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Osborne brother's Islam Conversion

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Dr Noor's devoutly-Muslim family are said to have made Dr Osborne's conversion a condition of the marriage.


He is said to have spent months learning about Islam at a local mosque before agreeing to conduct his life according to its teachings, including praying five times a day and abstaining from alcohol


The civil ceremony at St Andrews Castle was followed by a black-tie reception with alcohol and dancing.

To each his own way I guess.

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Originally posted by ThePoint:



Dr Noor's devoutly-Muslim family are said to have made Dr Osborne's conversion a condition of the marriage.


He is said to have spent months learning about Islam at a local mosque before agreeing to conduct his life according to its teachings, including praying five times a day and abstaining from alcohol


The civil ceremony at St Andrews Castle was followed by a black-tie reception with alcohol and dancing.

To each his own way I guess.
Although I agree with you, the article doesn't say whether he was actually present at the after-party. Because his wife wasn't there and the source didn't specifically mention Dr Osborne, it can be deducted that he most likely was not there.


In addition, the bride's sister being the sole representative of her family, it's quite obvious it was aimed at the English side of the family. And the bar could have come with the venue.


Still, wrong. But not as wrong as him dancing there and drinking with the guests, which is how the paper is trying to pass it off.

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