Che -Guevara

ONLF to change name in attempt to unify Somalis

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Finally my caanoboore-boore guzzling cousins are getting some sense.😁

Keep it simple: 

The Western Somalia Liberation Front or The Western Somalia Liberation Party.

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  On 10/25/2019 at 6:59 PM, Tillamook said:

Finally my caanoboore-boore guzzling cousins are getting some sense.😁

Keep it simple: 

The Western Somalia Liberation Front or The Western Somalia Liberation Party.

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Every Somali especially Kililka agrees with you.

Except that ONLF was split from WSLF and anytime you have split there are grudges and misgivings. There are some personaities in ONLF who still hold grudges as to why WSLF was against late Barre.

Consider also other parties that played important role in Kililka, like SDL of the likes of Muhamed Dirir who solved/helped the crisis in Sudan.


I think reinvogarating SPDP maybe a better solution and some ONLF leaders may have to accept this, since they had already accepted during negotiations with Illey and Ethiopia, before Abiy and the Amxara/Oromo/Eritrea got into it.

Djibouti, Somaliland, Puntland and others would also prefer the SPDP route. It is the only way to avoid having winers and losers among Somalis. This also avoids the Siad Barre WSLF conflict since WSLF was and still is supportive of the SPDP route.



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  On 10/25/2019 at 11:31 PM, Old_Observer said:

Djibouti, Somaliland, Puntland and others would also prefer the SPDP route

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Our friend OO always tries to promote dead horses like the current SPDP. Didn't they tell you that the camel symbol of that party was slayed and buried by Somalis after Iley went down . Besides, the current ruling SPDP was never a real party like the OPD, TPLF or others. They never had central committee, wise elders or respected members. Illey filled with whom he wishes and fired others like his private business

WSLF is the perfect fit for all concerned.

Anyway, this is a good move . No sane Somali would accept a tribal name for the national aspirations of the Somalis. When the able and eloquent ant secretary of the ONLF, Mr. Maadey came our town , I asked him exactly that question about the name. I told him the time has come to change that name and unite the people, yet he kept beating the bush. At the end he said, he didn't want to start from zero and leave the legacy of their struggle.

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  On 10/26/2019 at 2:37 AM, galbeedi said:

 Didn't they tell you that the camel symbol of that party was slayed and buried by Somalis after Iley went down . Besides, the current ruling SPDP was never a real party like the OPD, TPLF or others. They never had central committee, wise elders or respected members. Illey filled with whom he wishes and fired others like his private business

WSLF is the perfect fit for all concerned.


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Always super optimist and most of the time counting his chickens before they are hatched.

SPDP is party in name, but united front in content. It was made by 4 parties and 2 activist organizations. ONLF was one foot in one foot out in SPDP. ONLF supported all work that was done for autonomy, development last 10 years.

I agree WSLF/P/Congress..would be best.

Inform your Amxara/Oromo friends this is again the 90s for Somali to figure out how to consolidate the achievements and build on them, not to destroy the autonomy.

I did not forget currently SPDP is dismantled and Abiy/Cagjar have nominal power, but still there are good people there from all regions of Kililka. The hope was that ONLF would join and take over most things instead of every time starting over.

This time as well Djibouti will have more influence on any Kililka organization, than Eritrea had with ONLF in last 10 years.


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  On 10/26/2019 at 2:04 PM, Dahireeto said:

@Abtigiisis crying under his new Amhara chair. wayway!!! 


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I just watched an interview he did in Amxara and he is really scared and crying about the coming conference.

Most Somalis now have realized they can loose the autonomy that was achieved no matter how small.


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  On 10/27/2019 at 5:10 AM, maakhiri1 said:

excellent move, but again “Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan. '

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always and in every case.

The way things are moving in Ethiopia, Kililka is in very bad shape. Hopefully all the old parties can get together and at least save the auronomy they fought for so long. Its being eroded already.

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Why nobody speak about WSLF history in Ethiopia?

People should know more about this insurgency and its fate.


WSLF and SALF were crushed by Mengistu.

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WSLF was a brilliant plan that fell victim to late president Barre eagerness to claim solely the victory against Ethiopia. By the time the campaign failed it created a split in WSLF as it did in the republic. Failure is a blame game and WSLF was blamed, north south in the repubic eveyone even in Djibouti and Kenya was all trying to explain the catastrophe.

Mengistu could not crush powder let alone something solid. BTW Mengistu is the most coward fascist and he proved it.

WSLF is one of the most important organizations in bringing Federalism to Ethiopia.

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Insurgency in Ethnically Divided Authoritarian-led Societies: A Comparative Study of Rebel Movements in Ethiopia, 1974-2014

PAG 236


Shut out of any possibility of extricating themselves from the Somali government’s iron fist, the SALF and the WSLF—once the most visible forces in eastern Ethiopia—were rendered obscure by the mid-1980s. Their demise—partly caused by excessive dependence on a power that radically changed its anti-Mengistu rhetoric and behavior after its defeat in a war with the military regime—illustrates the important lesson that autonomy is a crucial factor for the survival of a rebel group and the durability of its insurgency.

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