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How Would You Explain This ?

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Lool Urban. WTF..Waali


JB: Tell them none of their business, kids are too fast these days, I never had any time to ask such questions as a child, haad shaqoo laan baa heese kids. Tell them cirika ayad kaa so daced, and i will send you back there if you misbehave.


I don't know, depends on how old and wise they are, if they are like 9/10 and they still don't get it, you can sit down and tell them. I don't see the point is giving a 5yr old a detailed answer.

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Well I had a conversation with my nephew a couple of years ago and it went a little something like this:


Nephew: Where do babies come from?

Ani: Babies are Allah's gift to mummy and daddy.


I was hoping that was good enough and he would go away, or ask his mom...Nooooooo...


Nephew: Ummm, how do they get in mummy's belly?

Ani: **trying to keep my cool** Well, Allah puts them in mummy's belly...


Now, I am really hoping he would go away...


So I said: Why aren't you playing your new video game?


Nephew: I'll go back in bit, ummm, but how do they come out from mummy's belly?


C'mon now, ilaahaa ilehee mawaxaan dhihikaraa 'Allah brings them out'...So I said go ask your mum, I am not sure exactly how they come out...


He left yelling "MOMMYYYY!!!"...

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^safe answer KK.


I would tell them to shiraab ,don't ask such questions ,qan-dhuufana waan uu raacin laha. :D

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ciyaalka maad runta u sheegtan in aabe iyo hooyo ay habeenki bugta iska khasaan. sheekada sidaa bay ku dhamaan lahyd...

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Come on ,,, why the violence bal ?? ,, typical somalis baynu nahay ,,,


Now i still wonder how one can explain ,,,,, we need ideas

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^^What did you tell the kid?? Let me get some ideas from SOL, iisi suuk?? :D lool


Adam What were you asking about?? icon_razz.gif


JB how old are they??

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5- 8 is too young to tell them anything. Tell her waa miracle (it is true enough) Tell her, that her mother asks Allah for a child and then if Allah wishes, he gives her a child. Just so she don't ask for one, and then wonder what happened to her dua, tell her you have to have a daddy who must also make the same prayer :D

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Well that is okay...she needs to start look around some day, I mean you are already searching for her brother, so why can't she start working on it. :D


Well you can also tell her that she must be at least 16 before she can get a husband. :D


When my little niece was about 5, she put on a bit of weigh, and got a small pot-belly, her mother was pregnant at the time. So we told her she had a baby in there too. We told her she got the baby by this little Yemen boy who lived next door, because he looked at her without her hijab. :D Sufficient to say, she always wore her hijab with obsessiveness till she was 8, lost weigh and still no baby, by the she got use to wearing it anyway. :D

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