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Seven wonder of Somalia?

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I hear there is a new competition for to find to find the new wonders of the world. So what are the seven wonders of Somalia? Do we have any wonders to offer the world?

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Oh, yeah, why not! alwayz proad to have places like Bermuda, Cirtoogte, Habar Walid, Galgalato, Shinemo Galkacyo (a unique cinema), Bali Kibir & last but not least Naaso Hablood. ;)

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I'm sure that we would shine with the following national treasures


1. Hatred

2. Mistrust

3. Bigotry

4. Nepotism

5. Corruption

6. Incompetence

7. Greed

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^^Lol,he is just expressing his disappointment in the Somali race! :(


I am sure there are alot of national treasures around Somalia,waiting to be discovered..


Oh the ancient mosque ruin in Zaylac,Its believed to be one of the oldest mosques in Africa.

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^^I went to see what the big deal was^ I was impressed, it should make the list.


Caano Geel. To quote Rokko, "I don't Like you anymore" :D

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sweets, thats a good step forward, extra points for using another mans words against me, but the feebleness of the 'Hate' quotient in that comment is letting the side down! you must try harder and add venom next time ;)

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I'm trying and people like Caano Geel are knocking me back! :(


Caano Geel:

Come on now dear, how hard do i need to try, it is the number 1. national treasure :rolleyes:

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caano Geel, I think you should be banned just for that comment alone. How dare you insult the noble Somali farax race?


Anyway Here are some wonders of Somalia:






I will post more startling wonders of Somalia at another time, stay tuned.

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