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insensitive creeps

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Hayat,I agree indeed some or even majority of men are insensitive,down right selfish.Its all about them,and their needs.I think its unrealistic of men to expect their wives to stay as they were when they met,people grow and change as time goes by.Womens body change as they have babies,their roles change.As their time is consumed to looking after the children,house etc they havent got much time for themselves..Unless everyone expects all women to be like the Stamford Wives[anyone see this movie?]A perfect size 10 with boobs to match,a sex slave,a cleaner,driver,educator,chef,entertainer etc etc..please give women a break!!


Men will be Men always,for them everything is about them,their wants,their needs..Its unfortunately women are viewed and seen as only objects to satisfy these mens needs and wants.


I know men whom left their wives because,she wasnt keeping the house clean enough, or she isnt entertaining enough,they are not sexy enough blah blah..I have never heard a woman say I want divorce because my husband has a residing hair line,has grey hair,or has a pot belly..Lol


Men are simple creatures really,and very very very spoilt!!


Now CL,can you please drop that membership on your way out..


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Nahee malika nahee!


I know a man who divorced his wife because she refused to clean his feet, seriously. The specific day that he thought enough was enough was when she was going out and informed him that his food was in the microwave and he should heat it up when he wants to. All hell broke lose, in short he divorced her, now in this case I ddnt blame the man, hell if I was him I would have done the same. The problem was the woman she was the one who spoiled him and let him run her like demented creature, cleaning his feet catering to his ****** demands just because she was insecure in herself. He had it good and when she started acting up..he let her go.


darlingjee, you will only be treated as an object if you think your one. Come on treat yourself the way you will like to be treated and accepting bulshidh is not one of them; now if you act like stup1d woman running around some man, come on honey can you blame him. I once heard someone say man are like kids there always trying to establish how far they can push you and its your reaction when they do that matters the most and sets the precedent for future conduct in the relationship.



Old man- main kuch nahi suna chati tumhara paas,tum bohote bodha ho. So chup karo

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Ngonge, You know why I beleived it was you? your face on that picture was gleaming with the gap that you were defending and you had a glasses on (remember the blind man incident you wrote about).Anyway its not that important-I was just trying to help the princess there though as ever she never realizes that


CL...I hate to be a dumpy pain-in-the arrssse kind of guy.I was just trying to help you dear ;) .


Back to the topic, as long as women can keep marvelous tits (am i allowed to mention that here?) and a glossy hair you will be fine with me......aND PLEASE no blistered lips ;)

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I agree with CL, People will treat you how you allow them to treat you, and it will be too late to try and get them to change if you don’t train them early! :D


Malika, changes are given yes, however you should still look, healthy human, who looks her age. It is not even about him, I mean if he left you, you should look good enough to hit the market running with your kid in hand, not be overweight, look 40+, unhealthy and now depressed coz he left your as*S. It is vital you are attractive enough to live your own life, not feel that because you’ve settled for him and let yourself go, he can kick you about like a football. :cool:


When you threaten that you are going to upgrade, it should have some merits. If you are looking good, he knows that you won’t put up with shid, because you’ll just go and pick yourself another one to entertain yourself with…for a while icon_razz.gif


Ngonge are you sure you wanna send your brother my way?? I intend to be a mean bit*ch :D

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Hayat* how much do you weigh now, abbaay?

i dont know what you are refering to but no this is not an outcry on my behalf.......i am not married so telling you how much i weigh now will not really prove or hint at anything.


this is merely an observance from married couples to those aspiring to get married the wive is expected to remain beautiful for the rest of her life(especially in reference to weight) yet there is problem with any limitations from the guys side.


****Please save me the personality etc lets be honest physical attraction matters****


yep it does but it has limits i mean its not like both partis are going to remain beautiful for the rest of their lives just like ageing is a natural part of life and it inviatebly makes you ugly... there are phases which women go through that will decrease her in physical appearance i.e. childbirth why does it then need to be an issue?.


heck men dont even go through childbirth and they get a pot belly...but then again that is not "letting go off themselves" :rolleyes:

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Most Somali women honesly don't know how to take care of themselves after marriege, and I can bet even some of the girls who are here, and know about the problem, will have the same faith. I visited my niece the other day , who had a baby, and she was asking another relative who was with her that time, to get a BIG special Koob for Caano shaah, I said what is for? And she said, waa koobkii umusha,lol.

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Well, am assuming the lot of you whom had responded have not experience child birth, right? Well, come closer and let me tell you lot something. Giving birth is no bloody joke, and after the whole process of pregnancy, giving birth, your body goes through another re-adjustment. From pregnancy when every part of your body has expands beyond belief, the body is now retracting and going through the process of recuperating which takes at least 6-8 weeks. Now you tell me during this vital process when one should be recovering, one should hit the gym and starve her self?


I think it requires a real man to appreciate what his wife has been through, and to accept the reality of the natural process that will take place once their wife has had a baby. Women are not just object of beauty and satisfactions’ of your desires, they are human beings whom endure a lot more for these children husbands boast about..


Dabshid, what is wrong with the new mum having a mug of shah? Actually the six weeks following birth, a new mother should eat well, rest a lot more. She should be looked after and supported not only physically but mentally too. Just like our old time traditions of looking after the Umuul. I see how much we are being influenced by the societies we live in but even more worrying is how much the media is influencing us on how one should appear, should dress, behave etc..Now can you leave the girl alone with her mug of shah..



*News Alert* Even women like Halle Berry and the likes have been dumped, cheated on and so forth…So its not how a woman should look like, its about MEN and their Hungurii!!

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Malika ......................................yeah....blah blah :D Do you get my point now?



P.s. When I went miyi I met mothers with 7-12 kids who were the same size as me at the age of 45+ :eek: (I left them my clothes) They don't even have all the drugs and doctors and facilities to help them carry, monitor and birth a child. Gangsters bilaah adjustment. :D


P.s. The issue is not about whether women endure more or not, that is given. The process of birth and recovery happens all over the world. Somali women just have a bad process of recovery filled with kimis for uumuush, hilib, canno because she is still eating for two! (A myth to start with in the first place)


As I said .....................blah................blah check me in 20years Malika for I do not know what shall happen :D

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Somali men were never know to be sensitive in the first place , they are made of dagax and they are always out to prove that. Apart from their unrealistic expectations, i have a bone to pick with them. The fact that they can't take care of their wife while she is pregnant or in the umul period , I don't mind giving a sister a hand , but i dont see the reason ,why the neighbour or other somali ladies need to do gurmad for a his wife coz the damn husband ,oo kaa feera weyn , cant make his wife food for her. :mad:

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^^^Come on, these are the few* I mean there are lots of guys around, particularly in the west, who cook clean and take kids to school when the wife is pregnant. ducks

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