Soomaaliya is improving drastically in short time. Ciil ayaa haayo and we are not fooled.

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Here, what I had written is openly validated by those corrupt individuals themselves. Rashiid Cabdi and Matt Bryden have always been anti-Soomaaliya progress, using bogus organizations, one time as Crisis Group and now Sahan.



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