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Children are there to stop you enjoying yourself.

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According to French writer, life would be all the more sweet without children. What thinks you?




— Childbirth is torture


— You will become a mobile feeding bottle


— You will struggle to continue having fun yourself


— You will lose touch with your friends


— You will have to learn a language of ****** to communicate with your children


— Your children will kill your desire


— Children sound the death knell of the couple


— Having children is conformist


— Children are expensive


— You will be duped into thinking that there is such a thing as a perfect child


— You will inevitably be disappointed by your own child


— You will be expected to be a mother before you are a professional and a woman


— Families are a nightmare


— Children will put the seal on your childhood dreams


— You can’t stop yourself wanting complete happiness for your progeny


— Staying at home to look after children is breathtakingly dull


— You have to choose between motherhood and professional success


— When a child appears, the father disappears


— There are already too many children on the planet Children are dangerous. They will take you to court without a second thought.



I wonder how her parents feel about this. Read extended interview, here .

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Here is a quick reply, ayaayo :D


From The TimesAugust 24, 2007



Sex? No, I’ ll go for the double bed plus cat



Celia Brayfield: Thunderer



Ever since they invented Viagra I’ve lived in dread of a survey like the new University of Chicago study which found that half its respondents over the age of 65 are having regular sex. The most tedious aspect of being a baby boomer is the persecution by raddled eroto-Nazis hell-bent on imposing the dogma that sex is the most important thing in life. They seek to compel everyone to be shagging forever in an endless summer of love. Already, every glossy magazine targeting women over 35 assumes its readers want to be as fruity and fabulous as Dame Helen Mirren. And now, dammit, they’ve got statistics on their side.



Sex seems like the most important thing in life only when there’s a raging tempest in your endocrine system. When Hurricane Eros is over, you should be permitted to enjoy other pastimes, like running a country, reversing global warming or babysitting your grandchildren.



Did you notice that the French writer Corinne Maier included “they will kill your desire” among her 20 reasons not to have children? Allo? Excusez-moi? Traditionally, making babies is the point of desire. Should you then choose to move on, no silly French tart has any right to sneer at you for doing what comes naturally.



The first good-looking puer eternus in my life once said that when he was grown-up he’d like to be grown-up, please. Good thought. Now I’ve been there, done that, ripped off some damn fine T-shirts and I’ve bloody well earned the deep peace of a single-occupancy double bed plus a nice cat.



Instead, I find myself harangued by overage rock-chick mates in cheesewire thongs who still start every phone conversation with: “So have you met anyone?” “Hey,” I say, hoping to change the subject, “why don’t we check out the Intelligence Squared debate on globalisation?” “I don’t know,” comes the answer, “will there be any men there?”



One of this crew is in love for the very first time at the age of 50-plus. She witters like Cathy over Heathcliff and spends a fortune at Agent Provocateur. Sweethearts, it’s not a good look.



Boy-craziness in the bus-pass years is a staggering waste of time. Unseemly. Embarrassing. Expensive, with implications for PEPs, SIPPs and cohabitee’s property rights. And nothing like as big a thrill as curling up on the sofa with a great new novel.



I love sex; the young and beautiful, drifting about on pink clouds of passion are as adorable as three-year-olds making daisy chains. If I choose to pass on the passion myself, I’d like some respect for that decision. I don’t want a belly-button piercing and I don’t want to wave my arms in the air at Glastonbury. I want all the natural benefits of graduating to size16 jeans, especially the ability to walk past a building site and hear nothing but pneumatic drills. So will the University of Chicago please get off my case?




Edited to make it more readable.

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Whoever believes having no children is good thing is being selfish..why?


Well look at it this way. You are produced and you don't want to reproduce. Selfish.


yaaciya ciyaalka. Kolay waad dhimanaysaane.

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Why deny oneself of this natural experience,its a natural process, for a being to be born,grow,produce and then die!...cruel reality of time and life..


If parenthood is viewed negatively,it sure looks like doomsdale,but when you embrace it in a positively ,oh lord,its the most amazing experience!


Those little hands,that smile when they see you,that laughter when you tickle them,ah! the way they smell..,those cute tantrums..all in all,I wouldnt have had it otherwise!

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Iam a new mother just 2 months old, believe me u guyz who aint parents yet r missing happiness in a fullfiling way, the tougher the struggle, the sweeter the fruits!


from the day u concieve, you anticipate something new each day foreward, something VERY POSITIVE, is anyone saying work is paradise, aint it struggle all roung looking so foreward to weekends and sweet holidays?


I have tasted both, and I will give anything for parenthood!


Iam intouch with freinds daily, and as a couple we have never been more closer and in love.


For those who intend to marry, pls do for it is a sunnah and trust me you will be a more worthy human being and may Allah bless u with plenty of kids, AAMIIIIIIIIIIn

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a women without a kid is like a car without brakes...! its natural process, and when this circle is completed, i believe women become mothers.


yo, thats a new whole ball game. the tip of to iceberg. this women then earns status, repect and great wisdom.

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^^what is a man without children then rudy?since it takes two to tango.And just because it's natural doesnt mean it's good.

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After spending time with friends' spoiled rotten brat, or see young children screaming and hollering in a store, or cussing at their parents. Waxaan iraa, waxan may dariishada ka xooraan! Then my maternal instinct takes over and I come to my senses. They may be the reason our hair falls out, but when they wrap their arms around you and give you a kiss and a hug it just seems so worth it.


may Allah bless u with plenty of kids, AAMIIIIIIIIIIn

Amiin. smile.gif

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loooooooooooool@zenobia :D



This must be written by ma dhaleys quus ah :D



You can only see the beauty of the children when they smile at you, hug you, kiss you and play with you.

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Does this French writer have any kids?


It is all worth it, when you see your child smile, kiss you, hug you, and talks to you in a language only you and him/her understand...


Ju = Juice

Shasha = Shower

Daddy qoom = daddy home?


Ohhh, if you ain't a parent yet, you haven't got a clue as what you're missing...It ain't all sweet and dandy all the time...But it is well worth it...




News paper anyone!!! :D:D:D

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Haa, she has two ilmo, aged between 10 and 13, I think.


People should understand where she is coming from. It is Faransiiska, where children are basically a commodity. Where children are thought not in human terms or viewed blessings from Eebbe, but in economical reality.


Children are the future taxpayers, the future pension payers, thus that is why that country's government and many other Western nations with declining birth-rates, encourage single women to have children and some even pay thousands upfront per child; Jabaan, Faransiiska, Jarmalka and Talyaaniga being the forefront. Others like Kanada and Iskandineefiya subsidize families with children.


So one has to understand that political reality she is in, where children are not only the future investment of the family, but that of the government: A future working bees that they can milk them off. The more children, the better.

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