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Hargeisa Singers or ear-polluters?

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Shame; the land of Guddudo Carwo, Baxsan, Shara Axmed, Saynab Cige, Cumar dhuule, Kuluc and the legendary Moge brothers have to find ears for the screeching Ubax Dahir, the tedious Sahra Ileys, a tall man who utters something to the effect of ‘why was your mobile phone off?”, and Faysal Tashi, who despite his modest voice, you would be forgiven for thinking he must have been told bout the death of someone dear to him before he stood in front of the camera to sing. Don’t even talk about a man they call Jaajumo. It is more of a fun to look at his face than to listen to his music.


And of course, the pretentious Nuuradiin, the man-teenager. I mean, this is a big insult to the reputation of the North. You will have to run out of options to listen to even the rather bucolic Jamac Riyo, whose acceptable voice is undone by morose looks and the face that is more in match with a middle-weight boxer. I mean the rhythm of “Alaaleeyey, alaaleey” is fine, but again who will care to watch on Video? He should have released it only as an audio.


What is going on there, JB? “mee,mee fankeenii maxaa dhacay miyuu gudhay??” Time was anyone with a horrible voice would be laughed at and ridiculed. In this atrophied profession, men and women whose voice is good enough to sit in the toilet and shout “waa lagu jiraa” whenever they feel someone is knocking on its unlocked door parade as real stars and win accolades.


As an aside, what has got hold of Maryan Mursal lately? Yes, I know she has always been a keen waver of flags, but what is this new fixation with the Land business? What is the implication of her new found love for this new flag? Has she rescinded her stance on Somalia’s unity or is it just a case of artistic acumenship on what has a market?


When she tossed upside down, frantically chanting “Hana-Haabaa!” with that face of hers, may my former colleague Caraale die of syphilis if my young son hadn’t run away from the TV!

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Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka:

In this atrophied profession, men and women whose voice is good enough to sit in the toilet and shout “waa lagu jiraa” whenever they feel someone is knocking on its unlocked door parade as real stars and win accolades.

Lol@ waa lagu jiraa :D

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Hear hear! LOL What's with Maryan these days? I never expected it ,I thought she was a hardcore somaliweyn supporter and I even remember her criticizing other artists singing for and supporting SL or qabiilist agenda.

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^^^ Ka qalleeya Maryan see camal, still wadankeeda lee taageereesaa smile.gif



Laakin, for those reer London, dagaal xun aa ka dhacey in one of Xaflada 18ka May in London, Sky News ka arkey, and Universal TV.



Soomaali qashqashaad iyo rabsho lagama weenaayo wallee, mee iska baashaalaan

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What are you talking about man..Ubax Fahmo is a super star...and Sahra Ilays isn't that far off. You're just hating. Ubax Fahmo has a voice that will never get old. Ask Cawke about Sahra Ilays, he profiled her few years ago in BBC.


Siciid Korea is very good. There is also Saxardiid, Cabdi Fanax and the new comers such as Bulshaawi from Burco (the winner of Somaliland Idol)


Did you forget Shay Mire Dacar, Caabi mire dacar and Cabdi Nasir Macalin Caydiid,


We still have Sahra Khadra, Rooraaye, Tuse, Caqaarta, Faisal Omar Mushteeg, Buusi among please stop it. Somaliland music is still shinning and well alive in Hargeisa.


I must agree, Faisal has no personality and his voice is very average.


Yeah, there is also Almis. The father of wadani songs. The fat dude (don't know his name) isn't half bad.

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^^ He noticed JB is not here today and he's just trying to flush him out with this bait. :D


As ever, beautifully expressed.

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Shame; the land of Guddudo Carwo, Baxsan, Shara Axmed, Saynab Cige, Cumar dhuule, Kuluc and the legendary Moge brothers have to find ears for the screeching Ubax Dahir, the tedious Sahra Ileys, a tall man who utters something to the effect of ‘why was your mobile phone off?”, and Faysal Tashi, who despite his modest voice, you would be forgiven for thinking he must have been told bout the death of someone dear to him before he stood in front of the camera to sing. Don’t even talk about a man they call Jaajumo. It is more of a fun to look at his face than to listen to his music.


And of course, the pretentious Nuuradiin, the man-teenager. I mean, this is a big insult to the reputation of the North. You will have to run out of options to listen to even the rather bucolic Jamac Riyo, whose acceptable voice is undone by morose looks and the face that is more in match with a middle-weight boxer. I mean the rhythm of “Alaaleeyey, alaaleey” is fine, but again who will care to watch on Video? He should have released it only as an audio


First of all: :D:D ,Double grin baa la idhaa waxaas. smile.gif


2ndly,You are obviously out of touch and are still accustomed to the old. Embrace change adeer,or should i say abti. Gone,are the days of the 5minute kaban intro(musqusha intan aado baan so noqdaa and no song yet).


These new singers are fantastic. Nysc of course with the new smile.gif ,La qabso baan kaa iri smile.gif

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Nuune, they made it to Sky News?! What happened?


A&T, get over it, the only thing that annoys me is Maryan, she looks ridicules.

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I watched it, he acts very silly in this one but the one I love most is the one where he sings:

oh michale dhagjar...samad kasoo dhac. give us the link if you can find it yaa sabriya

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yeah he acts silly bt I liked it, specially the 1st part he goes "maana nixnixina waan eegnay" and yeh the other part " waan ku doonana abahay baan kusoo sheegana" I thought it was suppose to be " waan ku doonana abaha baan kasoo donana" LOL


anyways , I dont think I know the one you're talking abt. I will ask around see if I can find it..



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Age is not the issue here. I mean you have Fiska and Dini, you have Nimco Dareen (from my village), and Fuad Omer. All new crop of wonderful singers.


By the way, I agree with Farax Barawn, I don't like too long songs and two way exchanges between he and she. Certainly not long introductions. But those old guys had voice. Real voice.

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