
Bosaaso oo xiisad dagaal ka oogantay

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New rebel group "Ciidamadda Xasilinta" supported by local clans have taken control of Bosaso Port and surrounding areas. 

Things are escalating quickly.



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'Markaad dheregtaan waxii dhulka u dhaca aan qaadano'[,  ayaa laga waayey madaxdii Soomaaliyeed.

How can you sell ports and other public properties without consulting the people . THe Boosaaso business community could come up more or as much money than the corrupt oligarchs of UAE. 

Most Arabs in the gulf including Saudis, Egyptians and UAE are evil to the core. Nothing good will come out from their association.Rather please the foreigner Arab sit down with your local businessmen and come up with better solutions.

WE Somalis know only UAE and the Arab despots. Certainly the world trade is bigger than them. Dahabshiil could invest Berbera.

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The UAE's clandestine operations in Puntland as well as the Bosaso Port deal, they were always seen as shoddy deals and shadowy operations. 

In any case, it seems the wheels are coming off.

The situation is even worse than I thought before. Here is an interview with one of the leaders of the new administration for Bosaso/Barri region. They seem to have taken almost full control of the city and are running the place now. 



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Cajiib. Reer Bari , Reer bari kale iska xoraynaya.

I do not think a local army could be arranged just that quick. Either it is Puntland army disintegrating or this thing was planned before. 

Since the election the rambling of the Reer Bari was going on. The parliament attack by DEni probably broke the camel's back.

We need information from the Puntlanders. Not from Tilamook who would probably hold the party line, but from Che, Dahireeto and others.

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Have you ever read about sodon guruuro, or 33 years lunar cycle, it is happening  ancient believe that past  repeats itself and recently highlighted in netflix series "Dark"

It is back to 1990!

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  On 11/14/2019 at 1:03 AM, galbeedi said:

Cajiib. Reer Bari , Reer bari kale iska xoraynaya.

I do not think a local army could be arranged just that quick. Either it is Puntland army disintegrating or this thing was planned before. 

Since the election the rambling of the Reer Bari was going on. The parliament attack by DEni probably broke the camel's back.

We need information from the Puntlanders. Not from Tilamook who would probably hold the party line, but from Che, Dahireeto and others.

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Yeah, I think they are Puntland army that broke away, 

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Today's event was about commercial interest regarding a contract involving  Puntland Development Group, an entity contracted by UAE to provide supplies to PMPF which is basically funded and run by the Emirates.

The militia was led by Ciise Yulux who felt that he was left out of the contract. It really has nothing to do with redressing reer Bari grievances. A man like Ciise merely uses clan grievances to further his personal interest.

But there's a larger problem in terms of governance. Puntland is at the same place since its creation in terms of political space. Some clans feel left out and the actual election process is corrupt. The man with the most money wins.

As it regards to reer Bari, the argument is about resource allocation. They claim that they don't get their fair share as it relates to revenue collected from Bosaso port. But the reality is the port generates revenue because many Somalis that ain't from Bari use it. Without other Somalis, the port wouldn't generate that much.

In the overall economic situation, reer Bari are not in any worse situation than reer Mudug. In fact, one can argue Mudug gets the least attention.

Like the rest of Somalia, Puntland is stagnant. And without a new creative innovation, I don't see it getting better.

And lastly, everything the UAE touches dies, it is time for them to leave.


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Shacabka puntland shar oo dhan alaha ka badbaadiyo, alahama aamiin

Dani dulqaadkiisa aad buu u yaryahay waana xanaaq dhawyahay waa ganacsade lacag kaliya u muuqato

Waxaa intaas u dheer wuxuu iskala waynaaday inuu odoyaashii dhaqanka hor fariisto oo xalkii lagusoo caano maali jiray raaco.

Wuxuu isku dayay inuu odayaal gaar ah samaysto sida jubaland

VOA bay ka shageen inay shaqo ka banaan tahay xukunka garoowe oo odayaal cusub loo baahan yahay.

Waxaa la yiri bahalada dilaaga ah oo hilib ku noolka ah, haday gaajoodaan khatar badan baa ka timaada, waxaase ka khatar badan bini aadamku markuu dhargo.

Waxa laysku haystaa waa dhaqaale carabu ku dhex tuurtay, ayadoon loo aabo yeelayn ama loo turayn shacab rootigooda la lagdamaya.


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Sakariya Waal oo Minnesota ku wareeray miyaa maanta leh dadbaan iga amar qaata iyo ciidan baan hogaaminayaa. It's really shame that he has to drag his sub-clan into this just cause some guy lost a position/contract which wasn't even in the hand of PL admin to begin with. The UAE has cancelled the said contract with Saracen/PDG and has absolutely nothing to do with political grievances this guy suffer from. He was known in the Minneapolis fadi-kudirir for this type of shenanigans. What I don't get is that why wail and whine when you know you ain't going to walk the walk. He's going to run back to MN when things get tough so why cause death to innocent people.

As for the situation in Bosaso as it stands now, Yulux guy with his militia are at the outskirt of the city and control nothing as far as important locations are concern, be it Port or Airport. His clan elders are trying to bring his little endeavor to an end before things get serious. The problem is that an officer was killed and 6 other soldiers wounded in yesterday's attack. Deni and the PL's security want to take action hence why Sakariya is rattling, but PL Isims are still trying to end the situation peacefully. We will know which way the wind will blow by tomorrow.

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  On 11/14/2019 at 5:56 PM, Gheelle.T said:

PL Isims are still trying to end the situation peacefully

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About time. 

Why they were not given the same opportunity when the folks from Xiingalool were being attacked in Garowe? Specially knowing the Sultan of East Sanaag was in town and came specifically to defuse the situation. I wonder. 


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