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Coffe Shop Talk...

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The regulars in my local coffee shop are an informed lot. They are like any crowd found in Somali coffee shops the world over. They can talk politics until the cows come home (or the Shabab take over, whichever comes first). They dabble on the occasional philosophical discussions and they love their sports.


Like all other coffee shops, Champions League football is never missed. The coffee shop is always crowded on the days when there is a game and all regulars come out in strong support for their chosen teams (even if they do not support either of the teams playing).


However, every once in a while, they up the ante and reveal their in depth knowledge and extreme eccentricity! They did it when they all supported Arsenal against Barcelona in the 2006 Champions League final (even the Chelsea fans supported Arsenal that day). Their argument at the time was that since Arsenal had more black players and some of those looked like Somalis, they should be the teams that everyone should support. They did it again when they supported Lewis Hamilton in the Formula One races! The same argument was again applied.


But the strangest time and argument for supporting a sportsman was during the Beijing Olympics. In the weight lifting competition (the jerk not snatch), they supported a Greek competitor even though there was a Muslim Turk taking part! Their reason? Old Somali seamen worked on many Greek merchant ships and therefore, in that competition, the Greek is the nearest thing to a Somali we could have.


Now we come to the sport of kings, Tennis! Throughout the years, the regulars have supported Pete Sampras (because of his Greek origins obviously), Goran Ivanisevic (because he was manly and a winner), Rafa Nadal (for the same reason) and now, for this year’s Wimbledon they have dedicated all their support for Andy Murray (the first time they really support a cadan ingrees)!


The reason? Well, he is strong, he keeps on winning, he is only twenty-two and may become a future number one, he has self-control and does not give silly interviews (like that Jamaican 100 champion). But the real reason for this support is his name.


Every evening, they sit glued to the coffee shop’s TV screen and watching the game in silence. Every time their hero wins a point a roar of Murray, Murray, Murray erupts! At first, I thought they were calling his name in support of the man. But, later, as I sat listening to the roar and it’s different variations I realised the real reasons for this support. I shall be going later today to watch his semi-final game.


I too shall be shouting Murray, Murray, kow ka sii, wada Murray...

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Ngonge, Seems like your coffee shop comrades are SEXIST.What kind of men are they? I thought MEN cared about hot chicks on sweaty shorts.How come they NEVER watch the William sisters (now that they are meeting in the FINLAS). Maybe there is no testetorone and estrogen flow through their bodies when WOMEN come through the tube? :D

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where abouts is that marx, as in borough, town, road :D sounds like a good place. But Southall all the way for me and the occasional trip to Hayes :D

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End London? Where is that? :D

You are right, Marx but you are wrong about the exact place. The one I go to is a secret.

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^^ Don't worry for me, saaxib. It's only Marx. If I catch him I'll mug him of those shades of his (it's summer after all). :D

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The reason? Well, he is strong, he keeps on winning, he is only twenty-two and may become a future number one, he has self-control and does not give silly interviews (like that Jamaican 100 champion). But the real reason for this support is his name.

Bloody liar. Don't distort the fact that Brit Somalis have now found their British citizenship. The Andymanium is sweeping the entire Brit population and Brit Somalis are in tune with their white country man.


FYI: Murray is 2 sets to 1 down now and the 3rd set is on going. I had to get away from all the tentions in the cafe. :D


Go on, Murray! Come on son!

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