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Gal Gala Town?

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^^^We are not hijacking.Matter of fact I think we are laboring industriously here teaching people second/third language here. smile.gif


PS I don't like the guy you put on your avartar.Don't make me swaddle inside my cocoon with Maaseer.

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Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn:


Anyway, What is so special about this town?

I found a piece of useful info written by a Somaliaonline nomad known as Summaria warrior. This site has a wealthy of info if you go to the search box.



If I am not mistaken this is the historic site locally known as the “âœlaba indhoodâ” mountain aka Christ worshiping European vagabonds’ first markings of their presence in rural Somalia - the British first, and then the Italians.


What you are looking in the first picture is the face of Christ himself, right in the middle of Galgala, aka Gaal Gala (get it). By the time the Somalis worked out the significance of it, it was deformed, but the marks remain on site to this date.


The second picture was intended to be the Cross a part (horizontal portion) of which had been removed soon after it was marked, and only one piece of it remains standing.


Rumour has it quire number of Somalis died before the picture on the maintain was defaced and the horizontal portion of the cross was removed leaving the vertical half in place.


Legend has it, both had been there well before the European got to Somalia’s heartland.


I suppose it shall make a topic of discussion for the historians to devour.


Best of luck,


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K-Tuunshe,That is some interesting stuff. Samurai Warrior was a rather captivating individual. You know,though,i am quite skeptical about historical Somalia,partly because theres really no documented evidence and partly because it is so exxagerated as such.


I would however look into this one....


Stoic,L0L,You are correct,Gurach is indeed black,i should have said,Galgala means mugdi/night darkness i suppose. What do i know? i aint no oromo.


CL-Sema smile.gif

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Originally posted by cynical lady:

FB- mamboz nawe, umepotea siku hezi?

I come,I flood,i go. L0L. No,I have been busy these days...But am back to tekhokhize people again smile.gif


Gurbaa, akam bultee ? nagayaa mii

Nagee bultee,Bultee Bul! smile.gif

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