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Greatest Military Leader?

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You dont need to look for one great military leader other than Islam itself. Islam conquered the whole world and came with law and social changes. Of course that didn’t come cheap, battles were fought, lands conquered, greatest empires defeated and swallowed so the question is who were the masterminds, the military commanders who, because of their millitary skills and tactics made their names written in the history? They are many but I selected these three below:


1- Great Khalid ibn Waleed - a seasoned battlefield warrior and a general, who conquered land after land after land, defeated all of his enimeis into submission,

2- Sa'ad ibn Waqas -another seasoned warrior who fought in Badr & Uhud, the opener of Persia. conquered Persia, Azarbedjan & beyond

3- Salahudin al-ayuubi – a muslim warrior who defeated the Crusader. His goal was uniting, under his own standard, all the Muslim territories of Syria, northern Mesopotamia, Palestine, and Egypt. This was accomplished by skillful diplomacy backed, when necessary, by the swift and resolute use of military force. Muslims found that the most powerful and most generous ruler in the Muslim world had not left enough money to pay for his own burial. Illaa hadda dad ayaa ku sasa marki ay maqlan magiciisa.


So in terms of the size of land he conquered, time frame of his reign, the speed of his conquest and his small size of forces considering the masses of his opponents and of course not friendly environments he was finding himslef in, I think, no doubt, I would go for #1, Khalid ibn Waleed as the greatest ever military leader on earth.

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There are many, considering that the desert would be an important terrain for Somali generals to expertise in. Preferably read from the likes of Erwin Rommel or Bernard Montgomery.


For me i go for the classic Julius Caesar.

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