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Vacation Report

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One place I keep forgetting about that I went to was Regent's Park Mosque. Toure took me there for Asr prayer. Man, that place is awesome!! I think I keep forgetting about that place because I didn't take my camera with me that day, so I didn't get to take any pictures of it. My memory is terrible. Insha Allah when I come back next year, I'll be going there again. LOL and the walk through Regent's Park was long and winding. I kept asking Toure "how much longer? Huff....puff...." :D

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:D:D Cadaan that walk was very long and I should have told you the truth instead of “yeh its just around the tree” but at least you got to see some swans and ducks, the closest thing those east Londoners you stayed with seeing a swan is the halal chicken at the butchers

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^ :D I remember you telling me "It's right there, look you can see the dome" so I said "Oh yeah, there it is", while I was thinking "Where? I don't see any dome" :D But yeah, definitely a nice walk in the park. Hopefully next time I'm in better shape for it. :D

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Here goes.


We went from this




and this








As we approached to land the pilot states "the weather in is, erm cool with a temprature of 17 degrees celcius and its raining". A huge oh nooooo bellowed out of the plane!

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I was not shown that type of love when I got to London..I think is because I'm black. London was an awful experience for me. I was staying there for a bit before I headed to SL..I was glad to be leaving the hell-hole to Africa. I'm glad you enjoyed your stay in London homie.

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Ms DD   

The weather doesnt look so bad there North.


Africaown: Blame the SOL men. But then you should have adveritised your arrival here and even gave your number out. Soo dhaweyn party baa laguu qaban lahaa. Xaal marin baad u baahantahay.

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^^He was probably stuck in a house and never shown around (typical reer London).


The weather was ok that day.

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I find this weather thing a little strange. Are you guys saying that if someone goes to London in the summer they can't expect some sun? Northerner and Cadaan went in the spring, so is it really all that unusual that there'd be rain?

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^^End of May is spring?? Apparently it was gorgeous for 2 whole weeks prior to our arrival. Everyone we saw kept commenting 'it was nice before you two came' :rolleyes:


I wasn't too bothered about the weather.

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I was lost and looking for the Distric Line Eastbound only to find out I'm at the wrong station!!


Nice pic though :cool:



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