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A New Generation of Somali Women

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Alle mahadii, habo. Labadan beri xamaal ayaan iska ahaa. Maxaa iiga kaa danbeeyey, shaqadii iiga waran habo? smile.gif

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Lose the "holier than thou" attitude plz it is making me nauseous. The fact that you searched and posted a vedio of them on a public forum for the sake of defamation shows lack of character on your part. "New Generation of Somali Women" kulahaa, get a reality check ina adeer.

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Originally posted by Paragon:


Originally posted by Valenteenah:

LMAO! Such a funny video. Are they from East London?

Lol. Yarta stop dissin' the East End, yeah? Yo ge' me?
smile.gifApologies there, Paragon. smile.gif

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For those who are saying this video is OK, I have one questions for you. Are you still a Muslim? How can a believing person say it's ok for muslim sisters to act like this? I hope you benefit from the Hadith below.


On the authority of Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said:


The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: "There are two types of the inmates of Hell whom I have not seen in my time: people having flogs like the tails of oxen with them, and who would be beating people, and the women who would be dressed but appear to be naked, who would be inclined to evil and make their husbands incline towards it. Their hair would be like the humps of the bukht camel inclined to one side. They will not enter Paradise, and they will not smell its odour, whereas its odour will be smelled from long distances. " (Muslim)

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For those who are saying this video is OK, I have one questions for you. Are you still a Muslim? How can a believing person say it's ok for muslim sisters to act like this? I hope you benefit from the Hadith below.


On the authority of Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said:


The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: "There are two types of the inmates of Hell whom I have not seen in my time: people having flogs like the tails of oxen with them, and who would be beating people, and the women who would be dressed but appear to be naked, who would be inclined to evil and make their husbands incline towards it. Their hair would be like the humps of the bukht camel inclined to one side. They will not enter Paradise, and they will not smell its odour, whereas its odour will be smelled from long distances. " (Muslim)

Oh Drum Roll comes self-rightousness :rolleyes: . First of all, You can't be questioning people's faith in Allah based on their lack of criticism of their sisters/brothers.

Second, rushing to condemn and gossip about your fellows muslims doesnt make you neither a pious person nor a "good" Muslim and thats what this mediocre thread comes down to.

Third, no one said it was acceptable islamically but we just didnt JOIN the gossip wagon and for that you put forth a hadith? :confused:

They have a choice. If you know them personally u nasteexay and if you dont, pray for them but plz dont mount the high horse by degrading them further :rolleyes:

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I wonder what the poster was aiming to achieve when he put this link. He just made a thousand other people about this gals and no doupt gave them much needed publicity.


I say we as Muslims and Somalis face greater challanges to worry about right then what a couple of girls do or don't.

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So one has to be "perfect and self-rightous" to say tha an act is against Islam and that as muslims we should not say it's ok? I guess that means since none of us are perfect we should never remind each other of what is right or wrong? I didn't mean to suggest that performing this action would make one non-muslim. I can see how one might interpret my post as such but that was not my point. I hope Allah guides these sisters and all of us to the right path.

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^- LOL Well said


Bangers and Mash- eh? I like the name very catchy as for the song? I can't hear anything this computer is on mute. I guess their going through a phase- 10 years down the road they'll be laughing at this in the local Masjid regaling tales of their wild youth with their fellow Jilbabi wearing sisters. Oh the hilarity


Kids you gotta love them.


Ps to that African Gangster..Whose got that dudes number?-he is truly something.

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Ms DD   

I went to few Islamic lectures at universities, masjids and conferences. After the asians, young somalis were the second biggest group attendees. I thought THEY were the upright and pious generation. I guess it all depends if your glass is half empty or half full.


Make dua..that is better for you and for them Marx

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