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Johnny B

Faith enforced

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Johnny B   

Faith as an enforced way of life


"It is not about one person, it is about challenging the Islamic system in Malaysia," said Muslim Youth Movement President Yusri Mohammad, who set up a coalition of 80 Islamic groups to oppose Joy's case. "By doing this openly, she is encouraging others to do the same. It may open the floodgates to other Muslims, because once it is a precedent, it becomes an option."


Do you honestly understand the drive some Muslims feel to FORCE others to believe and practice exactly as they do? i don't.


Maybe just maybe its not honest virtue and pure decency that such people are really after, but power to control fellow human beeings.

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Its a question of Sheria Law vs Civil Law and which one should prevail in Maylaysia in this instance.


Do you honestly understand the drive some Muslims feel to FORCE others to believe and practice exactly as they do? i don't.

You never do :D

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Johnny B   

^So setting up a coalition of 80 Islamic groups to oppose her case in accordance with the man-made laws is a valid drive to force anybody who for a reason or another is not convinced stay Muslim?.

I thought people had faith in Islam becouse they were convinced of its honest virtue and genuinity and not of its adherent's reprisals.

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Ahhh, an article from the Washington Post....objective journalism at its best-always unbiased! ;)


Whats so confusing JB,


Its about accountability and responsibility.


If you break secular state laws such as tax evasion, sexually harass a co-worker, drink and drive etc., then you will be held accountable and will have to pay the consequences.


Likewise, if you break the 'Shariah' and in particular you are of a Muslim background, you too will be held accountable and will have to pay the consequences.

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"By doing this openly, she is encouraging others to do the same. It may open the floodgates to other Muslims, because once it is a precedent, it becomes an option."

Wow, so Islam as a faith is such a noxious state, laws must be erected to keep people in it or else they will leave in droves. Any law that forces someone to believe outwardly in a religion is one tainting it. This option of not believing anymore is not granted by courts or youth groups but by the book itself. The ignorance is suffocating.

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Article 11 of the Malaysian constitution


“EVERY person has the right to profess and practise his religion.”


.. and your argument is faith by compulsion and coercion .. as naden said "The ignorance is suffocating"

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^^Say what? The article talks of an Apostate woman and her battle to be governed by civil secular laws rather than Sheria Law and not whether she can actually leave Islam as she has already done so (thats another topic). Read the article with different shades please.


This is the most important part of the article:


The highest court, the Federal Court, will make the final decision on whether Muslims who renounce their faith must still answer to Islamic courts.

All its inhabitants should be ruled by Sheria Law in the first place.


You said something about 'suffocating'? Try the 'SOL post a random piece on Islam and take it at face value' cloth. A proven self suffocating tool ;)

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Ms DD   

It defies logic to call someone Muslim if they have renounced the faith. The Court is creating an illogical fiction because the reality makes a mockery of such a judgement.


It is no use in saying that it is the law of the country. We dont accept other man made laws, why should we accept this?


This isnt about Islam by the way JB. It is about people misusing it. Stop using every obscure story as a stick to beat your former faith.

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Johnny B   

Norf, beeing flippant seems to be a forte , for once , you need to put the inherent levity aside and adress the issue.

Is your Faith enforced in anyway ? hopefully not!.


The issue is not what the secular high court decides , the issue is the 80 Islamic organizations that want her id-card remains naming the wrong Faith. instead of her real faith , namely Christianity.

What is the drive behind their campaign , what are they after? virtue? decency?

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They are fearful that allowing this woman to change her religious identity on her ID may encourage/make it seem OK for others to leave Islam and inturn be governed by civil laws. You should be asking, Is what they are doing the right thing to do?


a) Allowing her ID card to say Cristian instead of Muslim is not an issue, or at least shouldnt be an issue as she has renounced Islam already.


b) Being governed by civil law and not Sheria 'is' an issue as all should be governed by the Sheria in the first place(incl non muslims).


There is no compulsion in religion ya JB as you sadly (for you) already know.

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^^ JB, it's not so much their drive but loyalty to their funders. I look forward to a time when oil money is no more and does not fund these types of groups in nations from Yemen to Malaysia. Big-bellied millionaires simultaneously fund youth groups and religious satellite stations while releasing pop records.


In the 1940s, a man released a book in Egypt explaining why he is an atheist. Al Azhar released a rebuttal book titled "Why I am a muslim". Not much chance of that happening nowadays.


Originally posted by Northerner:


b) Being governed by civil law and not Sheria 'is' an issue as all should be governed by the Sheria in the first place(
incl non muslims

How is that?

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Quote:What is the drive behind their campaign , what are they after? virtue? decency?



Why don't get in contact with them and ask them if you are so concerned? Maybe Ayan Hersi has the answer?

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