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Xaaskaan Soo kala Tuuri! And Xiddido Green ah!

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Hohoho! While I take Faheema's advice as constructive although said a bit harshly, I wasn't prepared to take anything from our friend-JB. I know where he is coming from. Anyway, let us not judge my personality, but talk about the merits of the story. You don't shoot the messenger!


MMA- yes, way castahay. Laakiin, anigu xiddidadaa waxaa la iigu sheegay dad badan oo daawooyinka skin-whitening creams ka isticmaala. Iyadoo madoow ayuu xiddidadu doog noqonayaan. The guy must have seen a lot of that in his past life and was worried he ended up with qof xun!


Anyway, anigu dee dadka SOL gabdho ka deedayanayaa ma ihiye why I would need to pretend. Wixii aan maqlo waan sheegi! Some would agree, some won't. It is fine.

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Statistically, there was a high level of correlation between 'dawada wax caseeysa' iyo gabdhaha raggu ka mahad sheegtaan!! At least in the past.

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Ileeeeeeeeeeeeeeen balaaya ka dhacday!!! oo waxa naago oo xididada cagaar (aqtar) aan arko maalinkaste wey is cadeeyeen? balaa ka dhacday.. eeeeeeeee baagooo yaabaaaaaa ka dhacay!!!


hey JB Somalia or Somaliland bajaq yaasha joogaan ma wada xidido cagaaran yihiin saaxiib? lol wada kiimiko socoto miyaa? lol



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Waryaa Abdilatif, aka, Cobole;


Don't feel vicariously embarassed for me. +faheema way idaba qaadatay markay iga hadho unbaan sugaynaa! :D


Laakiin, waxaan ku idhi dee ninyahoow isa soo cadee, aniga I am positive inaad 100% igaranayso!

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Jacbaro, oh baliis cut the crap iyo istustuska. Leave Abtigiis alone, and he can share whatever he deems shareable.

LoL. Runtaan kugu jeclahay ninyahow. Waaba the master of hadal-maalaajacni qof kale wax ha ka sheego.


It's one thing to be sincere and give the individual naseeha in private, but completely another to do it in a jestful and demeaning manner in public. Waa la sameeyey un wax looma sameeyo.


A&T needs to learn to make use of my favourite egyptian phrase: tuzz feek! :D


A&T, Mr. Cobole waa native Dhagaxbuurian - they only observe but rarely speak. Laakiin waa laguu yaqaan. ;)

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Those green things are called varicose veins and it is a condition that millions of people suffer from (nothing to do with colour either).



I see nothing wrong with your story by the way (well, apart from ninka wax kala tuurayay) :D .





See how many people came to your defence when JB and Faheema were tossing you between cirka and dhulka like some overcooked pizza? :D


Bal car say you're the orphan of SOL again.

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NGONGE, stop stirring will ya :D


Wow! A&T I see even an apology couldn’t wash it down …I must have touched a nerve or two. Didn’t think you were that sensitive. Fear not as this will be my last correspondence with you smile.gif

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I'm still laughing at Xaaskaan soo kala tuuri ,,, :D


Is there such person dadka ku odhanaya i sii suga wax baan soo samaynayaaye ?? :D

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I suspect Cobole's real name is A.A.H. Haduuna aheyn waan qaldayaa, but I know he is someone who knows me and I know him. Adiga laftigaagu is cadee, waan ku garanee!




Have I said anything offensive. I said I take your advice, and laughed off about the thing. Why do you think I am angry or you have touched a nerve.


Ngonge- I knew the story won't scare perverts like you and me. To others, it still is nonesense! I know I have only one friend-XInn here.


JB- See Faheema's comments. My reaction was more of a surprise it has to come from you, than being angry. Markaaad hadaltidhaa ee lagugu soo celiyo, waa lacadhoodayda daa dee Saaxiib!

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I don't see what the fuss is about,but again the more they fuss about your stories the more pages,just making anything you post a hot topic!..Now maad qasaarin those minutes it took you to write and


ps.Am no pervert for not seeing anything wrong with your story.


pss..Ignore Jac,he hasn't got a creative nerve in his whole body,jealousy is such an ugly thing..[ icon_razz.gif ]

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