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insensitive creeps

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Buuxo,Layziyiin iyo nuus iga dhe!... :D LOL@oo kaa feera weyn..Heh


Ibti,dont start me on these poor women in Miyi,their lives are extremely tough.Even I with my "big bones" excuse will be a size zero if I had to endure their hardship.


Ibti,true..My brother is among those fine men,but that is only through years of my mother not allowing him to get off his resposibilities,just for being a boy/man.

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LooL@ fera weyn.


Like Ibti said, it's not pregnancy that makes women obese, it's the post pregnancy care, as in Umul/food abuse.


...carry on with your male bashing ladies.

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P.s. When I went miyi I met mothers with 7-12 kids who were the same size as me at the age of 45+ (I left them my clothes) They don't even have all the drugs and doctors and facilities to help them carry, monitor and birth a child. Gangsters bilaah adjustment.

ibi preharps they were the same size as you because how should i say this "they are in miyi". gosh offcourse their body is going to stretch back into its original state its not like food is in its abundance!!


not to mention their constant exercise regime, do you know how far they have to walk everyday? :D



*News Alert* Even women like Halle Berry and the likes have been dumped, cheated on and so forth…So its not how a woman should look like, its about MEN and their Hungurii!!

lol, couldnt say it any better

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lool Ibti,that is the minority.


Malika, lazyiin kadaran waan inhumane, why let your wife starve? wa runteey ma nin feerihisa darbigaas la'eg baad naagtiisa iyo ilmihiis la korin, muuxuu u dhali in the first place.


LOol LILy this is hardly men bashing thread,all the ladies are defending these incompetent men.


Ladies , i thought i might share with you the best advice i was given in life, Raise your boys: this means that instead of sending these young ,malebale minds with their father and those male species to have some men-bonding time, keep him with you, raise them to be sensitive , considerate & loving person.Aniga my sons, will be exposed to their fair share of cooking and cleaning as his sisters.This will be invaluable life-skills, and considerate as helping out sister in the long-term .

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Originally posted by Buuxo:

Somali men were never know to be sensitive in the first place , they are made of dagax and they are always out to prove that. Apart from their unrealistic expectations, i have a bone to pick with them. The fact that they can't take care of their wife while she is pregnant or in the umul period , I don't mind giving a sister a hand , but i dont see the reason ,why the neighbour or other somali ladies need to do gurmad for a his wife coz the damn husband ,oo kaa feera weyn , cant make his wife food for her. :mad:

L0L, Yaasinka qabso bal.Waxaad la soo shir tagtay eeg? Ma waxaad lehdah, Jama feera weyn,baad lehda dab haa babiyo? Ilaahow adaa weyn(oo waaxid).


Do you knoww what that does to a Faraxs reputation? a.He wont be able to hang around the coffee shop without being teased,b.No work for him, all the Taxiles will laugh @ him and c. the most importantly of all, he will food poison the poor wife and himself. smile.gif


Oh,about sensitivity, that is for sissified simpletons. You need to be respectful but tough faraxs shouldnt give a f&&^%*%! about sensitivity. smile.gif

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Some women intentionally cook fatty foods so their man gets heavy also during her pregnancy. Its all about trying to get him fat! Hadii kale intuu is jaakeeyuu suuqa ku dhici while you're feeling fat and ugly carrying his child! Feed the creeps, I say. :D

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

Some women intentionally cook fatty foods so their man gets heavy also during her pregnancy. Its all about trying to get him fat! Hadii kale intuu is jaakeeyuu suuqa ku dhici while you're feeling fat and ugly carrying his child! Feed the creeps, I say.

Inalilaah,war waa maxay xaasidnimada inta la eg? eedo!? ---That is deceptive baan ku dhahay smile.gif

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Haweenkn yaa dhibay hadaba. Haters bay wada noqdeen. By the way, this hate thing about self-hate, is universal. Almost all the people (of different races I know) say the same thing about their own male/women; but still 99% of go for them.


Insensitive or whatever, kuwaa unbaa wax la idiin saaray. Haddi kale dhaxantu meelahaa ha idin ku disho.

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^^^I did not such thing :rolleyes: I like our Somali men. At least we know what the problem is and can buy a leash for them early :D so simple.


P.s. Guys do the same thing and paint all Xalimos with the same brush. Pot and K..... :cool:


P.s.s. SO did you, "Leave US alone" why are you grouping them all together.


The Mirror once claimed in an article that "All Muslims, like all dogs, share certain characteristics" I guess we can say the same thing here "All men, Like all dogs, share certain characteristics"

But of course both statements are incorrect and insulting :cool:

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