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See they are Ahead of everyone..

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I was reading the histories of most famous entrepreneurs around the world to find at least any african entrepreneur, what made me surprised is that most hard-working famous entrepreneurs are americans, and they always ahead of everyone--if you read their histories they strived alot to achieve their goals. What do you think, what makes them ahead of everyone..



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Below are the lists:


Ray Kroc

Sam Walton

Donald Trump

John D. Rockefeller

Rupert Murdoch

Estee Lauder

Donald Gordon

Richard Branson

Oprah Winfrey

Bill Gates

Howard Hughes

Michael Dell

Jean Paul Getty

Steve Jobs

Debbi Fields Rose

Henry Ford

John Pierpont Morgan

Cornelius Vanderbilt

Ted Turner

Warren Buffett

Andrew Carnegie

Anita Roddick

Mary Kay Ash

Akio Morita

Aristotle Onassis

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Business Laws, Int Regulations etc have always been formulated by the western govnts/businesses/trade unions etc. There is probably more to it but it will inevatably come to laws in place and the powerful backing given my govnts/lobby groups etc.


Try reading 'The Undercover Economist' which is not a thick book by the way and all will fall into place.

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Come down to what i was saying, if the rule of law is in place and the system worked, then anything is possible, even in Somalia.

Put faith in the rule of law and not in religion.

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I'm referring to it's priciple and the most important application of the rule of law is the principle that governmental authority is legitimately exercised only in accordance with written, publicly disclosed laws adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedural steps that are referred to as due process. Business or Commercial it would all fall in line.

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What about the EU's Common Agricultural Policy? Is this also a rule of law you was refering to? The same rule of law that has ensured poverty for millions of your black african farmers?


Lets differenciate between general criminal law and internationl laws/agreements aimed at squeezing others shall we?

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If you want to get into a argument about what is fair, well that is different to what i said on the prima facie of the point of rule of law. Do you agree with the principle or not.

The question he asked is how did many people in America become so rich. Why do people thrive in a country like the US than in say Iran.


The EU CAP is exercised under legislation put forward by the EU. I don;t think that is the same as the principle of due process which governs a modern nation state. Governments have ratify it, but there is a process to it. The issue is If it is law, then it must be applied. As that is what governs us. Now i may not like the CAP, then again i may not like the law that says i must pay a tv license if i have a v in my home. But law is a law.

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No arguments here. Just wished to differenciate between what you may wish to refer to as rule of law (criminal law) and unfair industrial laws which help others get ahead at the expense of the weak and the poor. Something I stated and to which you disagreed.


One knows how laws come into being and how they may be exercised. Thats just academic and doesnt really play here.


People thrive in the US more than they would in Iran because at the moment and for many a year Iran has faced sanctions imposed on it by the west based on laws/agreements formulated in the west (yes with all the knuts and bolts you mentioned). Or is all down to 'Islamism'?


UN table with only 5 permanent members? US technology not allowed to be used by Iranian companies?

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Oh please. Are you serious to suggest Iran can hold up to one second to the USA??


Let me tell you that in you Islamic state of Iran you have more drug dealers and users per capita than anywhere in the world. More prostitudes and corruption than you can shake at.

So much for their 'good and pure' state. The country is a hole.

The result is there to see. Islamism doesn't work, people don't want it. I

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Originally posted by peacenow:

Oh please. Are you serious to suggest Iran can hold up to one second to the USA??


Let me tell you that in you Islamic state of Iran you have more drug dealers and users per capita than anywhere in the world. More prostitudes and corruption than you can shake at.

So much for their 'good and pure' state. The country is a hole.

The result is there to see. Islamism doesn't work, people don't want it. I

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Are you still the only black guy in Milan who goes to work wearing a suit? :D


Dryclean the suit and tell me how Iran will NOT prosper if those sanctions were lifted considering the huge oil/gas reserves it sits on.


When you're not in an emotional disposition of course ;)

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I go to work and make a living for myself instead of doing what other Somalis do, which is to sit in their asses all day, chewing leaves, dreaming of some caliphate, when they are housed, fed and secured by the white man. 'The great satan and kaffir'. There is nothing contractdary or hypocrisy about me. Which is what all of this shariah law and islamic falsehood is all about.

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Say what? I thought we were discussing business/regulatory practices? I know you have a problem with Islam (you're not alone, the first nor the last by the way) but this is getting silly now.


ps the EU CAP quota is a secular policy ;)


hopes that ignites some thinking

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You were tring to critize why i have a job that requires I have a suit. The standards is so law in Somali Islamism. Fate determines i should waiil and cry, no?


I refuse to live my life as it is some big huge waiting room. Counting the days tll i diue so i can enter 'heaven'.

I make my own faith. If every Somali had the same work ethic and believe in the rule of law, the country would be like Singapore ..right now.


Instead what? Chewing leaves, mutuilate bits of your body, wail till judegment day, and yeah bleed the kaffir white man of welfare payments, don't matter that he is Christian. That is ok, when u take his money. But then denounce him and cry islamism in every thought. The worst kind people. Hypocrites.



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