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Happy Muxaram 1428

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Sat 20th Jan will be the start of the new Islamic Year (if not then Sun will be IA).


Kulu aam wa antum bikheer :cool:


Muharram (Arabic: محرم ) is the first month of the Islamic calendar. It is one of the four sanctified months of the year. Fighting in this month is looked down upon and is often put to the side in respect for Islam. Since the Islamic calendar is lunar, Muharram moves from year to year when compared with the Gregorian calendar.


The first day of Muharram is the start of the Islamic New Year. The Festival of Muharram takes place during this month in which Shi'a Muslims especially commemorate the Battle of Karbala. The commemoration reaches its climax on the tenth day of Muharram, known as Ashurah.


This day is related to the time of Moses when he crossed the Red Sea escaping from the Pharaoh. Sunni Muslims often fast on this sacred day. However some Sunni Muslims do not even recognize this day at all.


This month of Muharram also has traditions which have no support from Islamic teachings. For example, the celebration of the Muslim new year, and the partying and card giving, etc, associated with it is considered to be a bidah and even haraam to all Shia muslims because they feel it is a time to mourn and it is haraam to express any happiness.


Muharram is so called because it was unlawful to fight during this month; the word is derived from the word ‘haram’ meaning forbidden. It is held to be the most sacred of all the months. This month is most sacred to the Shi’a Muslim community and fasting on the first ten days of the month is observed by Shi'a Muslims to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the beloved grandson of Prophet Muhammad{PBUH&HF). The tenth day is called Ashurah, meaning, ‘the tenth’, and it is a day of voluntary fasting. The Sunni Muslims also fast during Muharram and on the tenth day as recommended by the Prophet Muhammad during his lifetime.


Volume 3, Book 31, Number 147:

Narrated Salama bin Al-Akwa:


Once the Prophet ordered a person on 'Ashura' (the tenth of Muharram) to announce, "Whoever has eaten, should not eat any more, but fast, and who has not eaten should not eat, but complete his fast (till the end of the day). Saxix Bukhari

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My weekends are Thru and Fri, if the New year begins on sat, I will get three days, else only one day, I have to work on saturday.


What abt you?


btw, I am in Shj, will head 2 AD soon.

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Now sure yet. If it falls on Sun then i will get three days of as my wknds are Fri/Sat. If it falls on Sat then no holiday. But Ashura is holiday no?


Drive carefull ninyo, i saw a road rage incident this morning lol. A funny one at that

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Yeah, waiting for a while for the way clears.


The other day i saw a big accident involving two big buses, later heard on the news,around 9 died.


Ashura is NOT a holiday,sorry.

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Hambalyo ciyaal SOL. Sanad wacan oo wanaagsan Allaha ka dhigo.


The trafic bottleneck is a big minus. It can get very frustrating at times...


I gotta tell u guys UAE sucks big time in this area.

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I have been invited to a Somali Embassy Conference on Sat evening. I will be there complete with macawiis iyo bokoorad :D

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