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See they are Ahead of everyone..

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LoL, i think you need to travel a little and see the word man (you're not alone in that respect).


The same kaffir white man is making Africans poor with his CAP quota.


Ps what colour is the suit? :D

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The opportunity is there in life, will you grab it? Why are countries poor and others rich? What do the successful ones do?

If you are clever you would use the 'white man' to trade yourself out of poverty or better still with each other.


The world is full of opportunity my friend, don't buy for one second the Islamic/Lefty mantra.

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So you're basically saying the secular countries who use such policies to the disadvantge of poorer African countries is ok but blame Islam for everything including lack of development? Wow, great logic.


ps that suit was made in China :cool:

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To be fair to Africa, there are countries in Africa that have success, lets look at Botswana. Its better of than Malaysia or Thailand.

Now that country is 'medium rich' today by any standards. How did it achieve it? They all share important factors.


The opportunities are there for African countries but they don't seizie it. They can easily use existing channels to export things like textiles, but they don't. Cause there is no manufacturing industry to speak off. How can Vietnam export nikes or t shirts and not a African country?

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Good question but then again why is the Congo with all it's gold, diamonds, iron ore, copper and zinc not a filthy rich country? What are western companies/countries doing financing rebel groups there? What happened to the rule of law?

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Originally posted by Northerner:

Good question but then again why is the Congo with all it's gold, diamonds, iron ore, copper and zinc not a filthy rich country? What are western companies/countries doing financing rebel groups there? What happened to the rule of law?

Well you answered your own question there, didn't you?

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peacenow you should get familiarized by the IMF and subsidies and international law and see how it is run? The same people who pretend to help the Africans are the ones vetoing all their chances of success.

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Why are most of the wealthy people from the USA?


I am going to summarise the answer to one of my exam questions. :D


From my analysis there are several factors that have led to do this:


1. Being the leading liberal market economy the US has always favoured entrepreneurship, the reason behind this is that their social and historical roots is different from continental Europe which is the nearest rival.

The thing is nomads Europe at the turn of century was controlled by a group of elites, the monarchs, aristocrats etc as a reaction to this privileged minority the masses set up workers unions where their rights was respected and pushing the European nations into the socialist path.

America on the other was a new land, many of the people that migrated were the poor and those looking for new opportunities, the people there where not subjugated by monarchs and as a consequence did not need to protect themselves by setting up Unions.


2. During the industrialization period Americans shifted their focus to materialism, coupled with strong entrepreneurship drive some talented people came through such as the rocafella family, Ford and GM.


It is all about historical incidents.


Take the Siyad Barre regime, when he adopted the socialist framework in Somalia it was bound to fail because the Somali make up did not require a socialist model. We did not have a class system to overcome, in fact we are more similar to the US then most if not all European states mark my word.

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Originally posted by Thierry:

Why are most of the wealthy people from the USA?


I am going to summarise the answer to one of my exam questions.


From my analysis there are several factors that have led to do this:


1. Being the leading liberal market economy the US has always favoured entrepreneurship, the reason behind this is that their social and historical roots is different from continental Europe which is the nearest rival.

The thing is nomads Europe at the turn of century was controlled by a group of elites, the monarchs, aristocrats etc as a reaction to this privileged minority the masses set up workers unions where their rights was respected and pushing the European nations into the socialist path.

America on the other was a new land, many of the people that migrated were the poor and those looking for new opportunities, the people there where not subjugated by monarchs and as a consequence did not need to protect themselves by setting up Unions.


2. During the industrialization period Americans shifted their focus to materialism, coupled with strong entrepreneurship drive some talented people came through such as the rocafella family, Ford and GM.


It is all about historical incidents.


Take the Siyad Barre regime, when he adopted the socialist framework in Somalia it was bound to fail because the Somali make up did not require a socialist model. We did not have a class system to overcome, in fact we are more similar to the US then most if not all European states mark my word.

i agree with everything you said Thierry. Now we are getting to it. The bread and butter of success. We know what works, so why don't we apply. America has led the way.


What do you think about Somaliland adopting a flat tax system? To drive and consolidate these kind of principles, forward?

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I am glad that you agree with me Peacenow, because this means that you agree to the historical precedence that the USA followed i.e. the Caliphate Rashidun, Umayyad and Abbasid empires, because these super nations were in essence market based economies. The principle economic model of their system was to have the money in the market similar to the modern financial markets as opposed to keeping the money in banks. Reasons being that money in circulation enhances market growth, the current credit crunch the west faces is due to lack of funds readily available, it isn’t because the money isn’t there but it is stuck in banks earning interest rather than out there working.


The first thing Muslims Caliphs did when they conquered cities was to establish markets, Baghdad in 7th century is a good example of a city that was built around the market.

So Peacenow this Islam that you criticize so vehemently is the very originator of some of the policies that you strongly advocate for.

I agree with you that over the last couple of 100 years Muslim lands have fallen way behind than their western counterparts, but believe you me this has more to do with the fact that they have abandoned the principles that made them great.

Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, etc all had secular systems and they don’t seem to succeed.


Ps Maybe it is the name Islam you hate ( I assure you it means Peace)

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Originally posted by ThePoint:

^It's not all about the white man North. Asians and South Americans did it on their own. Just please leave Islam out of it.

Say what? :confused:


I was simply 'enlightening' Peacenow that the Europeans do not smell of roses. Not sure what your getting at.


Thierry, good points.

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Originally posted by Thierry:

I am glad that you agree with me Peacenow, because this means that you agree to the historical precedence that the USA followed i.e. the Caliphate Rashidun, Umayyad and Abbasid empires, because these super nations were in essence market based economies. The principle economic model of their system was to have the money in the market similar to the modern financial markets as opposed to keeping the money in banks. Reasons being that money in circulation enhances market growth, the current credit crunch the west faces is due to lack of funds readily available, it isn’t because the money isn’t there but it is stuck in banks earning interest rather than out there working.


The first thing Muslims Caliphs did when they conquered cities was to establish markets, Baghdad in 7th century is a good example of a city that was built around the market.

So Peacenow this Islam that you criticize so vehemently is the very originator of some of the policies that you strongly advocate for.

I agree with you that over the last couple of 100 years Muslim lands have fallen way behind than their western counterparts, but believe you me this has more to do with the fact that they have abandoned the principles that made them great.

Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, etc all had secular systems and they don’t seem to succeed.


Ps Maybe it is the name Islam you hate ( I assure you it means Peace)

A devious turn as your previous reply was nothing to do with religion. Quite interesting really as how Islamists will twist and turn every slant into a religious issue.

Islam has nothing to do with modern America and the principles in how it was founded, i studied American history, I can tell you that convincingly. Seems by your American measure, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Some would say that the reason that Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt have all failed is because they are essentaily islamic states. Or in the case of Somalia, islamic and completely arabized. You fighting the arab mans wars my friend, but he doesn't give a toss about you.

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