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Caano Geel

The muufo appreciation society

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^Lol...There was "maraq" before the 'dhuuq" acceptable rudeness, me thinks. :D


Muufo, round like canjeelo, smaller than canjeelo, and very thick(10 cangeelo thick), eaten(dhuuq) with maraq.

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shehehehe horta, what is with the obsession with this imaginary chain? don't forget uma-faarax, releases faarax on the condition he doesn't call her again wrt this subject.


and what kinda 'Ssism are you propagating by chastising a faarax for his not so accidental foody stumble


Zenobia what in the world are you on about with that video ... you sure you haven't drunk too much mango juice! .. nice song btw


Zafir dhuuq, hehheheheheheh [beavis laugh]

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sheheheheh very smooth, as much as i'm impressed, i have to point out the obvious. namely, the Jung shadow complex of projecting your fears on me. To make up for your passive unconscious aggressiveness against me, i'll let you feed me. ... don't worry, we can save the muufo for the 3rd date

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Caano Muufo,LOL,You are correct,soor is the Somali version of Ugali. Softer & somewhat smoother. But,i was talking about the ingredients.


I beleive(Someone correct me otherwise),the Muufo ingredient is nothing much more than Corn flour & wheat flour. The secret,is in the ratio of mixture of the two.


My own experience tells me,that Mofa(as the coastal folks in Kenya say),needs a higher ratio of corn flour than wheat. I probably could get the ingredients of it but i dont think it will have the "Authentic Muufo" fame to it.


Is it me or are you folks from Northern Som kidding me? I.E Northerner. How could you not know Muufo aka Cajiin? :confused:

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Muufo? maxay tahayna? What is that? A combination of wheat and corn? what is the difference?


War waxaas anaga xageennda Dameeraha ayaanu Siisanaa, it's the donkeys food and other animals.

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I have a decent amount of cullinary skills, but muufo[giwis for the Northeners] just seems the hardest food to prepare, plus you have to follow a verbal, inconsistent receipe to the tee. Anywys, there are three main ingredients: corn, yeast and flour, and from the little I've seen older women do, you soak the corn in cold water overnight and mix everything [the yeast, corn and flour] together with water in a bowl ofcourse in the morning, and let it rise for couple of hours or till mixture starts to bubble. Now it takes a practiced muufo maker to bake it, iska dub maaha, you need the lady that rubs her hands under the armpits as a good luck charm before she even touches that dough. :D


Laakinse, I like my mufo barawe with shaax and saliid, unlike most of you.


Originally posted by Emperor:

Muufo? maxay tahayna? What is that? A combination of wheat and corn? what is the difference?


War waxaas anaga xageennda Dameeraha ayaanu Siisanaa, it's the donkeys food and other animals.

Warkaas iska daayee cambuulo ma cuntaa? :D . Mise other animals kaa ayadana cuna? L0L.


Noocaaga waa la yaqaaan..

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^^^ And where does the cajiin come in? No wonder your muufo sucks!....You need cajiin!...waa idin sidee ;) . Qolooyinka ku koray dibadaha iyo kuwa ka yimid qaxaraha! this muufo business is quite complex for you, let it be! :D


Emperor, assuming you know the difference between dameeraha iyo dadka, Ja?



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L0L@qaxaraha ka yimid. Taas Soomaaleenta WTF is muufo ku haayo u sheeg. :D . Cajiinka makes the muufo, la'aantiis it turns out rock hard dog treats.

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It seems like dad meeshaan ka buuxo inay waligoodba muufo maqlin, iskaba dhaaf tasting it.


Muufo sadex ayee u kala baxdaa: Muufo baraawe, muufadii Xamar laga yaqaanay and a special one Marka laga cuno. All need tinaar lagu dubo. Unlike rooti, foorno kuma haboona, that is why kuwa qurbaha laga helo does not taste anything close kuwaa Xamar ku cuni jirnay, the fresh off the tinaar ones.


According to this new book -- Soomaali Cuisine -- here is muufo baraawe's recipe:


Muufo Baraawe (Somali Bread)




2 cups of white semolina or farina flour

1/4 cup all purpose flour

1 tablespoon sugar (optional)

1 teaspoon onion powder

1 clove garlic, minced

1/2 teaspoon active dry yeast

1 1/4 cup lukewarm water

Salt to taste


Combine all the ingredients (except water) together and mix them well in a bowl. Add the water and knead to make to a dough. Cover the bowl tightly, put it in a warm place (such as the kitchen) for at least 6 hours until the dough doubles in volume; then work the dough gently with your hands. Cover and let it rise again.


Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. When the dough has risen second time, pick about half a handful with wet fingers and drop them on an oiled baking pan, spacing them 2 - 3 inches apart. Cover the pan tightly with aluminum foil and put it in the lower rack of the oven for about 15 minutes or until the bottom side of the muufo is golden in color. When done, the top of the muufo will stay white. If you want the top side to be golden, flip the muffo over and bake for 3 to 4 minutes more. Serve with any kind of sauce. Yummy with maraq bilaash!



This is probably the muufo version most Soomaalis eat in qurbaha, though it never tastes the same as those that were made in Baraawe.

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I.E Northerner. How could you not know Muufo aka Cajiin?

Oo maxa na baray? From MMA's pics they look like dumplins?


I will make a note of it and ask at the Somali restaurants here.

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I can make canjeero, is that remotely muufo-ish? Apparently making delicious muufo with herbs like black seed (the infamous xabad sowda?) is very easy, my aunt does the yummiest of all, but haven’t had time to learn it, the problem with learning how to make yummy foods is that ppl expect you to make it all the time.


MMA , your muufo does not quiet look like muufo? :confused:


Zenobia you did make up that song right? That made my day wallahi, I’ve never heard anything more hilarious...


p.s Please, not hearing of muufo is just suuro :rolleyes:

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^^ Yeah, the muufo in the pic doesnt quite look the part. But you know what you have have to do sooon as you get home now don't ya.. Get on the phone to that aunt, tell her how much you'd love to learn to make her good stuff and get the recipe ..

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