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Why Use the Internet?

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Iam curious to find out why most of us use the Internet.


Please feel free to give your own account of why you use the Internet.




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(_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-'

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(il),-`` (li),` ((!.-` S-h-a-q-ss-ii

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It's a great technology dear....!!!


1- I can email all my friends instead of writing them letters.....i have a bad hand writing....!!!


2- I can search for info and find it right there.....instead of calling the nearest theatre for show hours, having to wait, and pressing lots of #s....i can just go online and see all those info listed.....!!! That way i also save time...!!!


3- I can comin' to the forum or chattin'....!! Why is socialization important is what i dont know....!!!



Why are u asking!!!



Another piece of my ultimate honesty...!

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Yea yea....

For most of yall, when ya here the net ya tink bout chat and mail...

used to be like tha, but kna man is changed, kna use the net to explore, not on websides but PERSONAL COMPUTERS, basicly known as HACKING, some years go, got into reading about trojans and trojanservers and running tem on peoples computer, then i got bit more experienced wif tha, kna i do tings on specific network ports, such as port 30100 and stuff, got also more familiar wif TCP/IP and ip , net protocols and telnet application, i've now skipped these and m doing someting more usefull with my time, but still on the net, i now programm routers over the net...and sometimes hack into tem...


NEXT TIME U HEAR "NET" OR "INTERNET" dont tink of chat, there is more to it than u tink, there are more offensive stuff on the net than on the road, by accessing 1site 1 spefic site u can be sent to court, infact 33% of busnisses get hacked trough the net, there is a battle going on between ANTIVIRUS programmers and HACKERZ, daily they program a software which will be unknown to VIRUS SCANNERS, these softwarez are used to hack into personal and bussniss computers and clints,.....

shit didnt even tink id be writing tis stuff on a somali page, shit yall reading tis, soz bout tis essay...



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Today most people who have emails and computers could just as easily be traced and found either through searches over the net or just by hacking if you are good at it that is. However hacking could easily drop you in hot water if caught. So if anyone is thinking of doing that then at your peril.


I found afew of my old buddies online after such along time that the net plays abig role in my life at the moment. It also acts as aplace where I could browse for my shopping before I even leave my home/office which makes life so easy.




`6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`)

(_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-'

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(il),-`` (li),` ((!.-` S-h-a-q-ss-ii

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Ohh GUEST12 u remaind me of my first year at university.. when I hacked the my teacher account, so i got the access to his exams, marks everything... but I was honest enough to tell him...Ohh god I was about to be kicked out of the university...



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Hibo keep track of my family...n my friends as well as to do..personal researches n my banking..i don't ned to stand on those long lines to access my account...its so much easier....mainly to rid my life of its hussles simple!



Each one of us is a masterpiece in progress

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I don't use internet, I live inside of it. dhexdiisa aaba la iga helaa, kana qaraabtaa.


The funny thing about that is I moved into it nearly six years ago. you find that interesting, when the use of it was rare?

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The simple answer is that it connects people to each other. The most important thing the Internet does, staggeringly important if one really thinks about it, is the amazing, far reaching, practically unstoppable way in which the Internet connects people together. The Internet allows people to communicate with each other over vast distances, and across all kinds of boundaries that formerly made communication difficult or impossible.


Using the Internet individual people are able to join with others to form, and re-form groups based on new and/or supressed common interests.

The Internet fosters new relationships, and perhaps even more importantly, new kinds of relationships. The kinds of far-reaching, casual relationships that people create using the Internet have never existed before on the scale which they do now and will in the future. In some cases these relationships will become more deeply connected.


Of course love and friendship are relationships. But so is business and so are politics.


The invention and spread of printing changed the human society deals with information. Likewise the spread of the personal computer. The spread of the world-wide network changes the way human society deals with relationshsips.


One big change is that so many more people now have the ability to connect with so many other people. Anywhere the Internet exists it is very hard to keep people who have access to it from connecting to anybody else in the world who also has access to it. that means, for example, that if you are connected to the Internet you can do many kinds of business with people anywhere in the world who are also connected.


Almost every single business and political institution on the planet will eventually be using the Internet. This is as simple as saying that they all use printing. The real question is HOW they will use it.


Every existing power structure in the world is facing the question of how to deal with the new technologies of information. Most want to use these technologies to mainatin and extend their existing power. They are working as hard as they can to do so. We have passed the point (if it ever existed) when the Internet could be shut down. Existing institutions are deeply committed to extending the reach of information networks, even as each group tries to shape those systems for their own benefit, and as newly connected people and groups try to further their (previously un-connected) interests using the new technologies.




Mohamed H. Ahmed




[This message has been edited by websemtex (edited 04-13-2002).]

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