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allow ubadka noo kori - Saado Cali

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Allow ubadka no koori - Saado Cali


Allow koonka meshaan kulaheen dagaal iyo kuleel baa ka tagane rabow meel isku gee kala yaacdey beeshiye..Ameen..


Allow keedka qaranka iyo dhalinyarada koox koox kaymaha u dadsani ha iskashadeen oo calanka ha u difacen allow wada jir nokeen...


Aan midnimada korinee allow ubadka no kori...


love you Saado...



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Originally posted by Aaliyyah:


Allow koonka meshaan kulaheen dagaal iyo kuleel baa ka tagane rabow meel isku gee kala yaacdey beeshiye..Ameen..


Allow keedka qaranka iyo dhalinyarada koox koox kaymaha u dadsani ha iskashadeen oo calanka ha u difacen allow wada jir nokeen...


Aan midnimada korinee allow ubadka no kori...


love you Saado...



This makes sense. The tribe is divided, she is praying that tribe will be united. This should be the real objective of the SSC, praying and trying to unite the tribe instead of calling for war, dead and distruction in the year 2010.

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^funny how people who are defending ther city are calling for distruction..I wonder what those who are aggressors are calling for? oh let me see Somaliland recognition. I mean can you see beyond that??


Take your nonsense elsewhere.




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Between unionist and secessionist there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship.


One has to do the right thing, and never look back.


Allow ubadka noo kori- saado! smile.gif

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I dont care about the recongnition you are taking about.


I do care about reality. And reality is that I see a tribe which is very divided, where there are (changing) different political ambitions that contradict.


Where traditional and political leaders of that tribe sing and say something in 1991,change their mind in 1998 and again in 2007. And instead of facing reality and trying to unite their own people and seeing eye to eye, some rather blame others and collect money to wage wars, while they some never collected money to feed the needy, to dig wells, to save those who say they care about.


And lets face it.

Today you want to liberate Sool from "Somaliland", and yesterday your people liberated Sool from "Puntland". This has nothing to do with wanting Somaliland or Puntland, at the end its the same desert. It has nothing to do with some wanting the Somali union, and some wanting sessesionism.


This is about not knowing what wants and turning with each wind. If I were you, I would pray that your tribe becomes united. Because winning this so called war, is losing for your kind on the other side.


Reality is sad and hard.

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Chief_Aaqil, don't you know the Xakltosiiye community love to hide from the reality? i don't know why you are bothering.

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Complete bs. Aaqil I have read enough of your posts. Don't bother acting like you care about ssc or anything as such.


Pray that your recognition takes place without laascaanod. Cuz laascaanod will never be part of Somaliland..


Libaahe and you know something about reality? Laughable!



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Aaliyyah, the reality is the only place that seems to be screaming is non other then buhoodle and nearby areas for their political misfortunates.

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^The only political misfortune that I see is the biggest mistake that Somaliland made when they invaded and occupied laascaanod. That is not a way to gain recognition...all I see is the dream of ever being recognized being destroyed...How do you think their whole bs about being peaceful is gonna be viewed? when they are occupying a land that is not theirs by force...the irony of it all.


Anyways mr somalilander aka Libaahe we will each have our own beliefs. So leave it at that...I hate having the same damn arguments.


Why does everytime I post a song of Saado your hands itch to type something..


Kindly dont bother commenting on my threads those of you who believe in Somaliland and division.


I dont wanna hear it..


Open your own thread...they are free last I checked smile.gif



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Aaliyyah, all i see is somebody running from the reality, last i checked it was the likes of xaabsade, cali sandule who invited sland to las anod, instead of playing the blame game i suggest you start with familyga, if some are pro somaliland there is nothing you can do nor saado ali.

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^that is your reality. I have my reality as well.


We had that whole argument of you saying oh you know xaabsade wlced sl to laascanod. Similarly Riyaale was working closely with Siyad barre yet he was the president of Somaliland lol.... So don't bother mentioning individuals to me...niman way jira marba meshi qadada laga siinayo aada. Hada yaa og hadii riyaale laga siiyo jago tfg in uu iska qadanayo. Some men have no principles but that is them. They don't represent no one.


Kindly stop repeating yourself.....


Open your own thread for this nonsense...



p.s Leave Saado Cali alone. How many songs are out there praising somaliland and encouraging somaliland ideology?...mise dadka kale they can not express their opinions...shaqa yeelo!

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Originally posted by Ferguson:

Between unionist and secessionist there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship.


One has to do the right thing, and never look back.


Allow ubadka noo kori- saado!

Love ? I beg to differ.

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This song was about somali unity. So I saw fit to post it in politics section..


I don't know why you moved it to the general section.



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Originally posted by Libaahe*:

quote:Originally posted by Ferguson:

Between unionist and secessionist there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship.


One has to do the right thing, and never look back.


Allow ubadka noo kori- saado!

Love ? I beg to differ.
Put a unionist male and a secessionist female in one apartment and see if love don't happen between em. :D


Allow noo kori ubadka is a great song to listen. smile.gif

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