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AGAINST ISLAM????...Think thrice...We will explain Point by Point

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Please Give me some few minutes..




Sometime, due to pressure
, you may have to contend yourself that you are a muslim and proud to be a muslim, that since Islam is a way of life and requires you to be modest, peaceful, kind and patient as you perform your obligations towards Allah,You are still a muslim and fear your God.


Sometime also some few people may have some problems with Islam as in the case of the Shariah some guys were arguing About..


Now I have compiled reliable sources of ISLAM from various research pieces I was collecting over the time...I wish you will feel easy reading them and sharing them..Please make use of them..You need as a muslim anyway..


U and ME need to help in
Islam Revival..Islam is coming back.
...Feel free with the links below and expound your research to the fullest...

Ever Wondered why A muslim does this.......



Islam Questions and Answers in English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Urdu and Indonesian..We will add Somali soon



Short answers to Islam FAQ


Islam is not a new religion...



Anything to do with ISLAM


Know Islam....FAQ answered straight



Who are the Muslims?

One and Half billion people from a vast range of races, nationalities, and cultures across the globe are united by their common Islamic faith.


About 18%(eighteen percent) live in the Arab world, and Indonesia is home to the world's largest population of Muslims.


Extensive Muslim communities also exist throughout Asia and Africa, while smaller communities live in the United States, Western Europe, and elsewhere.


Read also:


The University of Pennsylvania Islamic Dept


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Resources for our Muslim ladies...This sister says it all

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