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Offensive or Hilarious?

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Originally posted by Blessed*:

It's silly and cute to me. Maybe a little misguided but accusing them of mocking the deen is a stretch, Ibts.

Why is that?


What qualifies as something being just "silly" and something being "offensive"?


Is mockery of the deen an acceptable action now?

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I don't consider it mockery, so your last question is off the mark.


I don't believe that there was any contempt intended on their part. The poor kids, who properly lack knowledge of fiqh were most likely celebrating their faith, though the action is misguided. Ibtisaam can ask them and feedback on why they did it.



p.s They are also Muslim, deenta kama xigtid. You owe them seventy excuses, give them just one.. smile.gif

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It is part of MPACUK "shock and ore" tactics to highlight that “we Muslim are currently lead by dummy imams in our local mosques" Their point is that the Mosques are currently run by village ****** rather than educated Muslims. While I agree and have always agreed with this, creating a statute and assimilating an act of prayer behind it is insulting to Muslim rituals, The mosque as an institution and hinders the work of imams who are currently trying to change the mosques to be more inclusive, alienating them from both sides. Furthermore, it is illogical to say I as a Muslim can make fun of Islam or rituals in Islam, however if others do, I am going to object violently and burn some flags. We can’t have our cake and eat it, any component of the religion is not up for mockery by either Muslims or anyone else. THis consistence that will help us protect the sacred elements of our deen. Otherwise it will just pave the way for malice mockery and we won’t have a leg to stand on to object.


Knowing the people in question, I am sure about their intentions and sincerity, but I’m more offended by the connotations and the road it opens up for others.


Marx: I never just follow any group, I am affiliated with many, including MPAC, but my thoughts are views are independent, I don’t do cult like mentality, I take that which is useful in any ideology and leave the rest. Oh and Marx, I don’t have anything for Asians anymore, but my ex-husband is Pakistani.

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I didn't say that it was okay for Muslims to mock Islamic rituals. The image you posted is not sacrilegious and as such people should not be quick to pass such a dangerous judgement when the intentions and knowledge of the young boys were unknown to us- you said you were sure of their sincerity, yet you insist that their action mocks the core of Islam. To me it’s just a bunch of kids who incorporated salah in their play, it’s silly, it’s childish, it goes in line with British Muslims ‘lets islamify everything’ trend but it is not a mockery of Islamic rituals.


Using the image to mock imams by MPACUK is incredibly rude, lacking foresight and contradicts their work. They should know better.

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^^Err that is what I am saying. The boys in the picture are MPAC, in fact two of them are key figures. The image is taken by MPAC, the guys are not kids having fun in the snow or default, they are above 20year old adults trying to make a point about mosques. As I said the connotations are huge and although their intentions is not to mock the Salah, in the end that is what they ended up doing.

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^^^Aaah my bad then,


No, waa still tasteless joke. What is funny about a snowman with four people behind it icon_razz.gif In fact my teacher would say it is bordering on shirk assimilating idol worshipping.

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We should burn the flag of MPAC, fair is fair and boycott them unless the offending image is removed ASAP.


P.S Ibti u should have just had a quite word with them and made sure the image did not puplicized cuase i could take it and give to the Mail . u can aimagine what their headline would be.

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^Have u NOT seen pics of trees, clouds, rocks etc shaped like they were in sujuud circulating in emails proclaiming its nature praying to Allah!

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^^^You mean those in so called "sajadah" or the shadah or bismillah?? I have, but don't see how a man made snow man can be compared to it. :confused:



I've not done any real work for MPAC for over 2years now, not even a contributing member anymore, so I only see things once they are published like everyone else.


The article is already half way down the bottom, each day they post three new articles, so by tomorrow it will be in archives.


As for boycotting the, does not work, they don't get any private or public funding, they are just a bunch of passionate people working from home, who are on target most of the time. But at times their lack of Islamic knowledge comes through.


LOL What flag? HAHAH

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I remember one of the mpac people was having a debate on Islam channel and he said to the other guy something like: all muslims are doing is banging their heads on the floor(meaning salah). I think they need to get the balance right between asking people to do more than praying and going to the mosque and actually sounding like they are dismissive of cibadah rituals, which is how they come across sometimes. Ibtisamey, advise them. :cool:

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Ibti, it makes no difference if its man made or not. Figures/pictures made artificially or not to imitate prostration are not offensive by themselves (I make provision here for those that object to figures/pics/art involving living things in totality).


Altho, with every action, its the intent that matters. If its to mock, then its offensive, if its to praise & glorify, then its not. And sometimes the same action can fall into both categories depending on who does it and in what manner.


So seeing this picture and knowing they are Muslim youth, the assumption is not that its malicious or intended to mock, but just them making light-heart of prayer.

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